
Social web art project on track

Tuesday 14 May 2013 | Published in Art

Local artist Judith Kunzle is well on her way to drawing 200 portraits of people who live in Rarotonga in order to form a social web of people she meets throughout the year.


Opera duet combine talent

Saturday 11 May 2013 | Published in Entertainment

Now in its third year “Opera in Rarotonga” is bringing back Cook Islands Pacific Tenor Bonaventure Allan Moetaua and combining his talents with rising star on the opera circuit- New Zealand born Samoan Mezzo Soprano Elisha Fa’i Hulton.


'I was given just 11 weeks to live'

Friday 10 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Psalms 8:4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? How can one survive a life threatening sickness that grasps you in the prime of your life, a sickness so aggressive that it devastates those that love you; it literally shatters you to pieces as it reaches to the depth of the core of your soul with its deathly grip? Only through the grace and mercy of God! I was on the mission field in Townsville, Australia, where I had been pastoring for a few months, when I was diagnosed with thyroid and throat cancer.

Church Talk

Preaching the truth

Friday 10 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk

We are living in a ‘politically correct’ world today.

Church Talk

Sisters in sync

Saturday 4 May 2013 | Published in Entertainment

2012 and 2013 female dancer of the year Mary Taio was joined by her equally talented sister Mona during her victory dance when it was announced that she had successfully defended her national title.


International phenomenon Film Raro comes to fruition

Saturday 4 May 2013 | Published in Entertainment

Film Raro is an international phenomenon taking place in the idyllic South Pacific location of Rarotonga this month.


Work is fundamental to dignity

Friday 3 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk

May 1 traditionally has a strong association with the International Workers movement.

Church Talk

'Get pregnant with the things of God'

Friday 3 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Members of the New Hope Church will be reaching out to young people at the Punanga Nui markets this Saturday.

Church Talk

Top dancers prepare for competition

Tuesday 30 April 2013 | Published in Entertainment

Top Cook Islands dancers will take to the Are Karioi stage this Thursday for the national dancer of the year competition.


Open air gallery at gardens

Monday 29 April 2013 | Published in Art

The seven acre Maire Nui Gardens in Titikaveka is blooming with more than just exotic flowers with the addition of stunning art pieces now adding to the tranquil atmosphere of the stunning property.


Dancers set the scene for championships

Tuesday 23 April 2013 | Published in Entertainment

Friday night’s fantastic dance performances by expatriates that call Rarotonga home and mature golden oldies dancers have set the tone for remaining dancer of the year shows.


'Same-sex marriage is wrong'

Saturday 20 April 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Dear Editor, I refer to your article of Thursday April 18 ‘Kiwis say OK to same-sex marriage’ (pg 4).

Church Talk

Lefebre's modelling career takes off

Saturday 20 April 2013 | Published in Art

From being discovered while shopping, at St Luke’s mall in Auckland to strutting her stuff on the Paris catwalk– Cook Islander Olivia Lefebre is making a name for herself in the tough world of fashion.


It's now or never – the importance of baptism

Friday 19 April 2013 | Published in Church Talk

This coming Sunday there will be a combined praise and thank you service at the National Auditorium.

Church Talk

Pacific conference of churches

Friday 19 April 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Some of you readers may remember the Pacific Conference of Churches General Assembly held in the Cook Islands in 2002.

Church Talk

Hula Mania an extravaganza

Saturday 13 April 2013 | Published in Entertainment

The world’s King and Queen of Hula will be crowned this December when Hula Mania comes to Rarotonga.


Avatea put on marine exhibition

Saturday 13 April 2013 | Published in Art

A unique ‘marine exhibition’ was held at Avatea School on Friday morning where students showcased their knowledge of the sea. Skits, songs, dance and power point presentations drove home to parents and teachers what the students had learned during the marine unit they conducted through the term.


Celtic folk by Hand on Heart

Saturday 13 April 2013 | Published in Art

A show that weaves its way through traditional, contemporary and original songs and tunes from Scotland and Ireland, is coming to Rarotonga next week.


Atiu selects best for dancer of the year

Friday 12 April 2013 | Published in Entertainment

With the annual dancer of the year competition just around the corner – dancers are polishing up their acts ready for the cultural extravaganza.


Who wants a worthless donkey?

Friday 12 April 2013 | Published in Church Talk

The scriptures teach us that an important part of mortal probation will be making choices (the right choices).

Church Talk

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