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No debt in China deal

8 February 2025


$541.7m tourism earnings

25 January 2025

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Top cop position advertised

7 December 2024

Church Talk



Immigration strengthens workforce resilience and service delivery

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI) completed a recruitment round in February 2025 to fill vacancies within the Immigration border team.


Lack of recognition for indigenous women and girls

The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meets annually to address the widespread inequalities, violence and discrimination women continue to face around the world.

Delegation given royal treatment in Mauke

Wednesday 26: The New Zealand high commissioner Tia Barrett and his wife, Theresa, were carried on a paata upon arrival at Mauke airport on Monday afternoon. The couple were part of minister Kete Ioane’s delegation to formally launch the long-awaited island’s water project. After all guests were greeted with ei, the ‘patu ki runga’ began, […]


Examples of parental leave:

Thursday 20: New Zealand – if you have worked for at least six to 12 months for the same employer immediately before the date of birth or date of adoption of a child, the mother can take up to 14 weeks paid maternity leave. Partners can take 21 days leave before and after the date […]


Rotary shows appreciation to Creative Centre

Tuesday 25: Rarotonga Rotary Club donated $1500 to the Creative Centre recently in appreciation for the use of their main meeting venue. Rotary further indicated to the trustees and management of the Centre its intention to continue to support them and congratulated them on recent expansion of activity. There are now 24 active daily members […]


Paid maternity leave proposed

Thursday 20: Should government pay two weeks of maternity leave to women working in the private sector? This is the question that will soon be posed to cabinet ministers who will have to decide whether a provision for this should remain in the draft Employment Relations Bill. Almost all working men and women will think […]


VAT and visitor numbers on track

Tuesday 25: The global economic crisis is starting to affect the revenues collected by government. The ministry of finance and economic management (MFEM) is now being cautious in developing revenue estimates for the current year also factoring in the world recession. The warning is that while revenues are still coming in above estimates, there is […]


Police presence at netball defended

Thursday 20: Inspector Tere Patia defends the presence of police at the World Youth Netball after a smoke signaller said they were “crawling all over” the Telecom Sports Arena. In a letter to the editor, the police operations commander for the games says a “very small” team was fully dedicated to the event and were […]


Charter not ruled out yet

Tuesday 25: Government is still negotiating for the charter of the French Polynesian vessel Tahiti Nui for transporting the northern group teams to Te Maeva Nui next month. After ruling out the charter earlier this month because of the high cost, it seems the option is being reconsidered. According to Manihiki MP Apii Piho, despite […]


94 to be honoured at USP graduation

Thursday 20: Up to 94 people will be honoured at the University of the South Pacific Cook Islands graduation ceremony tomorrow at the Are Karioi Nui. USP director Rod Dixon says that up to 60 will graduate and receive their degrees/diplomas/certificates. Up to 34 – who have already graduated since the last Cook Islands ceremony […]


Rasmussen should join us – CIP MPs

Tuesday 25: The country is at ground zero as the Democratic Party shoots itself in the foot again say self-described Atiu political tag team – MPs Norman George and Nandi Glassie. They issued a statement yesterday describing their disappointments at the Wilkie Rasmussen expulsion and ‘the downed HoMs’. They are critical of the Democratic Party […]


Fly plague in Arorangi

Monday 24: Hotels and restaurants in Arorangi expressed frustration last week at what they are calling an ‘invasion of flies’ at their premises. Rarotonga Resorts Management general manager Rohan Ellis says the increasing number of flies is believed to be due to the out of control fly situation at the Arorangi landfill site. Ellis oversees […]


Koteka voted to board

SATURDAY 22: Anna Koteka has been voted on to the national superannuation board as the contributors’ representative. The process to elect a representative came to a close last Friday. Over a two-week period from July 28 to August 7, members of the fund were given the opportunity to vote for the representative who they felt […]


UK vet and nurse pick Raro

SATURDAY 22: English veterinarian university graduate Laura Musgrove, 23, had a slew of high-tech, big-budget European clinics on her doorstep from which to get her first work experience. Instead, she and a small band of vet-care specialists regularly answer the call of a tiny Pacific Island animal centre with an international reputation – the Esther […]


9 dancers perform at Taiwan festival

Friday 14: Nine Cook Island dancers and musicians have returned from the 2009 Yilan International Lan Raining Festival which was held in Taiwan last month. For group leader Ingrid Caffery, it was her fourth trip to Taiwan, with the Yilan City Council footing the bill. Caffery says the group and a few other performing arts […]


Changes ordered for Arorangi jail

Friday 14: New secretary of justice Mark Short says the weekend jail break by two prisoners highlights the urgent need to address problems with the Arorangi prison. Short says since last November around nine escapes were made from the correction facility. “That’s too high, that’s unacceptable,” he says. Since his appointment last week as ministry […]


For safe games

Friday 14: The Safe Games campaign is not just about handing out condoms and leaflets. Volunteers (from left) Ana File, Nukutau Pokura and Dave Pokura are ready and willing to help anyone attending WYNC make the right choices to keep free of HIV/AIDS and STI. The campaign, running during the World Youth Netball Championships and […]


DPM chairs PMG board

Friday 14: Cabinet has appointed a new chairman of the Pacific Mini Games Board following the resignation of MP Wilkie Rasmussen. Deputy prime minister Sir Terepai Maoate has been nominated by cabinet to head the PMG board and ensure all preparations continue. Cabinet felt that with Sir Terepai also holding the portfolio of finance, it […]


Sine die adjournment causes a stir

Friday 14: Parliament adjourned sine die yesterday after sitting for just three hours. Some MPs were disappointed that they had been called to the sitting for the re-introduction of the Seabed Minerals Bill and it was pulled from the agenda at the last minute. Then after just an hour of sitting, acting justice minister Tangata […]


Ship too costly

Wednesday 19: Government is on the search for a charter vessel to bring northern group tere parties to Maeva Nui next month after its first option was deemed too expensive. Deputy prime minister and finance minister Sir Terepai Maoate was to travel to French Polynesia last week to finalise chartering of the government-owned ship Tahiti […]


Second Tahiti Nui charter planned

Friday 14: Deputy prime minister and finance minister Sir Terepai Maoate will travel to French Polynesia tomorrow to finalise the charter of the government-owned ship Tahiti Nui to transport northern group islanders to the Maeva Nui celebrations next month. He made the announcement of his mission in parliament yesterday after Rakahanga MP Piho Rua said […]


3 earthquakes

Wednesday 19: Three earthquakes have struck south of Fiji this week but no repercussions are expected for the Cook Islands. According to the US Geographical Survey Centre, the first quake had a magnitude of 4.4 and occurred on Sundayat 1.38pm (CI time). It had a focal depth of 551.3 kilometres and was 70 kilometres south […]


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