Maintaining your property, whether residential or commercial is essential for several reasons. Regular upkeep not only preserves the property’s value but also ensures tenant satisfaction and safety. There are benefits of both routine maintenance and emergency maintenance.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI) participated in the 58th Pacific Immigration Development Community (PIDC) board meeting and strategic planning workshop held in Samoa from March 3 to 6.
Secretary of justice Mark Short has plans to implement a number of rehabilitation programmes at Arorangi prison, so as to prepare inmates for life outside the cell. Prison services has organised touch and ukulele crafting to keep inmates occupied, and has established a planting programme in which prisoners participate, but does not provide any other […]
As elections draw nearer, the electoral committee is busy making preparations. The committee made a presentation to Cabinet recently proposing a timetable for either a general election in late November or a snap election in early October. Secretary of justice Mark Short says that though an election date has not yet been determined, the committee […]
The voyaging vaka fleet of Hine Moana (Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu crew), Uto Ni Yalo (Fiji) Te Matau a Maui (Aotearoa) and the Cook Islands vaka Marumaru Atua berthed at Rairua Bay on the island of Raivavae on Wednesday morning. The vaka fleet was escorted into the lagoon of the small island by Tahiti’s vaka […]
Bruce Manuela of Pokoinu Trading in Nikao is waiting for the go-ahead from the Rarotonga Environment Authority to develop a petrol station on the site. The convenience store, which trades as The Corner Store, was approved by the National Environment Service (NES) in November last year and opened for business on Saturday. Neighbouring residents and […]
The executives of the Takitumu Vaka Cultural Dance Team are calling another meeting tonight after an earlier one failed to attract members. Team president Tereapii Enua said they called an AGM on Monday last week as dancers and supporters were asking when things would be starting up this year. But none of them turned up […]
Last week eight local schools were represented at a two day workshop for teachers on the Orff music system. The training was provided by ministry of education performing arts advisor Nancy Fulford and three teacher’s who took part in a week long course in Christchurch on the learning approach that uses language, songs and dances […]
The voyaging vaka fleet have sighted the island of Raivavae and are preparing to sail into the islands lagoon. The vaka fleet of Hine Moana (Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu crew), Uto Ni Yalo (Fiji) Te Matau a Maui (Aotearoa) and the Cook Islands vaka Marumaru Atua will be escorted into the Raivavae lagoon by Tahiti […]
Officers on police patrol boat Te Kukupa face many dangers at sea while they patrol the nation’s most valuable asset our waters. They may encounter illegal fishing vessels that have aggressive persons on board and for that reason it’s imperative that officers have a good grasp of maritime law enforcement. This week Te Kukupa police […]
The swine flu (H1N1) immunisation programme will wrap up tomorrow with the ministry of health hoping to provide a vaccine to about 600 people most vulnerable to the pandemic. The programme has been running all week at the Tupapa Community Clinic and Rarotonga Hospital. Today and tomorrow those who have been asked to be immunised […]
The Esther Honey Foundation in Nikao has friendly dogs and cute kittens and cats that need good homes. Because of the large numbers of animals being cared for at the clinic, there is also a need for pet food. The community is being asked to help support the island’s only animal clinic by opening up […]
Norman George appeared before Chief Justice Williams yesterday to appeal the prison sentence handed to Ngatokorua Emanuera, the Aitutaki youth convicted of a string of burglaries. Eighteen-year-old Emanuera was sentenced to five years in prison last month for burglary, theft, unlawful taking and trespassing, and escorted from Aitutaki to the Arorangi prison. He was convicted […]
Sue Carruthers of Tamarind Restaurant will be launching her new cookbook, inspired by and tailored to the Pacific taste, at an invite-only function on Friday evening. The book, titled South Seas Cuisine, uses local fruits, veggies and fish, flavoured with locally-grown spices, herbs, coconut, ginger, tamarind and vanilla. It incorporates recipes hailing from London to […]
The ministry of health has already provided over 200 doses of the swine flu (H1N1) vaccine as it goes into its third day of its initial immunisation programme today. The week long programme aims to provide the Panvax shot to 600 locals who fall into priority groups from those with chronic respiratory and cardiac conditions […]
Australian Carmel Beattie, who has just been appointed as the new chief executive of CI Tourism, was introduced to the executives of the chamber of commerce and the tourism industry council yesterday. Beattie flies back to Sydney today and plans to join the Cook Islands marketing road show in the first week of June before […]
Cook Islands police patrol boat Te Kukupa has arrived back in Rarotonga after a busy surveillance patrol. In addition to her core police crew, the patrol boat carried a fisheries officer and emergency management officer. During the early stages of her voyage, Te Kukupa conducted a sweep around Suwarrow Island at the request of customs, […]
The voyaging vaka fleet expect to make landfall on Wednesday and the crews on all four canoes are looking forward to solid ground and fresh vegetables. Vaka Hine Moana (Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu crew), Uto Ni Yalo (Fiji) Te Matau a Maui (Aotearoa) and the Cook Islands vaka Marumaru Atua have been given a helping […]
The voyaging vaka fleet are nearing their first stop of Raivavae and were under tow as of yesterday morning. Yesterday marked day 16 for the voyagers who set sail from Aotearoa on April 18 for Tahiti with the island of Raivavae the first stop. Aotearoa vaka Te Matau a Maui has been keeping a daily […]
John Tangi’s sacking as leader of the house is a result of his blatant attempts to destabilise government according to prime minister Jim Marurai’s office. Last week Marurai terminated Tangi’s appointment by advising the speaker of the house, Mapu Taia, and advising Queen’s Representative Sir Frederick Goodwin to issue an official termination letter. The QR […]
Western Australia’s Deputy Parliamentary Educator Officer, James Sollis was in Rarotonga to help with the Student Parliament programme. Sollis organised the two-day mock parliament sessions last week and gave 20 lucky students the benefit of the programme. The program has been in the works for over a year with this sitting being the first of […]
The tourism marketing in Australia should begin this week according to the board of CI Tourism. Board member Robert Skews says after last week’s meeting with industry members, plans are still going well for the roll out of marketing through Air New Zealand, key wholesalers and a road show to begin later this month. Skews […]
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