
A great night had by everyone

Tuesday 2 June 2015 | Published in Entertainment

‘A fantastic entertainer’ and ‘just like a Rotorua party in the old days.’



Saturday 30 May 2015 | Published in Entertainment

While ‘Opera in Rarotonga’ may be the most relaxed show baritone Benson Wilson and soprano Christina Vehekite will ever perform in – the show will be nothing less than the best.


Return to 'paradise' priority for veteran priest

Saturday 30 May 2015 | Published in Weekend

When Father John Rovers told the congregation at St Mary’s Catholic Church last Sunday morning that he would conduct one more Mass the following Sunday and would then be going ‘to paradise’, it raised more than a few chuckles.


Chinese performance awes small crowd

Thursday 28 May 2015 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Entertainment

ABOUT 200 people turned up to watch a performance by the Leshan Song and Dance Troupe from Sichuan Province in China at the Avarua National Auditorium on Tuesday night.


Maori database a winner

Tuesday 26 May 2015 | Published in Entertainment

The Cook Islands Internet Action Group (CIIAG )has been hailed as the best digital leaders at the Pacific ICT Day Awards in Vanuatu.


CITC adds fizz to Opera in Raro

Sunday 24 May 2015 | Published in Entertainment

Opera in Rarotonga will be a sparkling event this year.


Miss Cook Islands: More than a beauty pageant

Sunday 24 May 2015 | Published in Entertainment

Any of the talented women who have been part of the Miss Cook Islands Pageant will tell you that the pageant is more than just a beauty show.


Dancers wow Japanese audience

Friday 22 May 2015 | Published in Entertainment

Cultural dancers are wowing Japanese audiences in Tokyo with their easy Cook Islands charm and dance prowess.


Adopt a voyager!

Thursday 21 May 2015 | Published in Features

More than 100 vaka voyagers are on the sea and ready to sail into Avana harbour this Friday, if conditions are right, for the inaugural Te Manava Vaka Festival.


'Te Mana o te Moana' film premier

Thursday 21 May 2015 | Published in Entertainment

Cook Islands audiences will be the first to see voyaging film ‘Te Mana o te Moana’ when it premieres this Sunday.


Inspired by design

Wednesday 20 May 2015 | Published in Entertainment

Inspirational Cook Islands woman Katarina Katoa is in Auckland this week graduating from the Manukau Institute of Technology.


Cook Islander shows he has that X-Factor

Tuesday 19 May 2015 | Published in Entertainment

Beau Monga, a musically gifted Cook Islander, has taken out the title of X Factor New Zealand 2015.


Humble singer wins second place in show

Saturday 9 May 2015 | Published in Entertainment

Budding Cook Islands opera star Ridge Ponini has stolen the limelight at his first competition, taking second place at the Green Island competitions held in Dunedin, New Zealand last week.


Mothers deserve highest tribute

Friday 8 May 2015 | Published in Church Talk

As we celebrate Mothers Day this weekend I felt to share some thoughts on our mothers.

Church Talk

Learn to dance and have a real ball...

Tuesday 5 May 2015 | Published in Entertainment

Free weekly ballroom dance lessons are causing a buzz in the community with the upcoming Red Cross Charity Ball an occasion to really twirl the night away – ballroom style.


Appreciating the state of peace today

Saturday 2 May 2015 | Published in Weekend

Development Economist Vaine Wichman has worked extensively throughout the country as a development economist. She began writing this column in response to women and men who asked her to explain the working of the economy. Views in this column are Vaine’s.


Cook Islands manpower aided British war effort

Wednesday 22 April 2015 | Published in Features

It’s Anzac Day on Saturday, and all over the Cook Islands, people will remember the efforts of those brave men who fought, and in some cases died, for their country in World Wars One and Two and subsequent conflicts.


The Art Studio re-opens with fresh new look

Wednesday 22 April 2015 | Published in Art

The Art Studio in Arorangi is back in business and already bustling with activity following a year of closure.


Looking to a 'healthy' future

Tuesday 21 April 2015 | Published in Features

Last week high school students from the Pa Enua were on the island for the week-long careers week, experiencing work placement in sectors they hope to one day work in.


ICI's work vital to country's development

Tuesday 21 April 2015 | Published in Features

Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) are making their debut appearance under their new title at today’s expo, and they want more students to get to know the country’s important infrastructure sector.


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