Church Talk

The importance of the Holiness of God

Friday 20 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

As we approach the subject of the holiness of God, let us be mindful of the importance of this divine attribute. “The Bible says that God is holy, holy, holy. Not that He is merely holy, or even holy, holy. He is holy, holy, holy. The Bible never says that God is love, love, love, […]

Church Talk

CICC conference raises youth issues

Friday 20 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

A national youth conference was held last week at the Sinai Hall to raise youth issues. Issues that were discussed include suicide, teenage pregnancy, alcohol abuse, smoking and domestic violence. “Our main focus was to raise issues concerning youth today; the main reason is that we’ve seen the growth in youth that are involved in […]

Church Talk

100 Apostolics attend council

Friday 13 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Members of the Apostolic Church from across the South Pacific will be gathering in Auckland next week for the 22nd annual South Pacific District Council. From the Cook Islands, 100 members of the Apostolic Church including three from Atiu, seven from Mangaia, 20 from Aitutaki and 70 from Rarotonga will travel to Auckland for the […]

Church Talk

Stations of the Cross in art

Saturday 7 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

“/> Year 8 art students at Nukutere College recently completed a series of pictures illustrating the 15 Stations of the Cross from the season of Lent. Nukutere head of art Jane Kennington supplied these wonderful images by her students.

Church Talk

Catholic celebration underway

Saturday 7 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Easter is the central feast of the Catholic faith and commemorates the death and rising again of Jesus Christ. Easter commemorations started on Thursday – known as Holy Thursday. Holy Thursday acknowledges the day the Lord instituted the Eucharist or Holy Communion and washed the feet of the apostles. The Stations of the Cross vigil […]

Church Talk

Easter – Because Jesus Lives!

Saturday 7 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

During this time of the year, most Christian churches turn their attention to the cross and the empty tomb of Christ for reassurance of salvation and eternal life. Some Christians may view the celebration of Easter as a worldly practice because of the Easter bunnies and incorporation of pagan traditions with this holiday. However, as […]

Church Talk

The reason for the season

Saturday 7 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Easter is a beautiful season, especially here on the beautiful island of Rarotonga. When I think about Easter, I often think about holidays, family, church, and fun. The warmth and extra time to just relax is usually a recipe for a memorable time, however could I make it even better? The meaning of the Easter […]

Church Talk

Understanding hurt and pain

Friday 30 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The condition of our soul matters to God, so as Christians we need a vision for emotional wholeness. The more emotionally whole we are, the more sound and effective our decisions will be. Billions of dollars are spent annually worldwide on counselling sessions, legal costs due to divorce and broken relationships, prisons due to crime, […]

Church Talk

How to fortify your family

Friday 30 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

In this world of uncertainty, turmoil and moral decay, living the commandments of God can be a challenge. We are inundated with temptation on a daily basis from the forces of evil. These evil influences attack the most important unit in society, the family. But it’s not all doom and gloom. The scriptures tell us […]

Church Talk

Watch and pray

Friday 23 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

As Easter approaches Christians are conscious that the resurrection of Jesus was preceded by his passion. That is the time of his betrayal, his trial, suffering and death. For some, Easter is merely an extra long weekend. Some may make a big deal out of buying hot cross buns or Easter eggs. But I would […]

Church Talk

CICC reviews Araka

Thursday 22 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The Avarua Cook Islands Christian Church (CICC) is currently undergoing a review of its Araka and is seeking all interested members of its congregation to join the discussion. The church examines its Araka every two years to update the document that helps guide its direction, ambitions, policies and strategies into the future. Avarua CICC secretary […]

Church Talk

Women gather for prayer service

Friday 16 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The Women’s World Day of Prayer for 2012 was held on Thursday at the Arorangi Chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who also hosted this year’s event. The Women’s World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of Christian women in more than 160 countries, who come together to observe […]

Church Talk

'Come with heart first'

Friday 16 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The various stages without doubt heighten to an increased intensified level when the cause of death is due to the intentional taking of one’s own life or when someone commits suicide. Not only do those who have lost loved ones to suicide have to deal with their own personal battles of constantly questioning themselves as […]

Church Talk

Connecting families at history centre

Friday 16 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Cook Islands genealogical records and family histories abound at the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints family history centre. There are microfilm and digital copies of records lost in the 1992 courthouse fire and charts linking all Polynesians to a common ancestor, tapes of now-deceased Cook Islanders reciting their kin and posters of family […]

Church Talk

Praying an effective prayer

Friday 9 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. Then he prayed again, and the sky poured rain and the earth produced […]

Church Talk

Te au Papa, ka tu, ka aaki – ka rave au

Friday 9 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

I had the most blessed and awesome week when one of my sons handed me this DVD movie entitled ‘Courageous’ to watch. In support of all the good intentions, efforts, meetings and programmes that many are launching, demonstrating concerns over youth crimes, suicide, alcohol abuse, sex abuse, drug abuse and so forth, I rise to […]

Church Talk

Love, not war, for Celebration on the Rock

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

When Celebration on the Rock pastor Jonathan Cargill whipped out a gun mid-sermon, a few members of his congregation did a double-take. But Cargill allayed their concern when he launched into an explanation of the church’s newest venture – Paintball Natives, a recreational paintball club focused on fun for the whole family. Owned and operated […]

Church Talk

Arorangi CICC confronts suicide issue

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Ahead of this month’s national suicide forum, members of the Arorangi Cook Islands Christian Church (CICC) are putting their heads together to determine how they can address the country’s suicide problem. Last Friday Arorangi CICC Ekalesia executives met with its Boys Brigade, Girls Brigade, Girl Guides, Sunday school and youth club to talk about suicide. […]

Church Talk

The solution to self-centeredness

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Aim-i-self.jpg “/> Part 1 of an article by Pastor Tevai Matapo of the Assemblies of God (Part 2 – The solution to self-centeredness) I believe that there was a time in Cook Islands culture when we could safely say that we are a collective society where the majority of people truly cared for the welfare […]

Church Talk

LDS elder reports back

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

An international Church of Latter Day Saints website published the following story on Monday. It details the visit of Elder F Michael Watson to the Cook Islands in January. Elder F. Michael Watson of the Seventy was warmly greeted by members of the church as he visited the Cook Islands in January. Elder Watson presided […]

Church Talk

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