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$541.7m tourism earnings

25 January 2025

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7 December 2024

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Power of words can stop family violence, says male advocate

Cook Islands experts and activists travelling the globe in search of solutions for the nation’s domestic violence crisis should look closer to home for the answers, says village council leader Gero Toki.

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Cook Islands-flagged ships- there are no illegal operators, says DPM Nicholas

Deputy Prime Minister Albert Nicholas confirmed that more than 700 shipping vessels are registered under Maritime Cook Islands and from these Cook Islands-flagged ships, he claims there are no illegal operators.

Rarotonga resort prioritises sustainability to meet eco- conscious tourist demands

A Rarotonga-based resort is participating in a German-funded green hydrogen project to reduce its carbon footprint and become more sustainable for environmentally conscious tourists.


‘Talanoa’ key to Forum’s seabed mining approach

A talanoa session expected to be held later this year would see Pacific Island Forum leaders coming together in a collective position on seabed mining.


Cook Islands establishes diplomatic ties with Ecuador

Cook Islands and Republic of Ecuador formalised diplomatic relations this week, marking the South American country as the 66th diplomatic partner of the Cook Islands.


Careless driving, high blood alcohol leads to $5000+ bill

Three drink drivers were sentenced in Avarua court, with one ordered to pay a hefty reparation for damaging a power pole.


Court briefs

A man who continued to have interim name suppression has admitted to a charge of assault on a female. The defendant’s initial charge of threatening to kill was withdrawn by police and substituted by assault on a female. Represented by Mona Ioane, the defendant will be sentenced on July 9. ——————– On assault on a […]


Government invests $400,000 in Tupapa Clinic asbestos removal

The asbestos removal project for the Tupapa Clinic will cost $400,000 and is expected to be completed by August of this year.


Three schools rise to the challenge at Highland Paradise Cultural Competition

About a hundred students and parents of Apii Takitumu, Apii Arorangi and Te Uki Ou participated in the annual Highland Paradise Cultural Competition yesterday.


Traditional chants and languages get a boost from local Arts Trust

The preservation of Cook Islands cultural heritage and identity is a top priority for passionate and dedicated Cook Islanders who are committed to safeguarding customs and arts for future generations.


Government and Opposition leader clash over motives behind CIIC Bill

Parliament passed a bill to amend the qualifications for appointing directors to the Cook Islands Investment Corporation, with disagreements between the government and opposition on whether the amendment was designed for a specific person.


Cook Islands Finance joins 2024 Career’s Expo as first gold sponsor

The 2024 Career’s Expo is off to a great start with the signing of its first gold sponsor, the Cook Islands Financial Services Development Authority, also known as Cook Islands Finance (CI Finance).


Cruise Cook Islands wraps up ‘positive season’ despite cancellations

The Cruise Cook Islands’ 2023/24 season ended on a positive note with Paul Gauguin making a visit to Aitutaki and Rarotonga on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.


Cook Islands Tourism defends emergency procedures after tourist death

Appropriate emergency procedures were followed during a medical event which resulted in the death of a New Zealand tourist on Tuesday afternoon, says Cook Islands Tourism.


Aliki investiture ceremony rescheduled to allow for full attendance

The investiture ceremony for Te Ulu o Te Watu/Pukapuka’s new Pepeu Aliki Makirai Henry has been rescheduled to next week to allow time for the contingent from Nassau to attend the celebration.


Fourteen organisations receive $194k in social impact grants

Delighted recipients of Te Tango Akarangatira Ora’anga/Ministry of Internal Affairs (INTAFF) Social Impact Fund (SIF) project initiatives celebrated signing their official grant agreements yesterday.


NES to strengthen environmental data reporting in proposed bill

National Environment Service (NES) is proposing a new Environment Bill to improve data reporting, strengthen its role as a permitting authority and update regulations for a changing environment.


Audit report reveals CIIC overspent budget by $2.7m

Cook Islands Investment Corporation (CIIC) overspent their budgeted appropriation from Parliament by more than $2.7 million over the past five years.


NZ tourist dies on snorkelling tour, Police investigate

A 49-year-old woman from New Zealand has been confirmed dead after being transported in an ambulance from the Avaavaroa Passage in Vaimaanga yesterday.


Cook Islands showcases wealth management expertise at US investment summit

The Cook Islands financial services industry recently featured at the prestigious America Outbound Investment Summit, held on May 7 in Los Angeles and May 9 in San Francisco.


Quality audits crucial for public trust, says former NZ PM Clark

The 25th Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) Congress highlighted the importance of independent audit reports for public trust and good governance in the Pacific.


Schools told to teach Te Reo Maori from ECE to Year 6

Schools in the Cook Islands have been directed to begin using Te Reo Maori from Early Childhood Education (ECE) to Year 6.


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