Church Talk


Friday 24 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Sir Frederick Goodwin Queen’s Representative Kia Orana o all the people living in and visiting the Cook Islands. Te Atua Te Aroa no Tatou i teia Kiritimiti e te Mataiti Ou. As a Christian nation, I believe that we in the Cook Islands celebrate Christmas to acknowledge and appreciate the greatest gift to mankind – […]

Church Talk

Youngsters coming

Wednesday 22 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk

The Seventh-Day Adventist Church is holding a Pathfinders camp at Papaaroa next week for 900-1000 youngsters from all over the Pacific. The 10-15 year olds from New Caledonia, New Zealand, Tahiti, and the Cook Islands will all be represented. Pastor Eliu Eliu said that 200-300 Cook Islanders will be attending. The young pathfinders will be […]

Church Talk

Carol night this Sunday

Friday 17 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk

The annual ‘Christmas in the Cathedral’ carol night will be held at the St Joseph’s Catholic Cathedral this Sunday from 6pm. The evening will feature a guest artist performance by Raro Idol contestant Destiny Tara, as well as festive and cultural performances from the ethnic communities including the Filipino, Fijian and Rotumans. The six tapere […]

Church Talk

For to us a child is born

Friday 17 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk

In our passage Isaiah spoke of the coming Deliverer who will effect the changes in the nation of which the prophet had been speaking. The Messiah’s coming will lead the nation into joy and prosperity, which had been lacking for years. His coming will fulfil the promises to Abraham and David about the prosperous kingdom. […]

Church Talk

Ziona Tapu reopens on Atiu

Friday 10 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Atiu families from Rarotonga, New Zealand and Australia returned home for the reopening of the CICC Church Ziona Tapu earlier this month after its second renovations. The president of the CICC from Rarotonga attended the ceremony held on December 3 including pastors and representatives from the different churches on Rarotonga, New Zealand and Australia. Before […]

Church Talk

The faith which was first delivered

Friday 10 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk

How very simple and easy my dear brethren Holy Scripture or the Bible tells us of the True Doctrine on how to be saved in the Lord Jesus Christ – the Faith, which was delivered at the very earliest stage of Church history. When did the Apostles preach for the very first time Jesus’ new […]

Church Talk

Special blessing for new PM

Friday 3 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Kia Orana tatou katoatoa i te aroa maata o to tatou Atu, ko Iesu Mesia. Te Kauono Ngateitei o te Ariki Vaine o Peritane o toou akaperepere, kia orana. Te au taoanga tuketuke tei topiri ia mai ki teia akakoroanga, te Atua te aroa. Ei akatuera i to tatou akakoroanga i teia popongi avatea, kua […]

Church Talk

God's Plan for healthy living

Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Church Talk

A three-week course on God’s plan for healthy living was attended by 13 students at Youth With A Mission. Four of the students have come from New Zealand to take part in the course and one participant has flown in from Aitutaki. Elsewhere in the world the course is taught under the name New Start. […]

Church Talk

Look forward not backward

Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Church Talk

The message for today is the story of Lot’s wife which is found in Genesis 18 and 19. But at this point we will focus on Genesis 19:15-26 (NKJV). What really happened? And lessons can we learn from Lots wife. And in your own spare time read the above chapters. Angels were sent to Lot […]

Church Talk

READER CONTRIBUTION: The whole and only truth

Friday 19 November 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Paul carries on his speech to Peter. He continues to show him that his behaviour and actions have logical conclusions and that those are not beneficial and can even lead to heretical conclusions. The essential message of the gospel is that through faith in the living God, Jesus Christ, we can be justified in the […]

Church Talk

Governments 'instituted of God'

Friday 19 November 2010 | Published in Church Talk

“We believe that governments were instituted of God for the benefit of man; and that he holds men accountable for their acts in relation to them, both in making laws and administering them, for the good and safety of society. “We believe that all men are bound to sustain and uphold the respective governments in […]

Church Talk

Don't be afraid when going through a crisis

Friday 12 November 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Out of the story from October 22 we learn three things on how to face an unexpected crisis. 1. Refocus on God’s closeness. When you’re going through a crisis, in order to not be afraid, you stop and you get your eyes off the problem and onto God. Notice v. 23 “Then Jesus got into […]

Church Talk

The restoration of our vision

Friday 12 November 2010 | Published in Church Talk

John Fuellenbach SVD in his book The Kingdom of God, talks about an attempt to restore Rembrandt’s “The Nightwatch”. He describes how, when the restorationists removed the successive coatings of varnish that had been applied throughout the years to protect the painting, they were surprised at the brightness of the colours in the original painting. […]

Church Talk

Atiu's Ziona Tapu near completion

Saturday 6 November 2010 | Published in Church Talk

After three months of hard and tiring work, the renovation on the Atiu CICC Church Building Ziona Tapu is nearing completion and is scheduled to be re-opened on December 3. Papa Orometua Oirua Rasmussen said he was pleased with the changes which includes the removal of the 16 nga’ika posts and replaced by new 16 […]

Church Talk

Of things that matter most

Friday 5 November 2010 | Published in Church Talk

If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps now is a good time to refocus on what matters most. It’s remarkable how much we can learn about life by studying nature. For example, scientists can look at the rings of trees and […]

Church Talk

Obey, act upon and live the Word

Friday 29 October 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Several important observations can be made about this passage from Joshua (below). First, the book of the Law is not to depart from our mouths, meaning we are to talk about it regularly. But if we talk about it regularly, we must think about it regularly (you shall meditate on it day and night). We […]

Church Talk

CICC highlights youth issues

Friday 22 October 2010 | Published in Church Talk

A Cook Islands Christian Church (CICC) youth convention held in Rarotonga recently highlighted prevalent issues for young people in the community. CICC director of youth Rangi Henry said messages about making the right choices in life and building and maintaining healthy relationships were taken to heart by the almost 100 youth in attendance. Crime was […]

Church Talk

How to face an unexpected crisis

Friday 22 October 2010 | Published in Church Talk

We are living in a time where your situation in life can change suddenly for the worse. That could become an unexpected crisis. It could be in finance or business, it could be in your family relationship, or it could be in any number of areas in your life. And if a crisis is unexpected, […]

Church Talk

Live conference broadcast links church members

Friday 15 October 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Local members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints were privileged to view and hear presentations from church leaders at the 180th Semi-Annual General Conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, on Saturday October 2 and Sunday October 3 via satellite. Local members and participants had to awaken early to view the […]

Church Talk

A family away from home

Friday 15 October 2010 | Published in Church Talk

Cook Islands church-goers were a “family away from home” for Auckland-based LIFE church founders and senior pastors Paul and Maree de Jong this week. The couple were in Rarotonga as guest speakers of the Cook Islands Assemblies of God conference held at Takuvaine. Paul said there was a strong connection between Christian communities in the […]

Church Talk

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