Cook Islands Voyaging Society crew members are visiting Hawai’i to enhance, teach and explore their navigational skills and seafaring techniques, as well as to strengthen ties with the Polynesian voyaging community.
The Crown Law Office is on course to have its highest number of lawyers ever, a significant improvement from just five lawyers in August last year.
Greater police presence and community awareness is credited for the reduction of crime this festive season. Comparing statistics from last year, burglaries and thefts were down as well as the seriousness of motor vehicle crashes. Senior sergeant Vasie Ngatoko-Poila said from Christmas Eve to January 4 a total of 117 incidents were reported to police. […]
Norman George (at right), with CIP leader Henry Puna. “/> A new Democratic Party strategy for prime minister Jim Marurai to be removed from office has garnered the support of 19 MPs in parliament according to the Opposition. Once again a vote of no-confidence in the PM and cabinet has been threatened — but this […]
Cabinet has yet to discuss the final report compiled by government’s legal consultant into the TOA fuel farm deal. Former executive officer for the office of the deputy prime minister, Florence Syme-Buchanan said that a submission was prepared last month for cabinet to discuss the report by New Zealand Queen’s Counsel Kit Toogood. “But then […]
The Queen’s Representative Sir Frederick Goodwin will not comment on being asked to call an immediate sitting of parliament to meet on the issue of confidence in the prime minister. His office has confirmed only half of the claim that the Democratic Party MPs outside of cabinet and the Cook Islands Party MPs sent him […]
The Esther Honey Foundation is thankful to all those who spared a thought — and some food — for the clinic’s animals in 2009. And in 2010, the clinic would appreciate more donations of canned food – but no fish. This is because many animals are being taken to the clinic with fish poisoning. “We […]
The Cook Islands Youth Association (CIYA) is leading the way in organisational expertise. Boasting a legal advisor and a treasurer as well as a secretary and media communications advisor, the young committee is gearing up for the first Pacific Youth and Sport conference to be held in Manukau City in March. The conference will bring […]
One person not sleeping through the current muggy weather is Avatiu resident Emily Russell. Russell was contentedly sewing ei for the Tourism Corporation on Tuesday to “keep busy”. “Being busy that’s what keeps life interesting, not sleeping,” said the ninety-year-old, who still walks to church. Russell has long been surrounded by flowers. Her parents were […]
Whilst frequently facing natural disasters, the Pacific region is now dealing with the global economic crisis. Although the effects of the crisis have not fully reached the Pacific countries yet, there is clear evidence that its consequences will be dramatic if not tackled properly. The issue will be discussed extensively over the three day Pacific […]
Keeping the katakata spirit alive at one hundred years of age, former resident of Rarotonga Mavis Scarborough is still doing the ura. Scarborough made headlines in Auckland, New Zealand recently, crediting “marrying the right man” as part of the secret to a long happy life. That man was William Scarborough and the couple spent 18 […]
Jackson Enua is back on our shores after being in Samoa for just over two years. The banker has chosen to bring his skills in banking back to Rarotonga as part of the Westpac Avarua branch team and he will officially head consumer and financial services. Enua has spent 27 years in banking and was […]
Cyclone season is upon us and the meteorological service is warning people to be prepared. Meteorological service director Arona Ngari says history has shown the sea waters becomes warmer during this time of year. Higher sea temperatures act as “fuel” in generating cyclones. “We could see something in six to 12 weeks, based on the […]
The construction industry has been one of the main sectors of the economy to suffer this year according to information provided by banks in government’s half yearly fiscal and economic update. The document reports that while most sectors of the economy seem to be faring well, especially the business and consumer sectors, there has been […]
Democratic Party leader Sir Terepai Maoate still does not want to say anything regarding the country’s political situation. A staff member of his office – which has until Friday to vacate the premises – said yesterday that “it would be premature to make any statements at this stage”. When contacted last week, Sir Terepai said […]
If your household owns pigs, goats or chickens then you would be in the 92 percent majority that does according to a new report on agriculture produced as a plan to revive the farming of livestock and crop production in the southern group. “Livestock plays an important role in our customary way of life, as […]
With international trends showing a rise in the incidents of violence reported over the festive season, some experts claim the season is one of less than cheer. Unique to the festive season are higher rates of alcohol use, increased financial pressure, and tensions sometimes associated with families coming together. A leading researcher and psychologist at […]
Police are sporting a new look this summer with their latest uniform addition. Officers have been issued official operational caps as an alternative to their usual hats to “provide comfort without compromising the presentation of the uniform”. Inspector Tere Patia said the caps are widely worn by police throughout the region including officers in the […]
Government anticipates a three percent increase in its operating revenues this financial year over the previous year. The half yearly fiscal and economic update report released by the ministry of finance (MFEM) last week reports that the revenue which mainly comes from taxation is projected to increase by a million to $97 million by June […]
Two Aitutaki youths were ‘arrested’ by police last Wednesday night – all in the name of New Year’s fun. On the evening of December 30, over a hundred Aitutaki youth attended the New Year’s Eve ‘Divas and Hustlers’ crime scene party at the island’s airport terminal. At 11pm the police vehicle with flashing lights turned […]
Visitor numbers from Australia have grown over the 2009 calendar year and this is expected to continue with the introduction of the 17 week trial direct flight from Sydney-Rarotonga from June to September 2010. “This has the potential to greatly increase arrivals from Australia as travellers would no longer need to transit through New Zealand,” […]
Four years of planning have culminated in the second Pierre Tutangata family reunion held in Takitumu over ten days. The descendants of Patetepa and Manarii came together from New Zealand, Australia and Rarotonga, with the youngest member- Manarii Etches – just a week old on opening day. Manarii carries the name of his father and […]
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