Friday 3 February 2017 | Published in Church Talk
Great sportsmen and sportswomen are creatures of habit. Athletes pound the road for miles every day. Weightlifters constantly pump weights, and others practice, practice, and practice.
Friday 27 January 2017 | Published in Church Talk
DESPITE previous plans to admit the highest number of refugees in decades, the United States would be shutting its doors to thousands displaced by conflict in the Middle East, at least temporarily, under an executive order US president Donald Trump is expected to sign this week.
Friday 27 January 2017 | Published in Church Talk
KIA ORANA. Ko te a e te taopengaanga teia o te tataanga no runga i te Manako Maata o te Pure Epetoma no teia mataiti 2017, tena nga tataanga mua i roto i te pepa o nga epetoma i topa.
Saturday 21 January 2017 | Published in Church Talk
Tumu Tapura: Te Marae Moana
Friday 13 January 2017 | Published in Church Talk
Zechariah 14:9 doesn’t show up often on lists of favourite Bible verses.
Friday 13 January 2017 | Published in Church Talk
Kia ORANA. Ko te rua teia o te tataanga no runga i te Manako Maata o te Pure Epetoma no teia mataiti 2017, tena te mea mua i roto i te pepa o te Varaire i topa. Kua tataia oki te au tumu tapura o te Pure Epetoma e te au Orometua CICC o Rarotonga nei.
Monday 9 January 2017 | Published in Church Talk
IGNORED often in the Christmas story is the event where Herod went in search of the child Jesus in order to destroy him. (Matthew 2; 14)
Monday 9 January 2017 | Published in Church Talk
KIA ORANA te katoatoa rava i teia mataiti ou. Irinaki au e kua mataora ta kotou akamaaraanga i nga ra mamaata i topa koia te Kiritimiti e te Mataiti.
Friday 30 December 2016 | Published in Church Talk
HERE IS the definition of faith, taken from a dictionary.
Friday 23 December 2016 | Published in Church Talk
IN ‘A CHRISTMAS Carol’ written by the English author Charles Dickens, Ebenezer Scrooge’s nephew Fred, captures the magic of this sacred time of the year by reflecting that…
Friday 16 December 2016 | Published in Church Talk
THE PUBLISHER of the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible has reversed its controversial decision to finalise the text after “tweaking” 29 verses.
Friday 16 December 2016 | Published in Church Talk
"JOY TO THE WORLD" is a popular Christmas carol. The words are by English hymn writer Isaac Watts, and are based on the second half of Psalm 98 in the Bible. The song was first published in 1719.
Friday 9 December 2016 | Published in Church Talk
WITH all the atrocities committed against humankind in many places around the world, during which people are hurt, wounded or killed, many are living in fear as to whether or not they will get to see another day.
Friday 2 December 2016 | Published in Church Talk
THERE IS no greater news than this: “The God of the Universe knows you and loves you, and all of your sins and wrong doing. He forgives at His expense in Christ.”
Friday 2 December 2016 | Published in Church Talk
CHRISTMAS is a magical time.
Friday 25 November 2016 | Published in Church Talk
Renowned activist Bishop Desmond Tutu was once quoted as saying, “You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.”
Friday 18 November 2016 | Published in Church Talk
EVERY TIME we as fellow believers in the Lord Jesus Christ attend church we always expect the spirit of worship to be high and powerful.
Friday 11 November 2016 | Published in Church Talk
FOR THE past 18 years, it is ritual that my family and I attend a memorial service held every year, on the November 1, to commemorate the lives that were taken in the devastating Cyclone Martin, which struck our beautiful home, Manihiki.
Friday 4 November 2016 | Published in Church Talk
THIS HEADLINE for this week’s column comes from a verse in the Bible, in John 10, verse 10: “…I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”