
Telco deregulation: A chance for the 'little guys'

Tuesday 27 May 2014 | Published in Weekend

Local commentator Bill Carruthers has taken a keen interest in telecommunications developments, both here in the Cook Islands and overseas.


Should locals buy Telecom shares?

Saturday 24 May 2014 | Published in Weekend

Local commentator Bill Carruthers has taken a keen interest in telecommunications developments, both in the Cook Islands and overseas.


Church Talk: Let your light shine

Friday 23 May 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).

Church Talk

Jesus Christ: 'Gift above all gifts'

Friday 16 May 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Acts 1:8, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon thee; and ye shall be witnesses unto Me (Jesus), both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the utter most part of the earth...

Church Talk

Visual arts enjoy German connection

Saturday 10 May 2014 | Published in Weekend

German artist Barbara Bull is a teacher of visual art, and she has 30 years of experience in teaching young people in secondary schools in Germany.


Obituary: A lifetime of service to sport

Saturday 10 May 2014 | Published in Weekend

Andre Raoult slipped away from us all in Marseille, France at 8.30pm on Thursday March 20.


How to give and get respect – Part 2

Friday 9 May 2014 | Published in Church Talk

In part one of this article we spoke of some of the reasons why we should give and receive respect. One of the primary reasons is because God created every human being there is.

Church Talk

Rising star back for Opera in Raro

Wednesday 7 May 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Now in its fourth year, “Opera in Rarotonga” is bringing back rising star on the Opera circuit New Zealand-born Samoan Mezzo Soprano Elisha Fa’i Hulton.


Telecom's top man bids farewell

Saturday 3 May 2014 | Published in Weekend

Reclining in a tall leather chair with hands clasped behind his head, Jules Maher looks exhausted but relieved.


Trigger Fish hits 100 downloads

Saturday 3 May 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Local soul funk duo Triggerfish have hit the 100 downloads on Soundcloud with local song ‘I Raro i te tumnu’ and are set to celebrate that achievement touring to New Zealand to perform Titirangi, Piha and Raglan on April 24-27.


Am I a trustworthy person?

Friday 2 May 2014 | Published in Church Talk

I went to buy groceries in a dairy shop in New Zealand a few days ago, and the shop keeper told me he do not trust anybody.

Church Talk

Churchtalk: What on earth do you expect?

Saturday 26 April 2014 | Published in Church Talk

It is time to increase our expectation in Jesus Christ who wants to move now.

Church Talk

Anzac Day: We remembered them

Saturday 19 April 2014 | Published in Weekend

Those gathered for the 99th Anzac Day dawn parade were urged to value their freedom, and those of others; to hold dear the values of democracy and a respect for human rights.


Government response to TMV submitters

Saturday 19 April 2014 | Published in Weekend

Significant changes have been made to the Te Mato Vai Master Plan as a result of formal and informal consultation over recent months.


Beware of false doctrines – Part 2

Saturday 19 April 2014 | Published in Church Talk

In continuation from last week's article: Those whose conduct and teaching contradicts the Word of God are to be marked and to be avoided.

Church Talk

Easter Sunday – the Risen Lord

Saturday 19 April 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Given we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus tomorrow, my thoughts turn to what it was like for those living at the time of Jesus to encounter the Risen Lord and what might this encounter be like for us today.

Church Talk

Beware of false doctrines

Friday 11 April 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Refuting false doctrine and belief is one of the duties of the Church.

Church Talk

Paddy Walker honoured with award

Saturday 5 April 2014 | Published in Weekend

Beloved Cook Islands resident Eleitino Paddy Walker has been honoured by the University of Auckland for her “exceptional, unique and distinguished” service to education.


Acts line up for the Beach Day Out

Saturday 5 April 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Planning for this year’s Beach Day Out music festival to be held on Easter Friday (April 18) at the Safari Tours beach venue in Nikao is well advanced.


Reo Tongareva wins composers comp

Saturday 5 April 2014 | Published in Entertainment

A powerful diva performance coupled with strong lyrics to keep alive te reo sumaringa of Tongareva won composer Mita Soa Tini the 2014 Composers Competition top prize and honours.


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