Cook Islands Police data shows no increasing crime trend, but the Opposition leader and a road safety advocate argue understaffing and passive policing conceal actual crime and safety issues in Rarotonga.
The Australian High Commission has announced the opening of the Australia – Cook Islands Community Grants Program.
The problem of too many cars on the road has been a major talking point of late. Police maintain that they’re doing their best with the resources they have, controlling traffic in town for an hour in the mornings. On the Tupapa side of town, traffic is meant to flow in one direction – those […]
French Polynesian fisherman Tauaea ‘Tavae’ Raioaoa, who in 2002 washed up in Aitutaki after surviving five months drifting at sea, passed away last week at the age of 64 after a long battle with cancer. He was laid to rest in Faa’a with a ceremony attended by French Polynesia President Gaston Tong Sang, French Polynesia […]
Police say they have received a flood of positive feedback around their recent efforts to direct Rarotonga’s town traffic in the mornings. “People believe it’s made the flow a lot easier,” inspector John Hosking, who organised the traffic directing scheme, said. “Before that, it was just chaos.” Police undertook to direct traffic when it started […]
Charles Little PC, Barristers & Solicitors has changed its name to Little & Matysik PC, Cook Islands Lawyers, signalling lawyer Heinz Matysik’s decision to come aboard as a 50/50 partner in the firm. Matysik, Charles Little’s second cousin on the Strickland side, has been employed as a solicitor at the firm since June of last […]
ADB and Japan extend funds to vulnerable Pacific groups The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Japan are extending grants totalling $3 million for a cash-for-work scheme and other pilot social support programmes for vulnerable groups in the Cook Islands, Marshall Islands, and Tonga. The Social Protection of the Vulnerable in the Pacific […]
September 28 will mark the eighth International Right to Know Day, a day that was established by access to information advocates from around the globe. It was first celebrated on September 28, 2003, and its aim is to raise awareness of every individual’s right of access to government-held information, the right to know how elected […]
The second people’s forum for change is being held tonight at the Pukapuka hostel from 7pm. The Group for Political Change (GPC) have said that the meeting will be going ahead even in the face of the current fuel shortage. “We are confident that we will have a good crowd, and we have already invited […]
To celebrate International Peace Day, which falls on September 21 – next Tuesday – peace ambassadors from schools around the island have summarised their thoughts on what peace means to them and how best to encourage people to act peacefully. Peace ambassadors are chosen on the basis of their capacity to promote peace at school. […]
A tourist recently wrote to Cook Islands News, alleging that a Safari Tours driver took advantage of her when he offered her a lift. She said he failed to mention anything about a fee, and then asked her for $4 when he dropped her off. The driver in question, Apii Mamanu, has been working for […]
David Norgren of Rarotonga Printing Ltd is finding that without strong, consistent wind, a windmill can be a rather expensive and unprofitable investment. He purchased a windmill for $10,000, which he called “very high-tech” and “not suitable at all”. It ran on battery power to keep its propellers going, and couldn’t re-start itself. He’s got […]
In the past two years, money given to Cook Islands Sports National Olympic Committee (CISNOC) to distribute to sports codes has not been sent out in the way government instructed. The government gave CISNOC $160,000 in 2008-09 and $60,000 in 2009-10 to distribute to sports codes who have applied for it through the All Sports […]
Tupapa-Maraerenga candidate causes stir with ‘entitlement’ comments Independent candidate for Tupapa-Maraerenga Tim Arnold has caused a stir with his reference to the concept of ‘entitlement’ in parliament. Yesterday, Arnold responded to concern from a member of the Henry family saying his comment did not include Hugh Henry who he says was disengaged from politics by […]
Lawyer hopes to be given the chance to upgrade Constitution Independent candidate for Tupapa-Maraerenga, Tim Arnold says he’s hoping to be elected to help tackle the issue of upgrading the Constitution. “In 1965 we got a shiny new Constitution. We’ve made a few changes along the way but the fact is that the Constitution is […]
Two residents of Vaimaanga had up to $1000 in foodstuffs stolen from their refrigerator and freezer at the weekend. Police are investigating the incident. All up five people reported at the weekend that they had been the target of thieves. A Tupapa resident said that a Nokia mobile phone had been stolen from his home […]
Sitting and talking to Terepai Maoate Jnr on Aitutaki he shares some of the visions he has for the island. An island that is still recovering after being battered by Cyclone Pat in February. Ironically he says one positive coming from the devastating cyclone is that it has provided some much needed employment. Almost 50 […]
The rebuilding on Aitutaki continues, with the repairs on 11 houses in category three now completed. The new project manager for phase two of the Aitutaki housing reconstruction project, Taukea Raui, arrived in Aitutaki on August 29. The Project Management Team met with the Island Council on Thursday, September 2. The aim was to let […]
Today’s Hash House Harriers run number 1550 will be held in conjunction with the Esther Honey Foundation K9 9K fun run/walk for both pet owners and their dogs. Hence we ask all hashers to please turn up to support this wonderful cause. Please bring along your pets for a walk (on a leash or in […]
Beautiful gowns, extravagant makeup and handsome men in tuxedos, its almost time! The big night is almost here so make sure you have everything ready a couple days before the actual Ball night. For year 13 students this will be the last ball they will have as high schoolers, so here are 10 tips for […]
Young ladies – Are expected to wear evening formal wear – Dresses are to be a modest length with less rather than more upper leg showing – No plunging necklines, bare midriffs or below the waist backs – NO transparent material Young men – Are expected to wear a Tuxedo or dress suit and tie/bow […]
Make sure you dress to impress as there will be awards for the King of the Ball, Queen of the Ball, Prince and Princess, best male and female dancers, Cutest couple, best dressed male and female, biggest flirt male and female. Make your presence known to the judges who will be wearing ei’s on the […]
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