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STI cases on the rise

2 September 2024

52nd Pacific Islands Forum 2023
Editor's Pick

TB cases detected

1 June 2024



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Anxiety on the rise: Cook Islands faces mental health challenge

The incidence rate of newly diagnosed mental health cases in the Cook Islands between 2021 and 2023 is nearly five per 1000 population, but a non-governmental organisation claims there are more cases than officially reported.


New council president pledges to drive tourism development

The newly appointed president of the Cook Islands Tourism Industry Council aims to further develop the tourism sector in the Cook Islands, building upon the progress made since the Covid-19 pandemic.

Bigger talent pool for cabinet: Tata

Tata Crocombe says the ‘talent pool’ available for cabinet would be expanded from the ruling political party to around 10,000 people if one of the proposed changes to the political system was accepted. Currently a PM can only appoint ministers from within parliament and in most circumstances from within his own ruling party – in […]


More awards for Pacific Resort Aitutaki

Pacific Resort Aitutaki has been chosen as one of the Top 10 Luxury Resorts in the South Pacific and Top 10 Resorts for Romance in the South Pacific by the TripAdvisor website in its 2010 Travelers’ Choice awards. Now in its eighth year, the annual TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice awards honour the world’s best hotels, earning […]


Five ships to service Cooks

Twelve months ago, there was only one boat plying its trade between New Zealand and the Cooks, amidst complaints from importers that cargo was being left behind in Auckland. And early this month there was concern that Aitutaki could be left off the shipping schedule between late January and early March. Now it appears that […]


Work begins on cells

Workers this week have started stripping the inmate cells at Arorangi prison. With the roof having been completed, on Tuesday work began on doing up five of the cells. Workers will renovate five cells at a time so as to avoid displacing all prisoners from their quarters at the same time. For now, the prisoners […]


Minister calls on traditional leaders

The country’s traditional leaders were paid a courtesy call on Monday by new minister William ‘Smiley’ Heather. Members of the House of Ariki and Koutu Nui in Rarotonga gathered at parliament for the minister now responsible for the two bodies to introduce himself. Heather’s chief executive Tere Taio says the minister hopes to instil better […]


Sunday flights an insult: Tom

The continuation of Sunday flights to Aitutaki represents an ‘uneven government hand, a blatant misuse of power and a lack of sympathy to the community’s protest’ says Te Kura O Te Au leader Taraota Tom. Despite this Tom says ‘the people’s movement’ no longer wants a referendum on Sunday flights because it would be a […]


Party politics has to stop

Te Kura O Te Au, Aitutaki’s political lobby group, says it has come together for a common purpose to establish a better government for the people. ‘The people’s movement’ says it is a group of locals who come from different religious denominations, political parties and social standings to unite for the cause. The group’s leader […]


Isamaela for Amuri-Ureia

Amuri-Ureia confirmed Toanui Isamaela as its Cook Islands Party candidate for the 2010 general elections. Isamaela (41) was the only nomination put forward at a meeting on Aitutaki last Thursday evening, and this was unanimously endorsed by the party members. The new candidate was announced by constituency chairman John Baxter and secretary Maara Tangianau. CIP […]


CT scanner not a good idea

Dear Editor, I am very concerned about the report that the Ministry of Health has endorsed the purchase of a secondhand CT scanner for Rarotonga Base Hospital. Over 25 years ago, I as Chair of the Southland Hospital Senior Medical Staff Committee, lobbied for the purchase of a CT scanner for Southland Hospital. We engaged […]


Couple move to secondary

Having visited the Cook Islands several times, two Tereora College teachers have decided to make Rarotonga their permanent base. Maths and Economics teacher Simon Bragger will join his partner ICT teacher Tracey Spiers at the college for the next three years.The couple have made the move from Rotoma, New Zealand, with their seven-year-old daughter Ruby. […]


Te Au O Tonga arrives in Aitutaki

Voyaging vaka Te Au O Tonga arrived in Aitutaki yesterday afternoon after leaving Avatiu harbour on Monday morning. When contacted just after 4pm yesterday, Cook Islands Voyaging Society president Ian Karika said the vaka ended up to the east of Aitutaki but theywere outside Arutanga harbour waiting to be welcomed onto the island. Karika said […]


Masseur puts techniques to practice

Takuvaine resident Teuvira Upokotea is back on the island after a year in Auckland, where he is studying for a diploma in Sports Massage. According to his lecturers at Wellpark College, Upokotea is rated at the top of his class and excels in the practical application of massage techniques. Upokotea still has six months of […]


Avarua full at the start

The start of the school year at Avarua is always a difficult time for principal Gelling Jack. Yesterday the principal of the country’s biggest primary school was having to deal with late enrolments, from new entrants right up to the senior classes. “It’s been very difficult especially as we don’t want to turn parents away,” […]


Missing girl with relatives

The missing person notice featured on Saturday evening television turned out to be a false alarm. At 11pm on Saturday, a couple reported their nine-year-old granddaughter missing. They also put out a notice on local television. However on Sunday, they told police that she had gone to stay with her uncle but they had not […]


Police kept busy with incidents

It was a busy week for police, dealing with one case of assault, three cases of unlawful taking, one case of theft and six burglaries this past week. They also made three arrests, visited six motor vehicle accident scenes and received six noise complaints, in the week to Sunday. Last Friday, tourists hiring a private […]


We don't need a new political model: Tongia

Political reform must go hand in hand with public service and business sector reform. The three must go together. I am in support of reduced seats and changing the current political model in parts. But I am not in favour of overhauling the whole political system and adopting a new model altogether. That the new […]


International customs day celebrated today

Cook Islands customs searched approximately 3200 airline passengers, processed 800 aircrafts, screened 2000 parcels and conducted 500 cargo examinations last year. As international customs day is celebrated today, our national counterpart has released statistics showing the extent of work involved in protecting the country. With 10 full-time officers and 14 part-time airport officers, customs collects […]


Avatea pupils roll up for 2010

Avatea School has seen a boost to its student number this year with just over 300 students already enrolled. Principal Nga Charlie says last year the school had about 280 students and the increase this year is welcomed. More students are expected to enroll this week and there have been several new students apart from […]


Back to Blackrock for preschoolers

Kids poured in through the Blackrock Apii Potiki School gate in Nikao without a tear or tantrum in sight! In fact, it was the parents who looked sad to leave their children at the preschool with one mum commenting, “I think I’m the one with the problem – look my son doesn’t even know I’m […]


Nikao clean up for new school year

It was clean up day on the first day back at school for Nikao Maori School students. Classrooms were emptied of desks and chairs and floors swept to make for a clean learning environment. That was the case for the senior students of the school. Junior students went about making friends as they waited to […]


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