
Celebration ends years of planning

Friday 19 December 2014 | Published in Church Talk

The hard work has been done and Avarua CICC members are happy with the completion of their Kainga Orometua which opened last weekend.

Church Talk

Free Bibles a blessing for Cooks

Wednesday 17 December 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Free Bibles will be distributed right across the Cook Islands after a shipment of 6,800 Bibles from the Gideon International group was blessed at the Takamoa Theological College yesterday (Tuesday).

Church Talk

Nukutere College honour Sisters

Monday 15 December 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Nukutere College staff, students and parents of students put on a brilliant farewell for three Catholic sisters who will leave next month after giving years of service in Rarotonga and the outer islands.

Church Talk

Rarotongan carving fetches $1.5million

Saturday 13 December 2014 | Published in Weekend

A Rarotongan carving sold for $1,554,369 (€1,201,500) at an auction sale in Paris on September 16 this year.


Joyful season for family reunions

Friday 12 December 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Greatest joy at seeing eye to eye – Rekareka Maata te kite anga atu mata ki te mata.

Church Talk

Opening cause for celebration

Thursday 11 December 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Saturday December 13 marks a very special day for the Avarua CICC congregation who will celebrate the opening of their Kainga Orometua named “Galilea”.

Church Talk

Middle Earth comes to the Cooks

Wednesday 10 December 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Middle Earth is coming to the Cook Islands with a special premiere to be held to celebrate the final instalment of the blockbuster Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies.


From Parris with love

Saturday 6 December 2014 | Published in Entertainment

The island is a buzz with fans searching for kiwi dancer/choreographer extraordinaire Parris Goebel while she is on the island.


Mongoose host double celebrations for musicians

Saturday 6 December 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Local musicians were honoured at the recent Tangi Reka Music awards in Auckland recently however the local Mongoose golden oldies group feel that local musicians that were awarded in Auckland need some local recognition.


Ebenezera history to be commemorated

Saturday 6 December 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Ngatangiia CICC congregation today plans to Celebrate 80-years of Ebenezera in December 2015.

Church Talk

Musice extravaganza to ring in 2015

Saturday 6 December 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Tarekareka 2015 – Our People Our Music is green for go!


New Hope Church spreads festive cheer with 'love offerings'

Thursday 4 December 2014 | Published in Church Talk

Pastor John Tangi and the New Hope Church are leading the way in spreading Christmas cheer this festive season handing out ‘love offerings’ to other churches and charitable organisations across the islands.

Church Talk

The realities of our future is brighter with Jesus

Friday 28 November 2014 | Published in Church Talk

I had in mind to write about the exams students are undertaking presently or either violence against women and children.

Church Talk

Mofest set to wrap up Movember in style

Thursday 27 November 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Motone Productions on Saturday November 29 is set to celebrate Movember with a day of music madness at Mofest – an afternoon of some of the best local music talent Raro has to offer at the Islander Hotel.


Laughing Samoans 'fresh off the blane'

Saturday 22 November 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Laughing Samoan comedy duo Tofiga Fepuleai and Eteuati Eteuati were welcomed back to Rarotonga the Cook Islands Samoan Community yesterday afternoon.


The lost century of independent sailing

Saturday 22 November 2014 | Published in Weekend

Just over a hundred years ago, island and district communities across the Cook Islands took to the high seas in European designed sailing ships as part of the Cooks' first major venture into international commerce.


Sustainable sea transport for the Pacific: The obvious way forward

Saturday 22 November 2014 | Published in Weekend

Dr Peter Nuttall is head of the sustainable sea transport research program at the University of the South Pacific, Suva.


Be strong and of good courage

Friday 21 November 2014 | Published in Church Talk

After Moses’ death, Joshua prepared to lead the children of Israel into the land of Canaan.

Church Talk

Get groovy with Avidiva!

Thursday 20 November 2014 | Published in Entertainment

The singing and dancing trio of Jennifer Hamilton, Liz Kirkman and Kelly Eteveneaux are ready to shake things up this summer and add to the Vaka Eiva festival atmosphere.


Musician speaks about his career

Saturday 15 November 2014 | Published in Entertainment

Music lovers were this week treated to a top performance by Kiwi artist Donell Lewis.


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