Cook Islands Tourism strengthened its European partnerships and promoted its destination through strategic business-to-business meetings and incentive programmes, aiming to increase visitor numbers and expenditure.
The Cook Islands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI) hosted visiting Government of Niue senior immigration officer Olive Kapaga recently for a comprehensive study tour.
In the past week or so, it has become obvious that there has been some quiet but hard door-to-door campaigning by political parties and independent candidates alike. As would be expected in Cook Islands politics, there would be some high transient emotions demonstrated as traditional approaches clash with those who desire change and innovative ideas. […]
Thirty-three Cook Islanders recently finished a USP Master’s course and are now have Master’s degrees in Business Administration. They will graduate with a group of about 110 graduates in August next year at the National Auditorium – the delay is to ensure that the whole lot of USP students can formally walk together. Class captain […]
A team of six observers representing the Pacific Islands Forum is in the country to observe today’s General Election. The team arrived in the country last Thursday and has been talking to a number of relevant people and stakeholders. The team has already met with senior government officials from the Cook Islands Ministry of Foreign […]
Dear Editor, Whatever the makeup of the new government once the country’s general elections are held tomorrow, I just hope that more attention and effort will be placed on developing and improving the country’s basic infrastructure. For far too long the country’s basic infrastructure has been ignored and neglected by successive governments, leading to a […]
La Railleuse, the French naval vessel currently berthed at Avatiu, is scheduled to leave this weekend – but on the heels of her visit comes Le Prairial, another French naval vessel with the capacity to store a helicopter. Le Prairial (F 731) is a 93-metre light monitoring frigate of the French Marine Nationale that is […]
The Atiu Island Council has approved the controlled use of shotguns to supplement poisoning and trapping as the myna reduction project moves into eradication mode. The myna reduction project started in May 2009 after mynas were seen harassing nesting lorikeets in 2008. The internationally endangered Rimatara Lorikeets (Kura) had been reintroduced from Rimatara (French Polynesia) […]
The New Zealand police force’s senior sergeant and community policing adviser, Phil Paratene, recently returned from a visit to the outer islands. The purpose of the visit was to educate and train police officers – two on Pukapuka, one on Manihiki, one on Rakahanga and three on Penrhyn. This marks the first time New Zealand […]
What if my name does not appear on the roll? If your name does not appear on the roll, even though you have registered, you may still vote. You must complete a special form for a “Vote by Declaration”. Your completed ballot paper will be placed in an envelope, the declaration attached and sent to […]
Matavera Democratic Party candidate and cabinet minister Cassey Eggelton says the $1500 baby bonus pledge has been blown out of proportion and taken out of context. The party proposes to increase the new born allowance, which is currently $300, to help families better cope with the costs of a new baby. The pledge and the […]
A coalition government after Wednesday’s general election is predicted by lawyer and Public Review and Expenditure Committee (PERC) chair, Marie Francis. “I think there will be a change (in who holds power). There are many options for voters to consider and if they exercise their right to vote there will be a shift. I think […]
Maggie out to prove his critics wrong at election Tupapa-Maraerenga CIP candidate George Maggie Angene is counting on winning the approval of the largest voting population in the country this week. There’s been a lot of talk about the character and personality of the former convict now born again Christian. Angene has struggled against the […]
Dear Editor, People have such high emotions linked to their opinions on the topic of voting, especially when provoked about why they should vote, and more so if they refuse to accept the fact that they should vote. As I look around me and hear people talking about this subject, I wanted to know if […]
Dear Editor, It is unfortunate to write this letter of condolence regarding our late dear brother Tepure Tapaitau. He passed away on November 14 at 8pm in the Cairns Base Hospital. It was a shock to the Penrhyn community here in Cairns after realising what happened. It is a usual custom for the Penrhyn community […]
Former cabinet minister and one time deputy leader of the Democratic Party, Tepure Tapaitau passed away suddenly in Cairns, Australia, on Sunday. Prime Minister Jim Marurai paid tribute to Tapaitau yesterday. “Tepure had a big heart for his people – a quality that shone strongly throughout his public service as Police Commissioner, Member of Parliament, […]
About 30 people attended a commemoration service for Armistice Day at the Avarua War Memorial in Rarotonga last Thursday. Cook Islands News photojournalist Matariki Wilson was there to capture the event, which was organised to mark the ceasing of hostilities between Allied and German forces in World War One, at 11am on November 11, 1918. […]
The Atiu Hospital was reopened with much fanfare on Wednesday, October 20 after a four-month upgrade project on the building. Minister of Health Apii Piho and secretary of health Tupou Faireka were both on the island for the reopening. Faireka reports that the hospital, which has an eight-bed capacity, is now up to the same […]
The pre-election economic and fiscal update report released by the Ministry of Finance recently gives the public a snapshot of the state of the economy. Tourism is still the best indicator of how well the economy is performing and predictions are that visitor numbers will continue to grow steadily each year. The document is a […]
A detail of an ume or unicorn fish from one the paintings in Varu Samuel’s upcoming exhibition. It will be Samuel’s first solo show and it opens at the Beachcomber Gallery on Friday. This local artist will be showing 11 new paintings and a sculpture with his trademark environmental theme running through the exhibits. In […]
Cook Islands Police Patrol Boat Te Kukupa is nearing the end of her biennial slipping and will be back patrolling our waters very soon. The vessel is currently on the slipway at the MYD ship yard in American Samoa undergoing planned maintenance which will keep her seaworthy for the next two to three years. The […]
A shipment taking IT waste off Rarotonga for free is planned for early December. Pua Hunter from the office of the Prime Minister has been working with government staff to make sure all ministries take the chance to get all their old computers hauled off the island and disposed of. But individuals will also have […]
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