Friday 7 December 2012 | Published in Entertainment
International artist Spawnbreezie’s Rarotonga show has been postponed.
Friday 7 December 2012 | Published in Entertainment
Encouraging Cook Islanders to compose gospel songs in Maori is the incentive behind the new album by Ru and da boys.
Friday 7 December 2012 | Published in Church Talk
When we keep the spirit of Christmas, we keep the Spirit of Christ The Christmas spirit is the Christ Spirit. It will block out all the distractions around us which can diminish Christmas and swallow up its true meaning.
Wednesday 5 December 2012 | Published in Church Talk
Pastor John Tangi (above) of New Hope Church has started the Christmas season in the giving spirit.
Tuesday 4 December 2012 | Published in Entertainment
It’s that time of year to dust off your Santa hats, search for some Christmas holly and get down to Rotaract’s annual Christmas in the Market taking place on Wednesday.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Entertainment
Emile Rima is proving there is life after Raro Idol after recording his first album almost two years after winning the island-wide singing competition.
Saturday 1 December 2012 | Published in Art
International recording artist Spawnbreezie will be making his debut appearance in the Cook Islands on Friday.
Friday 30 November 2012 | Published in Church Talk
At the recent opening of the Arorangi jetty on November 2, I was pleasantly surprised that included in the ceremony was a segment recalling how the gospel arrived on Rarotonga.
Friday 30 November 2012 | Published in Church Talk
Four teenage students from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints graduated from their seminary scripture study course which they completed recently in October.
Thursday 29 November 2012 | Published in Entertainment
Preparations are well underway for Rotaract’s Christmas in the Market scheduled to take place on December 5 at the popular Punanga Nui Markets.
Monday 26 November 2012 | Published in Entertainment
Upcoming film competition Film Raro has launched its second international film team and a royally-themed short-film script.
Saturday 24 November 2012 | Published in Art
Laser lights and dance performances wowed audiences at the Oe Vaka art and sculpture exhibition opening on Thursday night.
Saturday 24 November 2012 | Published in Entertainment
Jaik Berg received a warm reception from music fans in Australia.
Friday 23 November 2012 | Published in Church Talk
Only one path leads to greatness in God’s kingdom – the path of servanthood.
Wednesday 21 November 2012 | Published in Art
It was to the sound of ukuleles that the Giveaways exhibition opening took place last week. The exhibition is the latest work by artist Tabatha Forbes, and features her distinctive detailed painting on ukuleles that she designed.
Saturday 17 November 2012 | Published in Art
Local carver Michael Tavioni is addressing modern problems using traditional knowledge.
Friday 16 November 2012 | Published in Church Talk
“Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me (Jesus Christ)Ka kimi marie I te au tuatua I tataia ra; no te mea, te manako ra kotou ka rauka te ora mutukore I reira: na ratou ra oki e akakite ia Iaku (Iesu Mesia) ra” – John/Ioane 5:39.
Friday 16 November 2012 | Published in Church Talk
The first thing that you should share inside of a relationship is your life. And we’re talking about your everyday, ordinary, mundane things of life. I mean it’s good to get together and talk about the big concepts of life, but really, relationships happen when you just care what happened today.
Thursday 15 November 2012 | Published in Entertainment
Competition is heating up in the Philippines as Miss Earth contestants including Miss Cook Islands Teuira Napa step up their campaign ahead of coronation night on November 24.
Wednesday 14 November 2012 | Published in Entertainment
Think you’ve got what it takes to take on some of Rarotonga’s best string-bands?
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