Church Talk

Going on to perfection

Friday 20 July 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Hebrews 6:1 declares: Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection. The purpose of the scriptures is to guide us in the ways of perfection. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17 declares, ”All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine (teaching), for reproof (discipline and […]

Church Talk

Getting unstuck in my family – part 2

Friday 13 July 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The second point is – involve my family in my church. Just like you want to have this private commitment at home, with prayer and Bible study, it’s also critical that you have public times of worship together. You probably have heard the old saying about – people don’t do what you say they should […]

Church Talk

Tolerance versus truth

Saturday 7 July 2012 | Published in Church Talk

I last shared about a broad way style of Christianity being gradually introduced into the Christian church that is beginning to shape a new generation of believers into an experience that is void of repentance and is shelving core truths that are essential to the Christian faith. The broad way concept seeks so much approval […]

Church Talk

May truth reflect upon our senses

Saturday 7 July 2012 | Published in Church Talk

We have a loving and caring Heavenly Father who is ever conscious of the struggles, trials and tribulation each of his children face in mortality. Oh how he would love to cradle each and every one of us in his arms and remove the heavy burdens that laden our progress. However, in his infinite wisdom […]

Church Talk

Building a strong family

Friday 29 June 2012 | Published in Church Talk

With this Churchtalk opportunity, I want to address the topic of ”Building a Strong Family“. I’ve received researched materials on the topic and thought it would be nice to share the findings with the public in the endeavour to help our families which I believe is the network God blessed us with to journey through […]

Church Talk

Fast when we feel weak and vulnerable

Friday 22 June 2012 | Published in Church Talk

We should fast when we feel weak and vulnerable. This may seem to be illogical as fasting weakens one physically. Many use food for psychological gratification when they feel beat up emotionally. They are saying essentially, ”I believe I’ll feel better after I eat.“ So, why on earth would one prescribe fasting to treat vulnerability? […]

Church Talk

Creation Care, what's that about?

Friday 22 June 2012 | Published in Church Talk

As a young Christian I thought that people care was all that mattered. Matthew 25: 41-46 – ”Then he will say to those on his left, Depart from me… For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and […]

Church Talk

First Communion for 16

Friday 15 June 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Last Sunday, June 10, Catholics worldwide celebrated the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Sixteen St Joseph’s School grade four students and a number of other Catholic children from schools across Rarotonga received the body and blood of Christ for the first time – in the form of the Holy Communion. Parents, families, […]

Church Talk

Safeguarding creation, and our future

Friday 15 June 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The correct use of the earth’s resources implies safe guarding creation and solidarity with the future generations. An Indian proverb teaches that ”we should never think that we inherited the land from our forefathers, but we have borrowed it from our children“. Daily, on our news we hear of the 240 billion euro bailout Greece […]

Church Talk

New ministers heading to Nassau

Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in Church Talk

”But many who are first will be last, and the last first.“ These words from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ have come to pass within the grounds of Takamoa Theological College (TTC) through Mr and Mrs Casey Poila, students from the Pukapuka Cook Islands Christian Church (CICC). The dynamic duo, who have been married […]

Church Talk

Prayer and fasting

Friday 8 June 2012 | Published in Church Talk

OUR STUDY of prayer has emphasised the role of our prayers on earth to invoke the power of our God from heaven. Prayer is powerful because it is human weakness deferring to God’s strength. As James wrote, ”The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.“ (See James 5:16b KJV.) When the righteous pray […]

Church Talk

Choosing a Godly life - Ikianga i te oraanga irinaki atua

Friday 1 June 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The Bible in general presents only One way in which we can live and enjoy life in its fullness. Neglecting this One way face up and suffer the consequences. A blessing, to obey God – a curse to disobey Him. Light to walk in His presence, darkness without Him. Positive if connected to Him; negative […]

Church Talk

Getting unstuck in my family

Friday 25 May 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Today I want to talk about how to get unstuck in your family. This idea about getting unstuck in our family is something that we all deal with, because we all have families of one type or another. They all get stuck. But here’s what we know as well – there is no such thing […]

Church Talk

It's Pentecost Sunday

Friday 25 May 2012 | Published in Church Talk

While we cannot be sure of the exact dates on our calendar, we do know that there are two great events that Christians all over the world will always want to celebrate – these being the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the establishment shortly afterwards, of his universal church. Both occurred on a Sunday, exactly […]

Church Talk

Tears are a language

Friday 18 May 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Many families have suffered the loss of dear loved ones. The other day I visited an old school friend of mine whose sweet mother had passed away. After the burial I went across to meet him and he tells me that his family was experiencing much grief and pain. Death is painful and it leaves […]

Church Talk

Don't be deceived: there is only one way

Friday 18 May 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Interestingly enough, nearly every passage in the New Testament that speaks of the end of the age includes some kind of warning about being deceived. 2 Thes 2:3 – tells us that there will be a deliberate rejection of revealed biblical truth prior to the end of this age. We should remind ourselves that Adam […]

Church Talk

Why we need the fruit of the spirit

Friday 11 May 2012 | Published in Church Talk

This is a continuation of a series of teaching articles by Rev. Papa Aratangi of Nikao CICC on the fruit of the spirit –love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. The first article (April 27) discussed love and joy. ‘But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, […]

Church Talk

Celebrating the ascension of Jesus

Friday 4 May 2012 | Published in Church Talk

The next major event in the Christian calendar is the Ascension of the Lord. Traditionally the feast is celebrated 40 days from Easter on the Thursday in the 6th week of Easter (May 17) or transferred to the Sunday. (May 20). The accounts of the ascension for me are clearest in the gospel of Luke […]

Church Talk

Dancing unto the Lord

Friday 27 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Local dancer Te Iti O Te Ra Tupuna celebrated her Christian faith on the Are Karioi stage on Thursday as part of her dancer of the year performance.

Church Talk

Te Kapua anga o te kopu tangata

Friday 20 April 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Na te Atua i anga i te kopu tangata. Kua anga oki te Atua i te tane e te vaine, ei akamata i te kopu tangata. Ko te kopu tangata, ko te au tamariki te ka anau ia mai, e te metua tane, e te metua vaine. Kare te kopu tangata e akamutu i te […]

Church Talk

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