Church Talk

When it comes to truth, tolerance is a travesty

Friday 6 December 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Q: Why are Christians so judgmental and unloving? A: Because we live in an age of tolerance where almost anything goes, openly questioning or criticising other people’s belief systems can quickly get you labelled as judgmental, narrow-minded, bigoted, hateful, and even ignorant. With regard to Christianity, Matthew 7:1 is often quoted (or should I say […]

Church Talk

Bishop reflects on UNESCO address

Saturday 30 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Education and tourism minister Teina Bishop recently returned from France, where he made a historic address at the 37th UNESCO General Conference held earlier this month. The Paris conference – which dealt with education, health, and gender issues – saw Bishop become the first Cook Islander to make a national address at the forum. Speaking […]

Church Talk

'The love of God is revealed on the cross'

Friday 29 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

“For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in […]

Church Talk

Disappointment in Diwali celebration

Saturday 23 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Dear Editor, I’m writing this letter to express my thoughts on the Diwali celebration that took place on November 9 at Avatea School Hall.

Church Talk

Does faith in Jesus Christ matter?

Friday 22 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Does faith in the Lord Jesus Christ really matter anyway? Let me pose another question that may bring a better focal point: “What makes Jesus Christ the most unique figure in history?” Was it because of his teachings, his miracles, the devotion of his followers, his sacrifice and the outrageous claims that baffled his listeners? Certainly, he was not the first to have disciples of His own, nor was He the first teacher to use parables or to die an ignominious death such as death on the cross, or to make many startling claims either! Emperors were worshipped as gods, heroes were called sons of god, Alexander the great claimed to be the son of Zeus, and Julius Caesar had similar sentiments of being divine.

Church Talk

Religious festivities restricted in the Cooks

Wednesday 20 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Permission and approval of the religious advisory council and the Minister of Justice are required in the Cooks for religious gatherings, according to legislation. The Religious Organisations Restrictions Amendment Act 1994 states that the minister cannot withhold approval for the establishment of any religious organisation unless satisfied that such establishment would be contrary to local […]

Church Talk

Kiwi reporter hits ground running

Saturday 16 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

From concrete to coconuts, the latest addition to the Cook Islands News team is coming back to his roots – sort of. Reporter Ben Chapman-Smith joined the paper on May 4, and brings strong reporting experience and fascinating life experience to the newsroom. Born on a dairy farm in Morrinsville – a small town in […]

Church Talk

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Friday 15 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

The Matavera Sacred Heart Catholic Church community celebrated the first Holy Communion for 18 of its young congregation members. Here Koekoe Mokotupu shares the joys of the event. “Many thanks to Ana Makara and her team of volunteers coming forward offering free service teaching basic catechism and rules as stipulated by the Catholic Church. They […]

Church Talk

Volunteer missionary prepares towards service at Independence mission, USA

Friday 15 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Kayla Kaimarama received her letter of acceptance to serve as a volunteer missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at Missouri, Independence mission in USA last week. “I have always dreamed of going on a mission ever since I was about 10 years old.” The letter arrived from the office of the […]

Church Talk

United we stick, divided we're stuck

Friday 15 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Many argue this world is one big global village. If that is the case, there is so much that has been robbed from those who decided they will follow and protect a certain path within their little corner of this global village. With this global mind-set it has opened the doors to some who want […]

Church Talk

Diwali festival celebrates diversity

Monday 11 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Diwali festival-goers were treated to an inspiring message of religious and social tolerance on Saturday night in a celebration of diversity. Guest of honour New Zealand High Commissioner Joanna Kempkers gave a brief but powerful message about the "fundamental values" of respect and tolerance to those gathered for one of the biggest annual celebrations on […]

Church Talk

'God loves each of us'

Friday 8 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

On behalf of the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days, I am honoured to have this opportunity to share this wonderful message with you all: God is Love. No one of us is less treasured or cherished of God than another. He loves each of us, and we must love him […]

Church Talk

Girl Guides celebrate 85 years of service

Saturday 2 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

The Cook Islands Girl Guides celebrated 85 years of service on October 15 at a ceremony held at the Nikao Sunday School Hall. The association celebrated the occasion by holding a week-long national camp for all members on the Islands of Rarotonga and those from the outer islands. The theme of the camp was, ‘believe, […]

Church Talk

Bishop thanks fire service

Friday 1 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Bishop Paul Donoghue paid a visit to the Rescue Fire Service on Friday to thank them for the service they provided to Nukutere College recently. He was accompanied by Father Damien Marinus and Father Freddie Kaena, as well as two students to represent the school. The group also wished to visit the Puaikura Volunteer Fire […]

Church Talk

The role of private schools

Friday 1 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Catholic Schools have been a part of Cook Islands education since 1895 when St Joseph School opened its doors with the St Joseph of Cluny Sisters. Over the past 118 years the church has adapted to changing circumstances and changing times. During those 118 years the only islands not to have a Catholic school are […]

Church Talk

Turama – the belief in eternal life

Friday 1 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Today, Friday November 1, is the Turama celebration for the Catholic Church. Given this is not a new celebration I think most now realise this is a day set aside to recall in a special way those members of our family and friends who have died. None of us wishes to be forgotten. Those who […]

Church Talk

Nuku displays influence of Gospel

Friday 1 November 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Last month I travelled to Tahiti for a meeting of the Pacific Conference of Churches where I represent the Catholic Bishops of the Pacific. As the meeting was hosted by the Maohi Protestant Church I stayed in their headquarters and participated in all their church events during the meeting. This does cause some amusement to […]

Church Talk

Angels and prophets at Nuku

Tuesday 29 October 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Angels, glorifying hymns and humorous skits were all part of Monday’s Gospel Day celebrations at the Takitumu School grounds in Matavera.

Church Talk

Pirianga uipaanga maata

Friday 25 October 2013 | Published in Church Talk

Kua tae te akakoro’anga o te uipaaga maata ki te openga i te Sabati ra 20 o Okotopa.

Church Talk

Annual thanksgiving service

Friday 25 October 2013 | Published in Church Talk

The community is being invited to the annual prayer service hosted by the Religious Advisory Council (RAC) on Sunday.

Church Talk

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