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Power of words can stop family violence, says male advocate

Cook Islands experts and activists travelling the globe in search of solutions for the nation’s domestic violence crisis should look closer to home for the answers, says village council leader Gero Toki.

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Cook Islands-flagged ships- there are no illegal operators, says DPM Nicholas

Deputy Prime Minister Albert Nicholas confirmed that more than 700 shipping vessels are registered under Maritime Cook Islands and from these Cook Islands-flagged ships, he claims there are no illegal operators.

CIFIU takes leadership role

Cook Islands hosted an anti-money laundering/countering terrorism financing workshop for Kiribati and Marshall Islands to share knowledge and strengthen regional partnerships.


Rarotonga residents left in the dark about soaring bills

Rarotonga residents are questioning the island’s power supplier Te Aponga Uira (TAU) on the logic behind the alleged increased costs of power bills.


Resort set to unveil renovated pool area

An Arorangi-based resort is reopening its renovated pool area after guest-friendly closures for upgrades, offering complimentary Wi-Fi and breakfast as thanks for patience.


Fish, feast, and fun: Traditional event brings Pukapuka together

A two-day traditional fishing competition on Pukapuka island saw villagers compete and celebrate with a community feast.


Sarakura declared new Penrhyn MP

The wife of the former deputy prime minister, recently convicted of corruption charges and awaiting sentencing, is the new Member of Parliament for Penrhyn.


Training boosts Cook Islands’ access to justice

The Pacific Justice Sector Programme is providing training and resources to the Cook Islands to improve access to justice, including a new Bench Book for JPs, a Case Tracking System, and a Land Court Bench Book in development.


Clean up day at Apii Nikao

Parents and guardians of Apii Nikao are kindly asked to pack their grass cutters, blowers, rakes, sponges, rags, brooms, and cleaning products, ready for tomorrow’s (Saturday) deep clean working bee.


Cook Islands hosts week-long tourism data training

A week-long training on data initiatives in tourism was held at the Muri Beach Club Hotel, co-organised by Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) and Cook Islands Tourism.


Clean record, victim’s support help pastor avoid conviction

A careless driving case against an ordained pastor was dismissed by the High Court due to the victim’s support and the pastor’s clean record.


Driver fined $700 for drink driving and careless driving

A male driver has been ordered to pay a $700 fine after being convicted of excess blood alcohol and careless driving.


Apprenticeship aims to end need for overseas plumbing training

The Cook Islands is starting a plumbing and drainage apprenticeship programme this year to give locals opportunities in the trade and reduce the need to go overseas for training.


Resort supports local school with culinary outreach programme

Pacific Resort Rarotonga in the Cook Islands has announced its latest initiative aimed at uplifting the young local community through a dynamic culinary outreach programme with Titikaveka College.


Tourist influx expected as Jetstar adds flight

Jetstar is adding a fourth weekly flight between Sydney and Rarotonga due to strong demand from Australian tourists, bringing the total to four flights per week, starting later this month.


Public up in arms over proposed expansion of Cabinet, proxy voting

Parliament is holding public meetings to discuss proposed amendments to the Constitution, with Rarotonga residents strongly opposing an increase in Cabinet Ministers and a measure allowing MPs to vote by proxy.


Rental car flips into creek, driver okay

A 43-year-old driver escaped serious injury after the rental car he was driving rolled off into the creek by the Nikao seawall early yesterday morning.


Parent calls for action after child targeted online

A social media page has come under investigation for cyberbullying after a parent filed a police complaint and publicly expressed their concerns.


Tapaitau tops preliminary count

The preliminary results of the Penrhyn by-election held yesterday shows a close race between Sarakura Tapaitau, wife of the former MP, and Cook Islands Party candidate Vaine Wichman.


Fishing vessel Zambucca hauled out of water for inspection

Curious onlookers gathered at Avatiu Harbour yesterday to watch the precarious operation of fishing vessel FV Zambucca being lifted out of the water by two cranes.


Driver guilty of careless driving and refusal of breathalyser test

A 45-year-old man has been found guilty of driving-related charges by a jury.


JPs enhance skills in decision- making and judgment writing

Justices of the Peace (JPs) practicing in Cook Islands Court are undertaking training in a workshop focused on decision-making and judgment writing.


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