
Reflections on the Book of Psalms

Friday 7 September 2018 | Published in Church Talk

It was not too long ago that it was common for pastors to be portrayed with a Bible under their arms, whereas a priest would be depicted carrying his prayer book.

Church Talk

Wackiest true story to become a movie

Monday 27 August 2018 | Published in Entertainment

WHEN movies are based on true stories, they tend to be about some heroic act or great personal struggle.


The mystery of Elizabeta Pitiman

Saturday 25 August 2018 | Published in Weekend

The 2018 Oceania exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts opens in London on September 29, bringing together 250 Pacific works of arts to celebrate the 250th anniversary year of Captain Cook’s first exploration of the Pacific. Included among the exhibits is a tapa cloth from Rarotonga with an interesting story. Local researchers Rod Dixon and Mike Tavioni, wrote this feature, which provides background information on the cloth for its current owner, the University of Cambridge.


Hope – even in life's darkest moments

Friday 24 August 2018 | Published in Church Talk

The dictionary definition of hope is “to desire something with confidence in the expectation of its fulfillment”. The state of hopelessness has been appropriately described by some as a type of “Hell on Earth”, filled with endless misery and despair. Today, more and more people are finding themselves alone and depressed, and few of us have not at one time or another felt the sting of despondency and despair.

Church Talk

Poe tiare oki koe noku

Saturday 18 August 2018 | Published in Weekend

The words of the above popular local song, which was also one of her favourites, are a fitting tribute to Essie Apolonia Mokotupu, a woman who was loved by many and who gave much love in return.


Jason Statham saves the day

Saturday 18 August 2018 | Published in Entertainment

Jack Morris (Rainn Wilson) is ready to see a return on his investment.


Love is what matters the most

Friday 17 August 2018 | Published in Church Talk

When you are in good times we take for granted that things that are happening in our lives are always going to be good.

Church Talk

No winner in Washington's first replay

Saturday 11 August 2018 | Published in Entertainment

Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) is enjoying being dead – at least in the eyes of his former employers at the CIA.


Remember the Sabbath day

Friday 10 August 2018 | Published in Church Talk

The word “sabath” or “sabbat” is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it’s the name of a day of the week.

Church Talk

Mission Impossible action-packed

Saturday 4 August 2018 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Entertainment

I think my (hard) day’s labour at work on Thursday must have taken a toll on me.


The Cook Islands: 15 islands - and Tokoroa, New Zealand

Saturday 4 August 2018 | Published in Weekend

This week was Cook Islands Language Week in New Zealand, with centres all around the country celebrating Cook Islands Language and Culture. This feature, written by Luke Kirby, appeared in the Waikato Times earlier this week. It is reprinted with the permission of the Stuff news website.


Gig review: Koi Boys pitch perfect at Rehab

Monday 30 July 2018 | Published in Entertainment

The last time I saw The Koi Boys live (so to speak) I was in an audience of two and they only performed one song – a pitch-perfect rendition of doo-wop favourite “Sh-Boom”, the same song that catapulted them to stardom during the blind audition round of reality singing show The Voice Australia.


Mamma Mia! It's actually better...

Saturday 28 July 2018 | Published in Entertainment

It’s been 10 years to the month since Mamma Mia! set the world’s box offices on fire with an unlikely pastiche of 30-year-old ditties being karaoked on a Greek island floating somewhere near London’s Pinewood studios – and now here we go again.


How college houses got their names

Friday 27 July 2018 | Published in Church Talk

Last week there was a report in CINews on the Nukutere College’s cultural inter-house competition held at the Punanga Nui Market in connection with the Te Maeva Nui celebrations.

Church Talk

Skyscraper dumb but fabulous fun

Tuesday 24 July 2018 | Published in Entertainment

It is a scandal that there is no Oscar or Bafta or Golden Globe for Best Dumb Fun.


The view from Lyn's house is breathtaking.

Saturday 21 July 2018 | Published in Weekend

Italian Tiziana Margarito has been living in the Cook Islands for three years. Based in Rarotonga where she works as a travel agent, Margarito spends her free time exploring the outer islands. Last weekend, she visited Mangaia for the first time and documented her experience in this article


The true meaning of 'sacrifice'

Friday 20 July 2018 | Written by Jaimie Keay | Published in Church Talk

Sacrifice – one of the definitions from the Oxford Dictionary for the word “sacrifice” include an act of giving up something valued and treasured for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.

Church Talk

A CITC trip down memory lane

Thursday 19 July 2018 | Published in Weekend

I’m picking Robin Bullen is a bit of a character. You can see it in his mercurial smile and his eyes. There’s a hint of mischief – well, fun anyway.


A lifetime of colour

Tuesday 17 July 2018 | Published in Weekend

The upcoming solo exhibition, Years of Colour by Kay George, at Bergman Gallery marks 30 years to the very day since the well-known visual artist arrived in the Cook Islands with her late husband and fellow artist, Ian George.


Hotel Transylvania 3 a hit with kids

Saturday 14 July 2018 | Published in Entertainment

Let’s get one thing straight right from the get-go: Hotel Transylvania 3 is most definitely a kids’ film.


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