Cook Islands Tourism strengthened its European partnerships and promoted its destination through strategic business-to-business meetings and incentive programmes, aiming to increase visitor numbers and expenditure.
The Cook Islands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI) hosted visiting Government of Niue senior immigration officer Olive Kapaga recently for a comprehensive study tour.
Philip Nicholas says that his disappointment at the standard of candidate on offer is one of his reasons for running. “People ask me why I am going into politics after running a successful business for 33 years. But I meet a lot of people in my work – business people, locals, tourists. Conversation isn’t about […]
Ngai Tupa Democratic Party, Takuvaine-Tutakimoa Ei akamatutu i to tatou basileia, e mea tau kia aru te kavamani ka tu ma i te kaveinga ta te Demo i papau i teia ikianga. Kua roa au i te rave i te anganga kimi puapinga, kite au i te ngata i te reira. Ei tauturu i te […]
Raro Idol took the opportunity to give back to the community when the final five contestants put on a show for members of the Creative Centre and Are Pa Metua yesterday. Organiser Clee Marsters said it was a wonderful opportunity to give back because there has been such an amazing response to the competition. “And […]
A notice to all schools in the Cook Islands – please tell us your good news! We are keen to publish articles about the achievements of 2010’s top students throughout the country, so let us know when your prizegivings will be held, and share with us your inspirational tales, and annual scholastic recipient awards. Email […]
Airport Authority security officer ranks have been bolstered by the addition of seven new graduates. Ngatokorima Matakino, Leon Potoru, Nooapii Tearea, Nancy Taraare, Moeroa Takairangi, Mana Havi, and Paniani Joseph were presented with certificates as well as their airport warrants and identification cards during a graduation ceremony inside the international departure lounge this week. Head […]
Telecom Cook Islands board of directors chair Nadine Newnham says Cook Islanders can be proud of their telecommunications company. She says Telecom’s recent report to the public is issued with the intention of sharing information about its activities that may be of interest and value to the public. “When I was appointed chair of the […]
The southern Cooks can expect heavy rains in coming months, while the northern group should be prepared for below average rainfall, according to a release from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The region is in the throes of a moderate to strong La Nina, a weather phenomenon which affects […]
Government is now providing support to grow fly fishing in Aitutaki for its potential to boost the tourism market. The Business Trade Investment Board and Marine Resources have come on board to encourage locals to get into sport fishing ventures. The silvery bone fish, known for its ability to avoid being caught, are described as […]
Independent candidate for Tupapa-Maraerenga Tim Arnold believes that it’s time to upgrade and enshrine Cook Islands Maori land rights in the constitution. Although he maintains that he is still running on the single platform of electoral reform, Arnold says that if elected he has skills which would be of great use to Parliament and the […]
Mangaia will permanently retain the cellular site located in the village of Oneroa, established for coverage by visitors during the solar eclipse earlier this year. Telecom Cook Islands shipped communications equipment specifically manufactured for rural locations to the southern group island as a trial during the July eclipse. It was assumed at the time that […]
Lady Marito Maoate has spent 27 years backing Ngatangiia Independent candidate and MP Sir Terepai Maoate’s political career. She says it’s thanks to her husband that she took such a keen interest in community work over the years. She is well known for her contribution to Ngatangiia’s CICC, sports teams, and community groups and services. […]
The Ministry of Health is continuing its public awareness programme for diabetes – the Cook Islands’ leading health concern. Free weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar level checks were made at two temporary health stations established in Avarua yesterday. By midday more than 40 people had been assessed in terms of their risk of developing […]
Nassau residents are celebrating having more landlines thanks to Telecom Cook Islands (TCI). Following the installation of the new telephone exchange and the laying of underground cables, Nassau now has 18 more homes with telephones. These telephones are Kia Orana card phones where a Kia Orana card must be purchased to enable customer to make […]
Leadership, disaster preparedness and ways to strengthen regional standards will be among the themes at the South Pacific Nurses’ Forum in Auckland this week. More than 300 nursing leaders from 12 Pacific nations are at a four-day forum at Auckland’s Aotea Centre. The forum’s theme is “Nurses at the helm: Steering health across the Pacific”. […]
Westpac Cook Islands is encouraging local businesses to become involved in its annual Community Giving Tree appeal. For the second consecutive year, the bank is facilitating the donation of Christmas gifts to Rarotongan children deemed disadvantaged in some way. To date about 40 of the 140 children registered anonymously through the initiative have been selected […]
Over the next two weeks 533 students across seven schools will be sitting National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) exams. Tomorrow one student will sit the scholarship Maths with Statistics exam, but level 1 to 3 exams begin Sunday. NCEA exams are three hours long and are held in the mornings at 10.30am and the […]
Kia Orana to my fellow Cook Islanders, As a politician of some 27 years I have adopted and applied the principles and oath of my medical training to the political arena, that being the oath of saving lives. I can honestly say that in my political career, I have performed my duties to the best […]
Emergency specialist Bernard Fauke is reviewing emergency services at Rarotonga Hospital. His report will map out how the service can be overhauled to come closer to New Zealand standards. Fauke works for Waitemata District Health Board in New Zealand, where he is emergency specialist for two hospitals. He has also worked at Middlemore Hospital in […]
Rex Fearon, 41, was reported missing last Wednesday after falling overboard from Wild Goose, a 14-metre yacht that was not yet two days into its journey from Rarotonga to Opua, Northland. A 390sq km search involving an RNZAF Orion, the Forum Pacific container ship and a French naval aircraft was unsuccessful, and called off after […]
In May the University of the South Pacific will launch its publishing arm that will be known as the USP Press. The goal of the press is to publish high quality research and writing on issues related to the Pacific Islands, or the islands commonly known as Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. Toward this end, the […]
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