Church Talk

Never, never, never give up

Friday 22 July 2011 | Published in Church Talk

When some of lifes challenges seem greater than our ability to overcome them, often words such as its too difficult; Im tired of trying; Im scared; I cant go on or I give up! either flash through our minds or roll off our lips. Have you ever been afraid and discouraged as youve faced a […]

Church Talk

New shepherd to guide Catholic flock

Monday 18 July 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Hundreds of Catholic worshippers from across the Cook Islands and the Oceania region gathered at the St Josephs Cathedral in Avarua on Saturday for the ordination of the new Cook Islands Catholic shepherd Bishop Paul Donoghue. The special ceremony began with a traditional turou for Bishop Donoghue who was escorted into the church by a […]

Church Talk

Breakaway church opens new building

Friday 15 July 2011 | Published in Church Talk

A breakaway Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church that has been meeting for six years finally has a place to call home. The Advent Truth Ministry which has a congregation of about 30 people have celebrated the opening of its Nikao building. It is registered as an incorporated society and its primary pastor is Urirau Aratangi, […]

Church Talk

New friends and fun at scout camp

Friday 15 July 2011 | Published in Church Talk

The Matavera Sacred Heart Scout Troop and the Avarua Harbour Sea Scout Troop held a joint weekend camp at Te Uki Ou School grounds earlier this month. The group was treated to a movie night at the Empire Theatre to watch Transformers Part 3. Actually that was the only treat we had because on the […]

Church Talk

Racing towards the end times?

Friday 15 July 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Hollywood has entertained us with many a movie depicting a cataclysmic end to humanity as we know it. There has been an increased interest in world events as it relates to end of the age predictions. Over the last few decades many individuals and religious groups have sought to predict the return of Christ and […]

Church Talk

Plenty of business for CICC assembly

Friday 8 July 2011 | Published in Church Talk

The head office of the Cook Islands Christian Church in Takamoa is well into preparations for its 29th general assembly, scheduled for October 23 to 30. The biennial assembly has been held in Rarotonga for the past 30 years, but this year will be held outside of Rarotonga. The 2013 assembly has already been confirmed […]

Church Talk

Avoiding dangers in personal Christianity

Friday 8 July 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Every religion has a certain amount of intellectual content which the follower of the religion presumably wants to get to know. But Christians face two specific dangers as they grapple with Christianitys doctrines. On the one hand, they often become unduly subjective. Christian teaching concerns the nature of God and what he has done for […]

Church Talk

Akairo ou no te au matara i Tepuka

Friday 1 July 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Kua raveia tetai akonoanga akatapuanga i te akairo o te au mataara i Tepuka Nikao i te popongi Varaire ra 10 no teia marama Tiunu ki roto i te hall o te Ekalesia Nikao. Kua riro rai e na te Orometua o te Ekalesia Nikao a Rev Tereora Tereora i rave i te akatapuanga. Kua […]

Church Talk

Church members off to Fiji

Friday 24 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk

About 45 members of the Apostolic Church of the Cook Islands this week travel to the 21st annual council which starts in Suva, Fiji on Monday and runs until July 3. This will be the third time Fiji will act as host, expecting around 700 members from all over the South Pacific, USA and India. […]

Church Talk

How we make the best choices

Friday 24 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk

We have to forego some good things in order to choose others that are better or best because they develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strengthen our families. Most of us have more things expected of us than we can possibly do. As breadwinners, as parents, as Church workers and members, we face […]

Church Talk

Students explain tenets of Judaism

Friday 17 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk

The Jewish-American students from Tarbut VTorah who have come to clean up Rarotonga have found islanders to be very accommodating and understanding of their faith. While Judaism is one of the worlds major religions, it is not prevalent in the Cook Islands. Yesterday two of the Tarbut VTorah students David Gindi and Alex Sable opened […]

Church Talk

Transforming our tight spots

Friday 17 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Im in a tight spot is a familiar phrase we often hear when people find themselves in a predicament. This is like having all four walls closing up on you. Its where problems press you down with only little space to breathe and no freedom to move or run. Here are some tight spots that […]

Church Talk

Activities mark Girls Brigade

Friday 10 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Girls Brigade companies on Rarotonga have been running community activities this week to commemorate the 46th year since the amalga- mation of the Girls Brigade movement. The Girls Brigade movement was formed in 1893 in Dublin, Ireland and the Girls Guildry was formed in 1900 in Scotland. The Girls Life Brigade was formed 1902 in […]

Church Talk

From stress to rest at work

Friday 10 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk

This is the second part in an article by Pastor Tevai Matapo. Our key scripture is found in Matthew 11.28-29: Then Jesus said, Come to Me all of you who are weary and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, let Me teach you because I am humble […]

Church Talk

Spirit of the living God

Friday 3 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk

This year Sunday June 12 is Pentecost Sunday, when we commemorate the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles and to the Church. One of the great gifts of the Spirit, and one that is much needed today, is the gift of self-acceptance. By his grace we are enabled, not to escape our humanness, […]

Church Talk

Hunger for a living relationship

Friday 3 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk

The world is facing huge challenges and undergoing rapid changes, with a lot more to come. Before the second coming of Jesus, Paul wrote describing the days that we would be living in as perilous and dangerous -2 Tim 3:1. Most nations have for a long time walked away from the principles of the Word […]

Church Talk

Feats of strength for Jesus

Friday 3 June 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Team Xtreme performs awe-inspiring feats at the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) centre two weekends back. The show featured strongman feats like the blowing up of hot-water bottles, tearing of phone books from Australia, breaking of flaming bricks and a fire knife final. Its overarching goal was to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through […]

Church Talk

College commemorates Christian Brothers

Monday 30 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Nukutere College celebrated holy mass with the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the Christian Brothers dedication and service to the school, diocese and to the wider community. The image, which is above the plaque, is of Mary the mother of Jesus known as Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Christian Brothers throughout the world have […]

Church Talk

Scripture study leaves teen pumped

Friday 27 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk

It brightens up my day and gets me pumped. This was the basic message Teuira Napa delivered during an inspiring speech about how four years of seminary study had impacted on her life. The 17-year-old was the sole seminary graduate for 2010 at a ceremony for Church Education System of The Church of Jesus Christ […]

Church Talk

Confidence whatever the world is at

Friday 20 May 2011 | Published in Church Talk

Earthquake tremors like never before are now occurring almost everyday. There is definitely global concern and fear over the dramatic changes that are happening in our weather, environment, economical downturns, political unrests, war, violence, acts of terrorism, social and religious upheavals like never before, occurring daily. Almost all experts from all sides of the spectrum […]

Church Talk

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