Tuesday 23 September 2014 | Published in Weekend
Mynahs were introduced to Atiu in 1916 by the Cook Islands government to control stick insects which were damaging the copra industry on the island. They soon became a pest in their own right. Journalist Sally Nowlan wrote this story after recently re-visiting Atiu.
Friday 19 September 2014 | Published in Church Talk
Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ...te akatuikaa anga atu i te aumanako ravarai i te akarongo i te Mesia ra” – 2 Corinthians 10:5b.
Monday 15 September 2014 | Published in Weekend
Aitutaki – not only the lagoon Czech astronomer, photographer and journalist, Petr Horálek fell in love with the Cook Islands in 2010 when he visited Rarotonga for the first time.
Sunday 14 September 2014 | Published in Weekend
Czech astronomer, photographer and journalist, Petr Horálek fell in love with Cook Islands in 2010 when he visited Rarotonga for the first time. He recently returned, and has written about his experience after visiting several islands to view the marvels of the universe – from paradise.
Saturday 13 September 2014 | Published in Church Talk
Most people struggle with three issues: The first is the issue of identity – Who am I?
Saturday 6 September 2014 | Published in Weekend
Sandra Bueti and husband Vince recently travelled to the Cook Islands to retrace the footsteps of her father, Neil Cooper, who had visited the South Pacific roughly 70 years ealier. The adventurous Cooper documented his travels with what is now a treasure trove of photos.
Saturday 6 September 2014 | Published in Entertainment
Pacific Films and the exchange and promotion of Cook Islands films is the driver for establishing the Koko Nati Film Festival which will be held in the last week of September at the Kokonati Cafe in Matavera.
Friday 5 September 2014 | Published in Church Talk
What is your story? Jesus has called us to be witnesses. It is like when people look at you, they get the BIG picture. It’s all about enacting and sharing what happens from within. The challenge is how we see and value our journeys. Admittedly, the journey is not all rosy, but very real and in that scenario God is also very real in His pleading and dealing with us. In the Bible, God always wants the best for us and He demonstrated and lived through it in sending His Son who gave up His life for you and me. His journey offers us a lot of encouragement in firstly dealing with our journey and witnessing to others.In one incident, Jesus went across the lake with His disciples, on arrival a man possessed by demons came to challenge Jesus, however, in the course of their discussion he gave his heart to Jesus and wanted to follow Him, but Jesus told him you go to your home and tell them what the Lord has done for you. The little information given in the Bible in Mark 5, tells us this guy had a very rough history. People were afraid of him, he yells and howls day and night among the tombs and was clearly possessed by demons. Imagine then what is included in his story, life before meeting Jesus and his life after meeting Jesus. Jesus told him tell your friends and family about the change that happened in you. He did, and many people were amazed with his story and they heard and saw it themselves.This last week, in a seminar we were doing with our pastors, we were asked to share a little bit of our story. So here is my short story and I entitled it “in a nutshell”. “Wow what a journey!!! I grew up in a family that loved the Lord. My dad was a pastor and my mum worked in the Mission office. I’m glad I had wonderful parents who loved me and gave every opportunity to me to do better in life. I left home at a very young age and went over to New Zealand to do my high school years there. I was living with my aunty who did not share the same values as that of my parents. I stopped attending church and started to do things which would break my parent’s hearts. I returned to Rarotonga and got involved with friends who were also sorting themselves out. Then for a good year or so I got involved with clubbing, alcohol and smoking. In fact, I played in a local band in clubs. I still loved the Lord, my parents and family.I was going to church to please them, but, will definitely go out at night.My parents sent me to Fulton College in Fiji. I arrived in Fulton drunk and slept my first night there on a table. I was intoxicated. I do not even know up to this day why I wasn’t sent straight back on the next flight. I made friends in Fulton and would sneak to Suva to party hard. That went on for the first year I was there. A Solomon islander friend talked to me and suggested I become a pastor because of my voice. I laughed at it, and three years later I graduated from the ministerial course.Today, I love the Lord with all of myself, for working behind the scene in my life. He has given me a wife suggested by the same friend who asked me to be a pastor, he gave me three wonderful children. I have so many questions to God about my life, but I’m content because I know despite my zig-zag journey, I remain a priority to him. I love Him heaps. God continues to be involved in our story, He wants the best for us. We have the picture of Him standing at the door of our hearts, knocking and wanting to spend quality time with us. With so much negativity happening around us, needless heartaches and pain, the collapse of morality and the respect of others, it is high time to get God seriously involved in our life. There is no other way for us as we face challenging times whether it is personally, with our family, our community and the wider world we live in.We have an enemy who is putting all the blame on God for the sufferings, calamities we’re facing. Even with strong destructive opposition to God by Satan, the Bible tells us that God in His love for us won the victory for us with all of His heart to share with us now and for evermore.In John 10:10 – “The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.” Continue with God, because it’s a winning partnership with eternal consecrations. Have a great weekend and continue your story in the Lord. Blessings Pastor Eliu SDA Church
Saturday 30 August 2014 | Published in Features
Captain Moko stood sure-footed in his cabin, wielding a razor-sharp knife in one hand. With the boat rocking and rolling in the big swell, he picked up an orange and expertly peeled it in one long, smooth movement.
Friday 29 August 2014 | Published in Church Talk
In the gospel of Jesus Christ, faith is the first principle. Faith is the foundation of belief and conversion and the basic principle of strong religious feelings and beliefs.
Friday 22 August 2014 | Published in Church Talk
On Sunday August 24, two priests of the Diocese of Rarotonga will be celebrating 60 years of priesthood.
Thursday 21 August 2014 | Published in Entertainment
Sensational stage performer ‘Cindy of Samoa’ is looking forward to bringing sunshine and laughs to her local audience.
Friday 15 August 2014 | Published in Church Talk
In Romans 12, Paul wrote that we should be living sacrifices, transformed in our minds so that we please God and do his will.
Monday 11 August 2014 | Published in Weekend
Ex-Cook Islands News journo Lisa Williams pays tribute to longtime broadcaster Bobby Turua, who was laid to rest this week. He was 65.
Saturday 9 August 2014 | Published in Entertainment
Cook Islands musicians Kura Happ and Maurice Newport have soared to the top of the charts in Tahiti, ahead of global sensation Stan Walker.
Friday 1 August 2014 | Published in Church Talk
It is amazing that when you remember God always has your best interest at heart, that he has a great plan for your life, and that he is worthy of your trust.
Thursday 31 July 2014 | Published in Weekend
As the nation celebrates 49 years of self-government in the middle of a bitter post-election period with nine petitions, it is appropriate to look back to 1998 and review what had been recommended for political reform at that time.
Friday 25 July 2014 | Published in Church Talk
It’s that time of the year where we celebrate our being self-governing for 49 years. This celebration compounded us more by just the recent snap election.
Friday 18 July 2014 | Published in Church Talk
In the book of Matthew there is an instruction given by Jesus to his disciples to go out and teach the gospel to all the earth.
Saturday 12 July 2014 | Published in Church Talk
One of the advantages of being a church leader is one gets invitations to various events happening in the community.
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