
Early CI missionaries martyred in PNG

Friday 7 November 2014 | Published in Church Talk

In this week’s church talk column, Rev Iana Aitau shares the story of Anederea – a missionary from the Cook Islands who served in Papua New Guinea.

Church Talk

Ship-wrecked teen returns after 60-years

Saturday 1 November 2014 | Published in Weekend

Rare ship visits are always something that the residents of Palmerston Island look forward to with careful preparation, great anticipation and much excitement.


Restraining power of Christ - Mana Ta'pu, me kare paruru o te Mesia

Friday 31 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

To restrain means to hold back from action, from committing – check, to limit, to restrict.

Church Talk

King delivers soul-food laughter

Tuesday 28 October 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Muri rumbled with laughter on Friday night when sharp-tongued stand-up comedian and TV front man Mike King performed at a charity show to raise funds for Te Vaerua Rehabilitation Inc.


Why we celebrate Gospel Day

Monday 27 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Did you know that the arrival of Christianity to Rarotonga was foreseen in prophecy by Tika-ki-te-ope? This article from 2012 outlines the arrival of the Gospel (Good News) to Rarotonga.

Church Talk

Okotopafest kicks off long weekend

Saturday 25 October 2014 | Published in Entertainment

IT’S A LONG weekend so why not kick it off at the hugely popular Okotopafest beer and food festival at the grounds of LBV in Muri.


Bondi Vet heads for Raro

Saturday 25 October 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Australian television’s handsome veterinarian Doctor Chris Brown (pictured) will be visiting Rarotonga shortly and be available for consultations.


Church history researched, published

Friday 24 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Instead of putting his feet up, retired teacher Paiere Mokoroa spent his time researching the history of the Atiu Ziona Tapu church and the Nikao CICC church as a hobby.

Church Talk

Thinking clearly about stress

Friday 24 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Stress is not something caused on the outside. It’s something that’s caused inside you.

Church Talk

Youth look to revive Cooks missionary spirit

Friday 24 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Reviving the Cook Islands legacy of spreading the gospel is part of an upcoming mission for a number of local youth.

Church Talk

'Fruit of the Gospel' pageant for Nuku

Thursday 23 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Monday October 27 marks 193 years since the arrival of Christianity to the Cook Islands.

Church Talk

PNG church group on dream trip to Cooks

Thursday 23 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

A visiting delegation from Papua New Guinea currently in Rarotonga is fulfilling a long-held dream by coming to the Cook Islands.

Church Talk

'Marama' remembered on Muralug

Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Weekend

The only marked grave on the island of Muralug, part of the Torres Strait Islands, belongs to Rarotonga man Marama – a marine diver according to the headstone.


Youthful voices battle in semi-finals

Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Talented junior singers have been belting it out in the Junior Voice Competition which heads into the semi-finals this evening at the Staircase Restaurant and Bar in Taputapuatea.


Camp success for Matavera Scouts

Friday 17 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

After a successful weekend camp earlier in the year – members of the Matavera Scout group gathered together these school holidays for a five-day camp out.

Church Talk

Are we immune from the challenges surrounding us in our world today because of our isolation?

Friday 17 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Every time I watch the news on television, and see all that is happening in our world now, it gives me the chills.

Church Talk

Film night for Marae Moana

Thursday 16 October 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Gather up the family, grab your picnic mats and some kai and get along to the outdoor movie this Friday at the Tupapa field for a great family night out while supporting the Marae Moana marine park conservation initiative.


Guiding journey to Cooks strengthens relationships

Friday 10 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Members of the New Zealand and Australia Girl Guides have been on the island delivering special training programmes for the local guides across the various companies on the island.

Church Talk

Prayer – come as we are

Friday 3 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Dressing up on Sundays, especially to go to church is part of Cook Islands life.

Church Talk

What is Gods will for the world's governments?

Friday 26 September 2014 | Published in Church Talk

At THE VERY core of this Psalm 82 is Gods condemnation of Israel’s Civic Leaders for obstruction of the justice system.

Church Talk

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