Friday 21 June 2013 | Published in Church Talk
In the book of Luke, Jesus shares a powerful parable that challenges you and me to do a little healthy soul searching.
Friday 14 June 2013 | Published in Church Talk
Every time we as fellow believers in the Lord Jesus Christ attend church we always expect the spirit of worship to be high and powerful.
Friday 14 June 2013 | Published in Church Talk
Parishioners attending the Sacred Heart Parish in Matavera were united to celebrate our Feast Day on Sunday June 9.
Friday 7 June 2013 | Published in Church Talk
Twenty seven Catholic youths received the body and blood of the Christ for the first time – in the form of the Holy Communion on Sunday.
Friday 7 June 2013 | Published in Church Talk
How often have you heard people say, “Much as I’d like to change my life, I can’t.
Friday 31 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk
The youth ministry of Celebration on the Rock Church are holding a special outreach service tonight with a focus on the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Friday 31 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk
It’s another beautiful day here in Rarotonga as I put together our churchtalk on this Tuesday morning May 28.
Friday 24 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk
“Let us oft speak kind words to each other At home or where ever we may be; Like the warbling of birds on the heather, The tones will be welcome and free.
Friday 24 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk
Have you noticed there is a renewed interest by many in the gathering of data, family lineages and family trees in a quest to find information about their past heritage? ‘Which uncle came on what boat and which family line did I come from?’ We are also seeing the reintroduction of ancient cultures around the globe, as many people try to find some sort of significance, value and a sense of belonging.
Friday 17 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk
Given that it is Pentecost this Sunday, the birthday of the Church, I write about the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Friday 10 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk
Psalms 8:4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? How can one survive a life threatening sickness that grasps you in the prime of your life, a sickness so aggressive that it devastates those that love you; it literally shatters you to pieces as it reaches to the depth of the core of your soul with its deathly grip? Only through the grace and mercy of God! I was on the mission field in Townsville, Australia, where I had been pastoring for a few months, when I was diagnosed with thyroid and throat cancer.
Friday 10 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk
We are living in a ‘politically correct’ world today.
Friday 3 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk
May 1 traditionally has a strong association with the International Workers movement.
Friday 3 May 2013 | Published in Church Talk
Members of the New Hope Church will be reaching out to young people at the Punanga Nui markets this Saturday.
Saturday 20 April 2013 | Published in Church Talk
Dear Editor, I refer to your article of Thursday April 18 ‘Kiwis say OK to same-sex marriage’ (pg 4).
Friday 19 April 2013 | Published in Church Talk
This coming Sunday there will be a combined praise and thank you service at the National Auditorium.
Friday 19 April 2013 | Published in Church Talk
Some of you readers may remember the Pacific Conference of Churches General Assembly held in the Cook Islands in 2002.
Friday 12 April 2013 | Published in Church Talk
The scriptures teach us that an important part of mortal probation will be making choices (the right choices).
Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Church Talk
“If there is no resurrection from the dead, Christ himself cannot have been raised, and if Christ has not been raised then our preaching is useless and your believing it is useless; indeed, we are witnesses who have committed perjury before God, because we swore in evidence before God that he had raised Christ to life.
Friday 5 April 2013 | Published in Church Talk
The Apostolic Church ‘South Pacific District Council’ is buzzing with delegations arriving from all over the region, USA, India and Pakistan to attend the annual council to be held at the National Auditorium from Monday April 8 to Sunday 14.