Church Talk

Resisting the devil

Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk

It seems nowadays that demons and the Devil get a lot more credit than they are due. I believe that is part of the power in which they thrive. They are made out to be the source of all problems and any bad thing – money problems, sinful issues, marital problems, etc. The answer always […]

Church Talk

Always stand up for Christ

Friday 6 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Fear of opposition or ridicule can weaken our witnessing for Christ, we cling to peace and comfort even at the cost of our walk with God. Jesus reminds us here that we should fear God, who controls eternal, not merely temporal consequences. Don’t allow fear of a person or group to keep you from standing […]

Church Talk

Bishop's golden milestone

Friday 30 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

On Tuesday Bishop Stuart O’Connell, the Catholic Bishop of Rarotonga, celebrated his golden jubilee – 50 years since he was ordained a priest. He marked this achievement with a special dinner. On Saturday a bigger celebration is planned with a mass involving all priests at 11am at St Joseph’s Catholic Cathedral in Avarua. This will […]

Church Talk

How do I add value to my life?

Friday 30 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

In this column, I want to talk about an issue which I believe is absolutely essential in our current cultural, social, political and economic environment. It is something worthwhile for everyone to work on, and not just Christians. The issue is about “How To Add Value To My Life”. The recent negative headlines in the […]

Church Talk

Church gives $165,000 to Aitutaki

Saturday 24 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

The Cook Islands Mormon Church has announced a US$120,000 ($164,880) donation towards to the Aitutaki cyclone relief effort. The majority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints donation will go towards building materials and labour for 12 homes and 90 water tanks which include piping and accessories. Around 300 homes were damaged […]

Church Talk

SDA kids week

Saturday 24 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

The Avarua Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church is hosting a Vocational Bible School (VBS) for children between five and 14 years old next week. VBS starts on Tuesday and ends on Friday, and will run from 9 to 12 every morning. The week is themed ‘Wild Wood Forest’ and will focus on discovering the ‘untamed […]

Church Talk

Sexual addiction

Friday 23 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Originally, anecdotal speculation on Pat’s part suggested that 10% of the general population struggled with sexual addiction. It is still difficult to obtain scientific evidence on the prevalence of the problem, as studies have relied on self-reporting, mailed surveys, and subjectively filled out paper and pencil tests. We do note with interest that during the […]

Church Talk

Gospel Day nuku at Arorangi on Monday

Friday 23 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Monday marks the 187th anniversary of the arrival of Christianity to Rarotonga and as is traditional – the six Cook Islands Christian Church (CICC) Ekalesia on the island will gather to commemorate Gospel Day. This year’s annual nuku or religious parade and drama presentations will be hosted by the Arorangi CICC Ekalesia. This year’s event […]

Church Talk

Avatea kids out and about

Saturday 17 July 2010 | Written by Supplied | Published in Church Talk

This term room four students at Avatea Primary School have been out and about on a number of field trips. Two weeks ago they visited traditional voyaging vaka Marumaru Atua where they had a blast looking through the canoes sleeping quarters and some even had the opportunity to handle the canoes massive oe (paddle). Thank […]

Church Talk

Reader contribution:

Friday 9 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

A key point from the Theology of John Calvin, is that saints will persevere to the end. They will endure all things and still rejoice in the name of Christ even to death. Given what some people endure by being believers, you start to realise how “cushy” our christian walk really is! So, I read […]

Church Talk

Winning isn't everything

Friday 9 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

While watching a TV quiz programme from overseas, I heard the winning contestant say, “What is important for me is not how to play the game, but how to win. This is what I focus on, other things don’t matter”. This attitude isn’t uncommon in a society where getting to the top of the ladder […]

Church Talk

Walk Thru seminar on again

Friday 2 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

CICC is hosting another Walk Thru the Bible Seminar (WTB) on the heels of a successful WTB seminar at CICC Titikaveka in March. CICC Avarua will host the seminar at Sinai Hall from Monday, July 5, until Saturday, July 10. Daily sessions will open at 6 pm and last until 8.30pm, and are open. Those […]

Church Talk

Hannah dedicates Samuel

Friday 2 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

“When the man Elkanah went up with all his family to offer the annual sacrifice to the Lord and to fulfill his vow, Hannah did not go. She said to her husband, “After the boy is weaned, I will take him and present him before the Lord, and he will live there always.” “Do what […]

Church Talk

Are your gifts tokens or your entire life?

Friday 2 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Hannah had been unable to conceive children and in the Old Testament times, a childless woman was considered a failure. Her barrenness was a social embarrassment for her husband. Children were a very important part of the society’s economic structure. They were a source of labour for the family and it was their duty to […]

Church Talk

Community rallies behind Aratoa

Thursday 1 July 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Those who know 12-year-old Aratoa Mana can vouch that he’s a fighter with strength beyond his years. The Titikaveka youth has been in New Zealand since early this year, battling leukemia and gritting his teeth through painful chemotherapy treatments. But the light at the end of the tunnel is the outpouring of support from his […]

Church Talk

Mirror-ing ourselves for heaven's reunion

Friday 25 June 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Aka-ata anga ia tatou no te Basileia! In Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the wicked queen asks her enchanted mirror, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?” The mirror cannot lie. So for many years it says, “You, O queen, are the fairest in the land.” But one day, the […]

Church Talk

Is this a Christian island or what?

Friday 25 June 2010 | Published in Church Talk

We may consider our island to be Christian – at face value. People attend church on Sunday religiously; children sing Christian songs in state schools; there are prayers at sports meetings; and churches are more common than grocery stores. However, upon closer scrutiny there is a very different picture. Some people who claim the title […]

Church Talk

70 Apostolics fly

Friday 25 June 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Bishop Tutai Pere and a team of 70 Apostolic Church members leave this week to attend the Annual South Pacific District Council of the 43rd Episcopal District of the Pentecostal AssemblIes of the World Inc. in Cairns, Australia. The delegation consists of 50 members from the Rarotonga congregation and 20 from the islands of Aitutaki, […]

Church Talk

Living with integrity

Friday 18 June 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Ways to walk the talk in all our daily lives The last time I wrote, my focus was on the importance of living life with integrity. If we “walk the talk” in every area of our lives, the Bible says that God is pleased because his character is truth, we influence or affect for good […]

Church Talk

Stewardship and money are not the same things

Friday 11 June 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Stewardship is an old-fashioned word that basically means "management". And a steward is a manager.

Church Talk

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