Saturday 12 July 2014 | Published in Weekend
In 1980, The National Film Unit in New Zealand gifted Te Papa Museum (known then as the National Museum) a collection of black and white glass plate negatives by George Robson Crummer, an amateur photographer resident in Rarotonga from 1890.
Saturday 12 July 2014 | Published in Weekend
With the focus put on waste management recently by the Democratic Party outlining its policy on the subject, the release of a new Asian Development Bank report on the challenges faced in this area by the Cook Islands is timely.
Saturday 5 July 2014 | Published in Church Talk
With elections taking place next week, our Church Talk correspondent Mauri Toa thought this poem by Louis Gander says it all…
Tuesday 1 July 2014 | Published in Weekend
In a simulated emergency communications test, Rarotonga Amateur Radio Operators (hams) contacted over 600 other ham radio operators in 38 different countries on five continents during one 12 hour period last weekend.
Monday 30 June 2014 | Published in Weekend
Natural Heritage Trust Director Gerald McCormack has made a full study of the recent spider infestation that has caused both concern and angst on the island.
Saturday 28 June 2014 | Written by Emmanuel Samoglou | Published in Features, Weekend
Roughly 40 workers from China have travelled far from their native homeland to participate in one of the largest infrastructure undertakings in Cook Islands history.
Friday 27 June 2014 | Published in Church Talk
Youths from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints rendered service to the community by collecting recyclable rubbish along the Avatiu Stream waterway last Saturday.
Friday 27 June 2014 | Published in Church Talk
Text: Psalm 75: 6 & 7, “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
Saturday 21 June 2014 | Published in Weekend
Another seasonal session has concluded for student training restaurant Kai Reka, and as usual, flavours and plates astounded – nothing unusual there.
Friday 20 June 2014 | Published in Church Talk
Your mind is an amazing creation of God. It handles billions and billions of bits of information. It can process 800 memories a second for 75 years and never get tired.
Saturday 14 June 2014 | Published in Weekend
The technology employed by Treddlecats - a common sight in Muri lagoon - could soon be ploughing through the high seas if Ken Kingsbury can realise the bold plans he has to take his invention to a grander scale. Kingsbury wants to take the propulsion technology used by Treddlecats and develop an “ocean powered” vessel that could potentially be used to ferry passengers back and forth to the outer islands. Here, Kingsbury describes the challenges he’s up against, and what it will take to realise his vision.
Friday 13 June 2014 | Published in Church Talk
Two nights ago I met a happy young couple in the shop in Muri, we exchanged greetings and they asked me, “How’s things’? I replied, “Taking it one step at a time”
Tuesday 10 June 2014 | Published in Weekend
For most people, if they have vaguest idea of what an Amateur, or “Ham” Radio operator is, they associate them with the first communications out of any disaster area.
Friday 6 June 2014 | Published in Church Talk
Sacrifice – one of the definitions from the Oxford Dictionary include – An act of giving up something valued and treasured for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.
Wednesday 4 June 2014 | Published in Weekend
Rod Henderson is Australian and a retired police officer from Victoria, who is interested in unsolved cases that have occurred in the Cook Islands.
Wednesday 4 June 2014 | Published in Entertainment
Mezzo-soprano Elisha Fa’i Hulton will be singing on Radio New Zealand’s Concert this afternoon at 6 pm, Cook Islands time.
Tuesday 3 June 2014 | Published in Entertainment
Mezzo Soprano Elisha Fa’i Hulton told the Saturday night audience at Opera in Rarotonga that it was the mezzo sopranos who got all of the 'witch parts' in opera while the supposedly more exulted sopranos played princess roles.
Saturday 31 May 2014 | Published in Weekend
Local commentator Bill Carruthers has taken a keen interest in telecommunications developments, both here in the Cook Islands and overseas.
Friday 30 May 2014 | Published in Entertainment
Opera lovers are in for a treat this weekend when Elisha Fa’i Hulton makes a return visit to Rarotonga to perform at the Crown Beach Resort tomorrow and Sunday.
Friday 30 May 2014 | Published in Church Talk
Jesus told stories to his disciples and to the crowds to convey the mystery of the kingdom of God.
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