Church Talk

Tough guys face tough issues

Friday 20 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is getting extreme this weekend. Tomorrows TeamXtreme show starts at 7pm on the rugby field next to Kent Hall in Titikaveka. It will feature strongman feats like the blowing up of hot-water bottles, tearing of phone books from Australia, breaking of flaming bricks and a fire knife finale. Team Xtreme […]

Church Talk

From stress to rest in my job

Friday 13 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Stress is something people have to grapple with on a daily basis. Some people are able to handle it well and others not so well. And one of the prevalent causes of stress can be found in our jobs. The truth is, people often let their jobs and their careers stress them out, but thats […]

Church Talk

Pacific called to pray

Friday 6 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk

The Pacific Conference of Churches has deemed today Pacific Day of Prayer, and the women of Cook Islands Christian Church (CICC) Nikao will be hosting a service to commemorate it. Orometua Tereora Tereoras wife Kura will be delivering the message, and the women of her congregation will be helping to conduct the service, which starts […]

Church Talk

How to overcome worry

Friday 6 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your lifeBut seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6: 25-33 NIV How many of us waste precious time worrying, when things arent going our way, about things we cant do anything about, and for […]

Church Talk

Scenes from Stations of the Cross

Friday 29 April 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Church Talk

Looking for the good

Friday 29 April 2011 | Published in Church Talk

While looking for a new home, a young Latter-day Saint couple talked to potential neighbours about the neighbourhood and the schools in the area. One woman they spoke to said of the school her children were attending: This is the most incredible place! The principal is a wonderful and good man, the teachers are well […]

Church Talk

A time of hope

Thursday 21 April 2011 | Published in Church Talk

We can face anything, endure anything, as long as we know or believe it will not last forever and that something better will happen. For instance, people will face a long, painful and dangerous operation if they believe it will make them well again. Prisoners can face a long sentence as long as they believe […]

Church Talk

Catholic celebration

Thursday 21 April 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Easter is the high point of the Catholic calendar and this weekends Easter church service at the St Josephs Cathedral will begin with mass at 7pm today. Tonights last supper mass will also include the washing of the feet enactment where Catholic Bishop Stuart OConnell will wash the feet of 12 parishioners. Tomorrow the Stations […]

Church Talk

Bishop writes autobiography

Friday 15 April 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Wellington-born Bishop Robin Leamy, a priest of the Society of Mary and former Bishop of Rarotonga, this week launched his autobiography, Truly Blessed – My Story. The book covers his formative years in the capital, his many years of ministry as priest and bishop in Christchurch and the South Pacific, and his time serving in […]

Church Talk

Recovering from resentment

Friday 1 April 2011 | Published in Church Talk

It’s a fact of life that people hurt each other. Either intentionally or unintentionally we hurt each other. You’re going to hurt people, they’re going to hurt you. How you handle that hurt will, to a large degree, determine your happiness in life. If you don’t respond correctly to hurt, it turns into resentment. If […]

Church Talk

Aere ra Papa Tauturu

Friday 25 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Ngametua Kae, commonly known as Papa Tauturu on the island of Atiu, passed away quietly at his residence in Teenui earlier this month after a long illness. He was laid to rest at the Atiu CICC church yard. The burial of this gentleman was witnessed by the entire island population. Kae was elected as a […]

Church Talk

In times such as these

Friday 25 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk

In the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake and the tsunami in Japan, people everywhere are once again reminded of the vulnerability of life. What is here now, can be wiped out in a matter of seconds. I was in Auckland recently, and in the same motel we had stayed in, were families who had moved […]

Church Talk

Rally for Sunday Schools

Friday 18 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk

A rally for Cook Islands Christian Church Sunday schools will be held this Sunday at the Titikaveka church grounds. The theme of the rally is ‘Te uki ou i te aakianga i te ingoa o Iesu Mesia (the new generation to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ)’. The rally will start at 4pm and begin […]

Church Talk

There is hope for the addicted

Friday 18 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk

There is hope for the addicted, and this hope comes through the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. The goal of the fly fisherman is to catch trout through skillful deception. The adept fisherman studies trout behaviour, weather, the water current, and the types of insects trout eat and when those insects hatch. He will […]

Church Talk

Catholic youth gathering

Friday 11 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk

PHOTO: A group of Cook Islands youth were among the 600,000 pilgrims at the 2008 World Youth Day for Catholics in Sydney. “/> Close to 300 youths from across the Cook Islands, Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia will gather on Rarotonga in July for a special youth gathering called Tikauanga Karatia o te Toru-tai-tapu which […]

Church Talk

We need a 'kingdom vision'

Friday 11 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Many Christians are satisfied with a Christian message that improves their lifestyle but have failed to embrace the purpose of the Kingdom of God itself. Others have been so consumed by the pressures of life, that it has forced them to take their eyes off Jesus entirely, resulting in spiritual defeat. When we die we […]

Church Talk

An arrogant or a loving eye?

Friday 11 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk

There is a Latin saying that in communication whatever is received is received according to the mode of the receiver. In other words, it doesn’t matter how simply, clearly and loudly I say something – if the culture and life experience of the listener has not prepared them to hear, then they won’t. People can […]

Church Talk

Knowing the will of God

Friday 4 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk

There are not many questions that Christians ask more often than, “What is God’s plan for my life? How can I know it? And how can I be sure that I know it?” These questions come naturally to Christian people. But even if they did not, they would be forced upon us by the Bible’s […]

Church Talk

Rangi worries for youth

Friday 4 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Cook Islands Christian Church (CICC) director of youth Rangi Henry says many young people within the community need to further develop their relationship with God. “They all have relationships with parents, friends, and teachers but not with God. The most important relationship is missing.” Henry says most problems and challenges faced by youth also sprout […]

Church Talk

READER CONTRIBUTION: Don't condemn all faiths

Friday 4 March 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Do not be deceived. I would like to encourage those who are truly seeking truth/God in their lives to investigate what people are telling them. Do the research. A blind adherence to the spoken word of an individual goes against the gifts you have been given. Look at the various interpretations of a given scripture. […]

Church Talk

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