Maintaining your property, whether residential or commercial is essential for several reasons. Regular upkeep not only preserves the property’s value but also ensures tenant satisfaction and safety. There are benefits of both routine maintenance and emergency maintenance.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI) participated in the 58th Pacific Immigration Development Community (PIDC) board meeting and strategic planning workshop held in Samoa from March 3 to 6.
Police are cordially inviting members of ethnic community groups to attend a second community meeting on Tuesday May 25 at 6 pm. An overwhelming response from the previous meeting in April has sparked interest from other organisations. The meeting will focus on building and strengthening police’s relationship with people from ethnic communities and allow police […]
Hugh Graham, a first-term Manukau City councillor, was given a verbal serving in the New Zealand press last week by Manukau Mayor Len Brown last week over his extended absence from council, while he had been in the Cook Islands. Graham hit back yesterday saying Brown was aware of and agreed to his absence and […]
By Vaine Wichman During a recent visit to Aitutaki, I chatted with women leaders on how things were moving with the recovery plan since Cyclone Pat destroyed homes and lives in February. Disasters impact people in different ways. A few sit back and complain and wish for things to get back to normal right away. […]
Apex Agencies’ director Brett Porter is relieved that the Toa case has, for the moment, closed. He insists that the whole affair was not scandalous or corrupt – it just represented a commercial transaction gone awry. The whole thing was based on a failed attempt to nationalise fuel. Porter said that government knew what it […]
The island will have a festive feel this weekend for the Cook Islands leg of the Queen’s Baton global relay. All motorists are asked to be careful on the roads as the baton and its convoy travel around the island. The baton will arrive this evening and a traditional turou ‘welcome’ will be conducted at […]
Twenty-two fisheries officers, police officers from the maritime division and police prosecutors have been taking part in a workshop this week learning about how to board, inspect, gather evidence and prosecute fishing vessels. This was part of the Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Dockside and Boarding Inspection Workshop which was conducted in Rarotonga from Monday until […]
Manukau Mayor Len Brown has fired a broadside at Councillor Hugh Graham telling him to come back from the Cook Islands and finish his term on council. But Graham has fired back saying he was surprised and disappointed that Brown has taken this approach as he was aware and agreed to the absence. Graham said […]
One of this country’s most senior public accountants says the Toa fiasco was yet another case of the Government getting involved in something it shouldn’t have. Mike Carr from KPMG said the case saw the Government getting involved in matters best left for the private sector, and leaving the financial mess to be funded by […]
Telecom Cook Islands is advising Aitutaki customers that the Maunga Pu cell site is down. This site has been without power since Cyclone Pat. The site has been running by generator which now requires repairs. A mechanic is examining the generator and Telecom said they hope to have it back working as soon as possible. […]
Two people have put their names forward as potential candidates for the Cook Islands Party in Nikao. CIP vice-president Mark Brown told CI News that nominations for Nikao opened on Wednesday night, with two people – Piritau Nga and Tangee Kokaua – throwing their hats into the ring from the outset. Nominations close on May […]
Political will, sustained commitment from governments and continued international funding remain essential for the control of tuberculosis (TB) in the Pacific region, a major regional meeting on the disease says. The fifth Pacific Stop TB meeting in Nadi, Fiji from May 4 to 7 May was organised by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) […]
The Hideaway Bar in Avarua is the place to be tonight for the Papaa (visitor) and Golden Oldies dancer of year. If you are visiting our shores and have had the opportunity to watch or even try the local dancing – then this is your opportunity to really show of your dance skills. This is […]
Hugh Graham, the Manukau City Council member in trouble with his Mayor, is currently in Rarotonga and is understood to have been given the nod as the Democratic Party’s candidate for Mauke. This in itself is a surprise given that he comes from a staunch Cook Islands Party family. It is understood that Graham, whose […]
Nominations are being called for from the Cook Islands for people who have made an outstanding contribution in the agriculture and forestry sector. The Facilitating Agricultural Commodity Trade (FACT) project, which is implemented by the land resources division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), will present awards to five outstanding Pacific persons. This […]
Are Pa Metua numbers are dwindling, and board of trustees member Pauline Napa encourages senior citizens to come around to the centre in Nikao for socialising and a hot meal. From 9am to 3pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the centre opens to accommodate elderly people who gather to read, play cards, watch videos and […]
Esther Honey Foundation (EHF) clinic director Gregg Young says volunteers are again out in the community conduction a census, counting the number of island dogs. EHF has de-sexed more than 5595 dogs since establishing the clinic in 1995 and the purpose of the census is to confirm that the percentage of Rarotonga dogs sterilised remains […]
Henry Puna, leader of the opposition Cook Islands Party is demanding a date for the election so that the people can issue their own judgement on the party which oversaw one of the country’s biggest ever political scandals. In a statement yesterday Puna said the court decision in Toa Petroleum’s favour is a huge disappointment […]
Lagoon sees exciting business house regatta paddling action The beautiful Aitutaki lagoon was again the venue for another exciting Business House Oe Vaka Regatta this past weekend. The first regatta was held at Akitua Island on Anzac weekend and this was part of a series of three regattas leading up to the Queen’s Birthday weekend […]
“The certifiable idiocy of the players to the $10 million disaster aside, the landowners of the Toa fuel farm have our future in their hands,” a smoke signaller writes.” The lease expires in just under two years and there are grounds to cancel it now – indeed the landowners have filed a notice to that […]
The extension of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Centre,Te Kainga O Pa Taunga, means a big increase in support on offer for people with mental health problems. The new room was built in just three months and means that the centre can expand the stress management programme, as well as launch a psychosocial rehab service […]
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