Wednesday 2 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Thursday is Women’s World Day of Prayer, which Christians all over the world recognise as an opportunity to get together and pray. The celebration is annual, and falls on the first Friday in March. Churches around the island will be participating and invite anyone to come and pray – the service will start at 6pm […]
Friday 25 February 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Reverend Suliasi Kurulo, leader of the Christian Mission Fellowship (CMF) movement that has planted 1500 churches in more than 100 nations, is leading a crusade on Rarotonga this weekend. He is based in Fiji and oversees missionaries in the United Kingdom, the United States, South Africa, Cambodia and across the region, but Rev. Suliasi has […]
Friday 25 February 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Two missionaries of the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul and Silas, had been locked up in a prison, chained to the wall and doors locked behind them. The prisoners had heard them praying and singing praises to their God at midnight when suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were […]
Friday 18 February 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Last time I wrote this column I talked about what happens when I don’t understand the purpose of life. That life seems useless, tiresome, unfulfilling, insignificant and uncontrollable. Then we made the statement that the purpose of life is preparation for eternity. The question is, how do you do it? Four ways: 1. Get to […]
Friday 11 February 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Dear Editor, It filled me with sadness to read in the paper on Wednesday about how a letter writer believes that a normal part of growing up here is being a hormone driven, sex obsessed young 20 something whose life is focused on the social scene. For me, my husband and countless others we know […]
Friday 11 February 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Have we developed a “Fortress Mentality”? This mentality has a crippling influence. When you check the meaning of “Fortress” on the internet, you will find the following definition: something impossible to get into, something that is impenetrable or acts as protection, a stronghold and fortification. The mindset is, rather than taking new grounds for Christ, […]
Friday 4 February 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Meaningful prayer requires both holy communication and consecrated work. I want to review three examples of asking in faith in meaningful prayer and discuss the lessons we can learn from each one of them. As we speak of prayer, I emphasise the word meaningful. Simply saying prayers is quite a different thing from engaging in […]
Monday 31 January 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Nukutere College on Friday inducted 12 new school prefects who were described by Father Freddy Kaina as being like Jesus’ 12 disciples. The Catholic community gathered at St Joseph’s Cathedral for the special mass which not only saw the blessing and inauguration of the prefects but also the first mass for the new college students. […]
Saturday 29 January 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Dear Editor, I would like to clarify my article in Churchtalk from yesterday. Whilst I was reading it this morning I notice a paragraph which I had forgotten to finish editing when I sent it through. It was all out of order and so looks like it was saying that I don’t buy into Jesus […]
Friday 28 January 2011 | Published in Church Talk
What can we see from this letter? What can we learn about and how can it encourage us as believers? There are some key things we should notice. Firstly, perseverance. The Bible teaches that perseverance was a way for the Lord to develop character in His followers! The people in this church suffering from men […]
Friday 28 January 2011 | Published in Church Talk
In 1975 Pope Paul VI made the powerful comment, “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” They are sobering words especially for those of us who are pastors. They always remind me of the poster which featured a huge […]
Friday 21 January 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Local pastor Teremoana Tauira has been preaching to the people of Wellington for 19 years, but this month is enjoying his home island. At the request of Bishop Tutai Pere, he came without hesitating to Rarotonga to deliver a sermon series on ‘The End Times’. Tauira’s trip started with four days’ preaching in Atiu, and […]
Friday 21 January 2011 | Published in Church Talk
God’s first message through Malachi was “I have loved you”. Although this message applied specifically to Israel, it is a message of hope for all people in all times. Unfortunately, many people are cynical about God’s love, using political and economic progress as a measure of success. Because the government was corrupt and the economy […]
Friday 14 January 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Never before have biblical truths, historical facts, and moral absolutes come under such attack. In a number of religious and secular circles moral values are under so much attack that there now exists a real confusion as to the nature of what is right and what is wrong. We are increasingly told to accept and […]
Friday 14 January 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Ei ngai e te tuatau no te akamori Worship is giving God the best that He has given us. Be careful what we do with the best we have in life. Whenever we get the blessing from God, give it back to Him as a ‘love gift’. Take time to meditate before God and offer […]
Friday 7 January 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Reverend Tangimetua Tangatatutai, President of the Cook Islands Christian Church, took over as chairman of the CI Religious Advisory Council (RAC) from January 1. He will hold the office of chairman for the whole of 2011. Tangatatutai replaces Pastor Tevai (Bobby) Matapo. He was appointed president of the CICC in 1999 after the former CICC […]
Friday 31 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk
Totou no tetai mataiti manuia We are almost at the threshold of another New Year. Is it really going to be a real Happy New Year or is just another carry on over and through of the same-old, same-old, to actually nothing new at all but just a repeat of the same conduct, attitude and […]
Friday 31 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk
Originally from Tanzania in East Africa, Dr Baraka Muganda has been World Youth Director of the Seventh Day Adventist Church for 15 years. He is based in Washington, but this week he is at the SDA’s Camporee all week giving inspiring talks to the 900-plus young people. In his own words, Muganda says that he […]
Friday 24 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk
Tapiri ia te au puta The above scriptures describe of our entire and total reliance upon God. Just as the eyes of the servant are riveted on his master, so our spiritual eyes are set on God and our knowledge of His countenance (look) is gained. Hence the searching and challenging question, “Who hath believed […]
Friday 24 December 2010 | Published in Church Talk
At Christmas, we remember and celebrate the most important event in human history – God himself coming among us in the person of Jesus Christ. It was an event that has changed the world. This event can only be appreciated through the eyes of faith. If it were not for the perspective of faith, the […]