Church Talk

What to do when love falls away

Friday 14 October 2016 | Published in Church Talk

Today we continue to discuss the need to think clearly about your relationships.

Church Talk

Clear thinking on relationships

Friday 7 October 2016 | Published in Church Talk

RELATIONSHIPS are that area of life where you and I struggle with the greatest highs and also the greatest lows of life.

Church Talk

The inspiration of the Scriptures

Friday 30 September 2016 | Published in Church Talk

OUR STUDY of Christian doctrine has brought us to three great truths:

Church Talk

Have you heard the Good News?

Friday 23 September 2016 | Published in Church Talk

IN THE US, websites from The New York Times to The Washington Post to Forbes have been reacting to a new emoji-studded Bible translation, the latest effort to make the Holy Book appeal to young readers.

Church Talk

Island visit challenges evangelists

Friday 23 September 2016 | Published in Church Talk

STUDENTS from the Seventh Day Adventist Avondale College of Higher Education in Auckland, New Zealand visited the Cook Islands during their mid-year break recently.

Church Talk

Story of Isaac holds vital lessons

Friday 23 September 2016 | Published in Church Talk

GENESIS 27: 1 – 4 reads: “Now it came to pass, when Issac was old and his eyes were so dim that he could not see, that he called Esau his older son and said to him, “My son”. And he answered him, “Here I am”.

Church Talk

All-conquering faith prevails

Friday 16 September 2016 | Published in Church Talk

GENESIS 21:1-7 NKJV reads: “And the Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had spoken.

Church Talk

When prolonging life means causing even more suffering

Friday 9 September 2016 | Published in Church Talk

Kathryn Butler, MD, is a trauma and critical care surgeon who recently left clinical practice to home school her children. She teaches at Harvard Medical School, and has contributed to the literature on surgical critical care and medical education. She and her family live north of Boston in the US.

Church Talk

Teens say faith important

Friday 2 September 2016 | Published in Church Talk

A new American Bible Society study has found that practicing Protestant teenagers: those who identify as Protestant, attend church at least once a month, and say their faith is very important in their lives, and who read their Bible, do so the same amount all year long (73 per cent), much like all Bible-reading American teens (69 per cent).

Church Talk

Science and the book of Genesis

Friday 26 August 2016 | Published in Church Talk

Occasionally you read headlines in the media such as, “Scientists admit Genesis is ‘close to the truth’.

Church Talk

The 'religion' of evolution

Friday 19 August 2016 | Published in Church Talk

EVOLUTION is actually a religion.

Church Talk

Olympic swimmer lives her faith

Friday 12 August 2016 | Published in Church Talk

FIRST-TIME US Olympian Madeline (Maya) DiRado has already earned a bunch of medals as part of the US swimming team at the Rio Olympics. She says it’s the “quiet confidence” of her Christian faith that allows her to be a grateful, joyful, and goal-oriented athlete, even at the highest levels of competition.

Church Talk

Medical science and the Bible

Friday 12 August 2016 | Published in Church Talk

ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica documents that in 1845, a young doctor in Vienna named Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis was horrified at the terrible death rate of women who gave birth in hospitals.

Church Talk

Fulfilled prophecies of scripture

Friday 5 August 2016 | Published in Church Talk

PROPHECIES from the Old and New Testaments that have been fulfilled add credibility to the Bible.

Church Talk

Wisdom and knowledge to govern well

Friday 29 July 2016 | Published in Church Talk

TE MAEVA Nui celebrations begin today. The official programme is always full, with its serious moments, such as Constitution Day itself with its focus on celebrating nationhood, self governance and independence.

Church Talk

Loss, grief, death and resurrection

Friday 29 July 2016 | Published in Church Talk

THE LOSS of a loved one can bring grief and pain in equal measure to the love we had for the person.

Church Talk

Call to care for common home

Friday 22 July 2016 | Published in Church Talk

LET ME USE the imagery of the rainbow as my starting point in this reflection paper.

Church Talk

Wise advice in sayings of Jesus

Friday 22 July 2016 | Published in Church Talk

MY AIM is to continue looking at these sayings of Jesus like “take the hard road,” “shrewd as serpents and gentle as doves.”

Church Talk

A missionary's experience in the Cook Islands.

Friday 15 July 2016 | Published in Church Talk

IT WAS the afternoon of September 11, 2011 when I first disembarked from an Air New Zealand plane at Rarotonga International Airport, and saw a beautiful rainbow appear in the sky.

Church Talk

'Shrewd as serpents, simple as doves'

Friday 15 July 2016 | Published in Church Talk

BEHOLD, I am sending you like sheep among wolves, so be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves” (Matt 10:16).

Church Talk

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