Friday 29 March 2019 | Published in Church Talk
In the aftermath of the Christchurch attack, people everywhere are once again reminded of the vulnerability of life. That our lives today, can be taken from us in a matter of seconds.
Friday 8 March 2019 | Published in Church Talk
We find true freedom when we are willing to accept reality as it is (including God’s rightful and effective sovereignty over all his creation) and when we allow him to make us into all that he would have us be. The matter of God’s Sovereignty, far from continuing to be an offence to us, can become a wonderful doctrine from which we derive great blessings.
Friday 28 December 2018 | Published in Church Talk
This feature on culture and preaching was written by Dr Rochelle Scheuermann, Associate Professor of Evangelism and Leadership at Wheaton College, Illinois. She serves as Director of the Masters in Evangelism and Leadership programme. Dr Scheuermann was previously programme director and Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies and vice-president of Academics at Lincoln Christian University in the US.
Friday 21 December 2018 | Published in Church Talk
Not long ago, a professor of psychology at one of the world’s great universities gave a word suggestion test to his class of 40 students.
Friday 21 December 2018 | Published in Church Talk
The Bible is totally and absolutely silent regarding Christ’s birth as an event to be remembered and celebrated.
Friday 21 December 2018 | Published in Church Talk
With 2018 closing in on us, it’s time once again to plan celebrations for the festive season, that’s just around the corner.
Friday 14 December 2018 | Published in Church Talk
There are qualities in God we will never fully understand.
Friday 7 December 2018 | Published in Church Talk
One common and very notable characteristic amongst our Pacific Islands people is the “patipati” (begging and borrowing) attitude and habit.
Friday 28 September 2018 | Published in Church Talk
The newly appointed Minister of Police recently expressed his concern over youth offending in the Cook Islands and is keenly interested in addressing the issue. We may not be able to isolate any one cause to this problem, but we can be sure that parenting in the home, especially by fathers, plays a significant role.
Friday 21 September 2018 | Published in Church Talk
The Gospels record six cases in which Jesus' actions resulted in controversy over the Sabbath, and two more that did not.
Friday 14 September 2018 | Published in Church Talk
Jude 20 & 21, “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost…Kareka kotou e aku au akaperepere e, e te patu anga ia kotou uaorai, I to kotou akarongo Tapu Maata ra, I te pure anga ma te Vaerua Tapu”.
Friday 7 September 2018 | Published in Church Talk
It was not too long ago that it was common for pastors to be portrayed with a Bible under their arms, whereas a priest would be depicted carrying his prayer book.
Friday 24 August 2018 | Published in Church Talk
The dictionary definition of hope is “to desire something with confidence in the expectation of its fulfillment”. The state of hopelessness has been appropriately described by some as a type of “Hell on Earth”, filled with endless misery and despair. Today, more and more people are finding themselves alone and depressed, and few of us have not at one time or another felt the sting of despondency and despair.
Friday 17 August 2018 | Published in Church Talk
When you are in good times we take for granted that things that are happening in our lives are always going to be good.
Friday 10 August 2018 | Published in Church Talk
The word “sabath” or “sabbat” is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it’s the name of a day of the week.
Friday 27 July 2018 | Published in Church Talk
Last week there was a report in CINews on the Nukutere College’s cultural inter-house competition held at the Punanga Nui Market in connection with the Te Maeva Nui celebrations.
Friday 20 July 2018 | Written by Jaimie Keay | Published in Church Talk
Sacrifice – one of the definitions from the Oxford Dictionary for the word “sacrifice” include an act of giving up something valued and treasured for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.
Friday 13 July 2018 | Published in Church Talk
Today I ask of you, before you continue to read this Church Talk article to firstly reflect a little on your life.
Saturday 7 July 2018 | Published in Church Talk
The headline might sound like the title from an old soap, but in fact, this story’s older. I’ll paint the setting and then tell you the story as told by the original orator.
Friday 29 June 2018 | Published in Church Talk
If we were to say that becoming more holy is unnecessary, that we will simply remain in known sin, then we are effectively saying that God is not holy, that sin does not involve a contradiction and conflict in us, and that God has not made provision for victory.