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Rarotonga crime stats challenged

Cook Islands Police data shows no increasing crime trend, but the Opposition leader and a road safety advocate argue understaffing and passive policing conceal actual crime and safety issues in Rarotonga.


Australian High Commission accepting applications for community grants

The Australian High Commission has announced the opening of the Australia – Cook Islands Community Grants Program.

All sectors toughening up

Throughout the countries of the world, the economic recovery is mixed with responses by those countries moving from economic stimulus (government’s putting money into the right places in the economy to kick up some investment and economic activity) to economic austerity (government’s tightening their spending in the right areas where the country can do without […]


Commissioner at conference

Commissioner Maara Tetava. “/> Cook Islands police commissioner Maara Tetava is this week attending the 39th Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police (PICP) conference in Australia. The Brisbane conference will cover issues such as disaster response and management, maritime security and domestic violence, which are relevant to most if not all Pacific Island states. The PICP […]


Two hospitalised after smash

A 17-year-old male driver and his passenger, a 12-year-old girl, were hospitalised after a head-on collision with a truck on the main road of Ngatangiia early this week. Police say that witnesses have told them that the car driven by the 17-year-old veered into the opposite lane and the oncoming truck could not avoid it. […]


Turner meets growers

Rarotonga growers will discuss improving exports of agriculture and livestock products today when they meet with one of NZ’s largest produce importers and exporters, J&P Turner. Turner has accompanied agriculture minister Robert Wigmore on a whirlwind visit to Mangaia, Mauke and Atiu this week as part of his offer of assistance towards government’s agriculture revival […]


Beach thefts continue

Police are becoming increasingly concerned about the frequency of locals stealing from tourists on the beach. “It’s a very important issue,” detective inspector Areumu Ingaua said. “It concerns us all. I reckon this will be a big problem if we don’t do anything about it. (We have to) if we want tourists to come to […]


Reforms 'ill-conceived'

Cook Islands Party MP Norman George is hitting out hard against what he calls ‘ill-conceived’ political reforms. He says recent commentary about the failure of the Parliamentary system is alarming, especially when it is being blamed for the outward migration of young Cook Islanders. “The reasons given by those postulating these ideas without solid evidence […]


Sore shoulder sparks incident

According to Sir Geoffrey Henry the whole “terrorists” incident stems from an injury he has been nursing since March. “I was loading my suitcase onto the roller to put it in the hold and I pulled my shoulder. It was very painful.” He said he went through the normal procedure of putting his bag and […]


College canteen celebrates

Passing Tereora College last month you would be forgiven for thinking the teachers had taken a day off leaving students to let loose. The school’s canteen was celebrating its first birthday on July 6 with music booming during lunch break, prizes and free food sponsored by various businesses and marking down all food items to […]


Helping preserve the past

Kylie Moloney of the Canberra-based Pacific Manuscripts Bureau (Pambu) has spent the past couple of weeks at the national archives at Takuvaine, making microfilm copies of old records dating back to the 1800s so as to preserve them. Pambu is a non-profit organisation that aims to preserve the documentary heritage of the Pacific Islands. Often […]


Code fosters effective democracy

Drafted in 2006, the scoping paper on a proposed code of conduct stated “if a democracy is to work effectively the ethical and moral standards of elected and appointed public officials need to be publicly spelled out (and) supported by an effective process of disciplining breaches”. It further stated that a code of conduct has […]


Demos make moves for new code

Having all Democratic Party candidates sign a document before the general elections committing to the passage of an effective code of conduct through Parliament should the party win is being pushed by Demo president Sean Willis. Willis says Demo MPs need to commit to the idea that if they win the election “…they will table […]


1 code to rule them all

Little known is that the Cook Islands for some years has had a code of conduct for MPs – but its poor wording and vague content makes it relatively ineffective. “It has the potential to achieve nothing,” long-time constitutional commentator John Scott says. He explains the code does not even contain proper sanctions for breaches […]


Hoping for resolution

Mann Short yesterday said that he hopes to settle the dispute over the candidacy for the Democratic Party in Ngatangiia by meeting with Sir Terepai Maoate. “My committee and I have agreed with the central committee’s advice and Sir Terepai’s,” he said. “That after the election for us, we are to meet and hopefully to […]


Mann Short wins Ngatangiia vote

Mann Short won Wednesday night’s run off for the Ngatangiia Democratic Party candidacy with 45 votes, while Iaveta Short polled 35 and Steven Peyroux 28. But he now faces a new battle against sitting MP Sir Terepai Maoate and his followers, who are still insisting that Maoate was selected as candidate back in May. Members […]


Reform advocates ask for six

Political reform advocates have recommended six questions for a referendum to be held at the election. Yesterday reform advocates Tata Crocombe and Iaveta Short presented five questions as a starting point in discussions with representatives from Mou Piri, the Group for Political Change, and Professor Jon Jonassen. The discussions held at Prime Minister Jim Marurai’s […]


Contracts awarded

Roadside cleaning contracts have been awarded for the 10 Rarotonga constituencies this month. Yesterday contractors and subcontractors met with the coordinator for the Rarotonga Community Beautification Programme, Nga Teao and director of community services Henry Tupa to confirm the contracts awarded by tender. This is the third year the annual contracts have been awarded under […]


Vanilla revived on Atiu

More than 20 interested vanilla growers on Atiu attended the meeting called by the Atiu Growers and Livestock Association on Tuesday, August 17 at the Atiu Community Hall. After the opening prayer, Tutai Toru, chairman of the association, welcomed everybody and then introduced Max Taerea, founder of the Vanilla Cooperative in French Polynesia and Sam […]


Fish and pearls boost economy

Fish and pearls drove up the country’s exports for the December 2009 quarter. According to recently released statistics from Statistics Cook Islands, total exports for the quarter were $1.3 million. This is an increase of $0.8 million over the previous quarter but a decline by $0.5 million when compared to the same period the previous […]


Huge agriculture potential

Plan to revive what was once the country’s main industry NZ produce industry member Peter Turner believes the potential for the Cook Islands to revive agriculture and grow exports is huge. He is currently on a whirlwind visit to the southern group islands of Mangaia, Mauke and Atiu with Agriculture minister and deputy prime minister […]


Consumer watchdog commissioner sought

Government aims to improve consumer protection by completing the set up of a Consumer Commission this year. The allocation of $80,000 in the new annual budget means the Ministry of Internal Affairs can finally launch the consumer watchdog body – almost two years on from the introduction of the Fair Trading Act and Consumer Guarantees […]


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