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Rarotonga crime stats challenged

Cook Islands Police data shows no increasing crime trend, but the Opposition leader and a road safety advocate argue understaffing and passive policing conceal actual crime and safety issues in Rarotonga.


Australian High Commission accepting applications for community grants

The Australian High Commission has announced the opening of the Australia – Cook Islands Community Grants Program.

Warning about danger of bones

A vet from the Esther Honey Foundation has warned of the dangers of giving bones to dogs. Jordana Burdon Bailey said a dog was recently brought to Esther Honey because it was vomiting after eating cooked meat and bones. “We were worried that a bone had got stuck somewhere in the dog’s digestive tract, so […]


Taakoka agent rejects claims

Taakoka Island Villas agent John McElhinney is defending his decision to collect a small amount of revenue on the Muri property. The Business Trade Investment Board is trying to establish a case against TIVL for carrying on business as an unregistered foreign enterprise. There are two units on the property which was recently returned to […]


Independent steps up for Arenikau

Aitutaki’s JJ Browne has confirmed he will run as an independent candidate for the constituency of Arutanga-Reureu-Nikaupara. Browne says his campaign is based on three main issues – water, education and the environment. Browne will contest the seat against current MP and CIP candidate Teina Bishop – it is the only seat the Democratic Party […]


MP looks to extend quarter of a century in Parliament

Ngatangiia’s Sir Terepai Maoate’s political career spans more than a quarter of a century but this election, he hopes to extend that by another four years by winning his seat for the eighth time since 1983. The 76 year old has just announced he will run as an independent candidate at the November 17 election. […]


Pacific pageant launched

Miss South Pacific, Fiji’s Merewalesi Nailatikau has officially launched the 2010 Miss South Pacific Pageant in Papua New Guinea (PNG) The pageant will be held in Port Moresby from November 22- 27. “It is not easy, it comes with a lot of obstacles and challenges, but it is not impossible, you have to be yourself, […]


Beach lunch treat for teachers

Te Uki Ou School staff celebrated World Teachers Day with a picnic lunch on the beach yesterday – prepared, cooked, and served entirely by their pupils. It was the first time the initiative had been incorporated into the school’s curriculum, principal Jason Ataera said. Te Uki Ou’s senior class of 20 Year 7 and 8 […]


Recovery begins with teachers

Yesterday was World Teachers’ Day with the international theme “Recovery begins with teachers”. Secretary of Education, Sharyn Paio, said this seemed appropriate in many ways. “None more so than the efforts of our teachers and Ministry of Education staff in supporting the people of Aitutaki when Cyclone Pat devastated their island in the early hours […]


Heart specialist visits

A children’s heart disease expert from Starship Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand is holding a clinic at Rarotonga Hospital this week. Dr Tim Hornung is a paediatric cardiologist who has been to Rarotonga twice in the past four years to run clinics for children with heart disease. The specialist will be seeing around 45 children […]


Coconut wireless for directory

An image of two children using a coconut wireless will grace the cover of next year’s Cook Islands telephone directory. Muri resident Eipuatiare Arthur-Tua’s photograph of daughters Tanarra (7) and Baila-Moana (5) was announced as the winning entry of Telecom Cook Islands’ inaugural phone book design competition on Monday. Arthur-Tua said she was inspired to […]


Changes blow in at Windjammer

It’s all change at Windjammer. The new executive chef of Crown Beach, Doyle Lovett Te Maiharoa from New Zealand, has started out with a completely new menu and a new team both front and back of house. Te Maiharoa has worked previously in Christchurch and in number of hotels around the South Island. He has […]


'Wacky' time at CITC fun day

CITC employees gathered at Nikao Maori School on Saturday afternoon for some team building and morale boosting. There was a volleyball game, a ‘wackiest hat’ contest and a barbecue – all to kick off CITC’s Fun & Fitness initiative. The event was organised by Food Group (which consists of CITC Supermarket, Foodland and Oasis) Fun […]


Inspiration caught on Mauke

A recent fishing workshop hooks many young men Ministry of Marine Resources’ (MMR) Inshore Fisheries trainers, Sonny Tatuava and Trini Kea, recently lead a one week fishing workshop on Mauke which has resulted in an inspired group beginning the Mauke Fishing Club. Mauke’s leaders and MMR were very much encouraged by the biggest turnout of […]


Aka'oa unit hit again, $1000 taken

An Aka’oa property was burgled on Saturday with $1000 in cash and electronic equipment taken. Police say that this isn’t the first time the unit in question has been ransacked. The burglar appears to have entered through a side window, and has reportedly stolen a Sony camera valued at $500, expensive aviator sunglasses and $300 […]


Manins volunteers at CI News

Cook Islands News photographer and sports reporter Matariki Wilson is in Delhi covering the Commonwealth Games, and in her absence the newspaper is getting a bit of extra help from Kiwi volunteer Rosie Manins. Manins, 24, is a journalist from Nelson, who for three years wrote for the Otago Daily Times. She took a break […]


Regular Sydney flight 'would work'

High confidence in future of new Australia service Australian flight loadings have proved that a regular direct flight would work, according to the new Australian marketing manager for Cook Islands Tourism, Geoff Buckley. As Buckley left Rarotonga after a week of familiarising himself with the Cook Islands, the Sydney flight bookings for the next six […]


St Pat's boys share their aroha

An enthusiastic group of young men and their minders from St Patrick’s College in Wellington is enjoying local culture at present. The group is on the island as part of a cultural exchange allowing the boys to share their New Zealand culture with their Cook Islands cousins. The group consists of 19 boys (14 of […]


Cards from kids boost our team in Delhi!

A heart-warming surprise from home was shared with Team Cook Islands after a combined church service on Sunday morning (India Time). Letters of encouragement and support have been received by the team from grade 2 students of St Joseph’s Primary School. The letters decorated in wonderful drawings including motivational words for each athlete and manager […]


Aitutaki powers up rebuild

The Aitutaki island council has spent $22,000 on power tools to speed up the repair and construction of cyclone-damaged homes on the island. Aitutaki Mayor Tai ‘Tango’ Herman was in Rarotonga on Friday checking on the over 400kg of tools which had just arrived from New Zealand. Herman said it made sense to spend some […]


More books for Cooks

The Books for Cooks project – the brainchild of CITC pharmacist Shannon Saunders’ mother Ann – is well underway. St Cuthbert’s School in New Zealand has already shipped loads of books over with the assistance of CITC, which covered the cost of freight. So far, they have been distributed to the Cook Islands Library & […]


New regional Westpac GM

Greg Pawson has taken over the role of Westpac’s general manager Pacific banking following Jane Kittel’s move to become managing director of BankSA, South Australia’s largest financial institution. New Zealand-born and educated, Pawson started his banking career in the early 1980s at the Bank of New Zealand. His work experience includes time at ASB Bank […]


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