The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI) participated in the 58th Pacific Immigration Development Community (PIDC) board meeting and strategic planning workshop held in Samoa from March 3 to 6.
Tereora College’s student leaders have started the year on a high note by reviving a significant old practice, the flag-raising ceremony, which was last held about a decade ago.
The Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce has been selected to be the agent for Business Mentors New Zealand (BMNZ) to support Cook Islands businesses. In a press release yesterday the chamber said BMNZ has been contracted to deliver this service, and a contract with NZAID, a division of Foreign Affairs, has been approved to deliver […]
Last week’s Rarotonga schools’ cultural festival highlighted once again that the country’s culture is alive and well. There were 13 schools which showed off their dancing and singing skills – from the young to the youth Here are yet more great photos from the festival.
INVERCARGILL, April 20 – A father and son who instigated a serious assault during a social touch rugby game in Queenstown in 2008 were sentenced to home detention in the Invercargill District Court. Taumauri Arona 44, driver, of the Cook Islands, and his son Tau Aaron Arona, 20, scaffolder, appeared for sentence before Judge Kevin […]
The Cook Islands Party has been looking closely at government’s budget policy statement (BPS) published on March 31 and it wants to raise its concerns over the direction of the upcoming budget. The BPS is used as a guide for the budget which at this point is heading for a $4 million deficit. CIP leader […]
Physical education teachers from southern group island schools have been learning new and innovative ways to deliver PE to their students. Thirty two teachers began their weeklong PE workshop on Monday with the ministry of education’s health and physical wellbeing advisor Katie Rogers. Rogers says that the hands-on workshop encourages teachers to look outside the […]
Last Thursday night’s Rarotonga schools cultural festival proved that our Cook Islands culture is alive and strong – especially among our children. Thirteen schools showcased their dancing and singing skills – from the preschool babes through to our College youth. Today we bring you more photos from the festival.
Some members of the Auckland Cook Islands community say they are disappointed by the scant progress with the cyclone damage repairs in Aitutaki. Yesterday Radio NZ International reported that the Aitutaki community in Auckland wants speedier aid from New Zealand and for the Cook Islands government to release funding for the recovery and reconstruction project. […]
Police reported three thefts at the weekend. On Friday, 40 kikau were stolen from Arorangi but police have not identified any suspects. On Saturday morning, a purse containing credit cards and a driver’s licence was stolen from Whatever Bar, and later that same day a wallet containing over $100 was stolen from the T-shirt factory. […]
Tereora College year 13 students Raita Rongo and Maia Numanga, both 17 (pictured), are on work experience for a week at CI Tourism as part of their Business Administration and Computing course. Day one yesterday was spent learning how to handle telephone and customer enquiries at the front desk. Rongo said he was looking forward […]
The Avatiu Mongoose golden oldies rugby club spent Sunday morning picking rubbish off the beach at the social centre. “We just couldn’t believe what it says about the mentality of our people,” spokesperson George George said. “This is a spot tourists come to and the way people are treating it is sad. I just can’t […]
Newly appointed acting financial secretary Kevin Carr has set himself three key goals as he takes on the high profile role he was previously in for almost nine years until 2007. Carr has been appointed following government’s decision to allow former financial secretary Sholan Ivaiti’s three year contract to expire in February. The position has […]
Last month Apex Agencies made an application to the court for disclosure of documents relating to its multi-million dollar out of court settlement with government. In the lead-up to the hearing before Justice Tom Weston this Wednesday and Thursday, Apex has been preparing its case in which it is seeking court orders declaring the settlement […]
The Tauira/Nicholas family group called Tamariki Tumeke (pictured) is reaping the rewards of hard work – a three-week holiday travelling through Australia and New Zealand. The family group of 24 has worked hard for nearly two years mowing lawns and trimming hedges to raise the funds for their big trip overseas. The team also has […]
The Cook Islands is one of 11 Pacific island countries to meet in Samoa this week for a workshop to assist them in completing their fourth National Reports to the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD). The CBD is an international treaty that sets out commitments for maintaining the worlds’ biological diversity. Fourteen Pacific islands are […]
Regional food summit in Vanuatu this week Mention the Pacific, and most people think of sandy beaches, market stalls heavy with fruit and vegetables, seas teeming with fish, and happy, smiling people. Very few think – food crisis. And yet that is what is happening right now. Malnutrition, chronic obesity, sky-high levels of diabetesthese are […]
Cook Islands voyaging vaka Marumaru Atua and her crew of 16 departed Auckland on Sunday afternoon (Saturday local time) along with three other sister canoes on their much awaited Pacific voyage. The four double-hulled vaka – Te Matau a Maui (New Zealand crew), Hine Moana (Western Samoa, Vanuatu, and Tongan crew), Uto Ni Yalo (Fijian […]
Applications for the 2010-11 round of the Australian Sports Outreach Program (ASOP) – Pacific Sport Development Grants, are now open. ASOP has been operating since 2006 and is managed by the Australian Sports Commission. Its goal is to increase capacity to deliver inclusive sports-based programmes that contribute to social development. ASOP’s Pacific Sport Development Grants […]
Students read and studied a number of books which some students turned into a play. Other students wrote poems about their favourite book and presented these to their friends in other classes at school. The following poems are by Avatea year 3 students who read and studied the book ‘The enormous crocodile’.
Telecom Cook Islands says its call for questions and feedback played on CITV this week was an initiative of CITV chief executive Jeanne Matenga. TCI says following the recent Turama documentary programme on telecommunications, it came to light that the majority of the public was unaware of what goes on behind he scenes in the […]
Agriculture minister Robert Wigmore has been in Mangaia since Wednesday in his capacity as chair of the steering unit taskforce for the industry revival project Te One Kura. The project aims to revitalise agriculture on the islands of Mangaia, Mauke, Mitiaro and Atiu, to cater for the tourism market, mainly on Rarotonga. Government is investing […]
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