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2 September 2024

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1 June 2024


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Police testify in rape, burglary trial

Police officers who responded to the burglary and rape crime scenes of February 21 last year testified in a jury trial at the High Court in Rarotonga yesterday.

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New tariffs cause a splash: Free water allocation for residents, businesses face higher costs

Residential users will receive 50,000 litres of water per month free under the final water tariff structure announced by To Tatou Vai and commencing October 1, 2024.

Psychiatrist returning

The psychiatrist who helped Te Kainga Mental Health and Wellbeing Centre win an international award is returning to the Cook Islands. Dr Deva, who sits on the board of the World Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, helped the centre’s founder Mereana Taikoko design training in mental health, alcoholism and counselling to help people help those with […]


Girls Brigade face future

The Girls Brigade of the Cook Islands recently sent two youth representatives – Marcienne Maurangi and Jane Tou – and national secretary Tangi Taoro to Malaysia for the 10th International Conference of the Girls Brigade. The theme of the conference was ‘Cross Over and Move On’, which refers to the way that progress and change […]


Cell tower working

The newly built 30ft cell tower at Takapora, Aitutaki, is now fully operational. Telecom Cook Islands (TCI) said yesterday customers should notice improved coverage and signal strength in the surrounding area. TCI cellular manager Donald Munro said the new cell tower was fired up on Wednesday night and initial tests conducted show great improvement in […]


Close watch

The appointment process for the new chief executive of the Cook Islands Investment Corporation (CIIC) is now being managed independently by the office of the Public Service Commissioner (PSC). CIIC Minister and DPM Robert Wigmore says he is paying close attention to the appointment process following a new Audit finding that the 2007 appointment of […]


Playground closed for work

Concern this week was rife among parents over the dilapidated state of the Punanga Nui market playground, but the Cook Islands Investment Corporation assures the community that it’s taking steps to fix the problem. Ake Hosea Winterflood, whose Lazy Diner Cafe looks out on to the playground, went on television earlier this week beseeching government […]


NZ visitor numbers up by 878 for July

While the Australian visitor numbers featured strongly in the July visitor arrivals, numbers from New Zealand were also healthy. Their numbers went up from 7676 in July last year to 8554 last month – an increase of 878. Cook Islands Tourism chief executive Carmel Beattie said they have had a very strong season with New […]


It's K9 9K time

To celebrate 15 years of providing services to animals in the Cook Islands – the Esther Honey Foundation animal clinic will join forces with the Hash House Harriers for a K9 9K run next month. And as the event name suggests – bring your canines for this special event on September 13. This is the […]


'Kite day' at Matavera

Kiwi visitor Malcolm Hubbert flies kites for the sheer joy and pleasure it brings him and people that are drawn in by the colourful displays. The Waitakere kite enthusiast is a member of the Kite Flying Association and a ‘good old Westie!’ Hubbert says he’s been flying kites his whole life and is part of […]


Horse owner: 'I do my best'

Aroa Horse Trek owner Tiki Daniel says he has always tried to do the right thing for his horses but it has been no easy task. The tourism business has been in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons almost since the operation began some 10 years ago. Recently, upset visitors to the island have, […]


Horse care an ongoing issue

‘Is no one prepared to make a stand?’ Former Esther Honey Foundation animal clinic director Karen Galvan has always been an outspoken advocate for the safety of animals. During her time with the local animal clinic – Galvan fielded complaints from tourists, locals and expats on the many animal neglect issues they come across on […]


No movement

There seems to have been no movement on the development at the old Sheraton site, for which the Auckland-based developers Mirage Group Ltd obtained a lease over two months ago. The developers have not formally applied for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report from National Environment Services, on which the prospect of construction depends. Earlier […]


25 Chinese tractors landed

A new tractor for each electorate The 25 new tractors provided through a $1 million People’s Republic of China grant were landed off the Southern Express this week. Agriculture Minister Robert Wigmore was at Avatiu Harbour yesterday to announce the arrival of the tractors which should be assembled by the end of the month. Wigmore […]


Quiz night for Red Cross youth

Do you and your friends have good general knowledge? If so, tonight’s Cook Islands Red Cross Youth Peer Educators quiz night is the place to really test your knowledge. The youth peer educators are holding a quiz night fundraiser at the Rarotonga Golf Club in Nikao to raise funds to get to Mangaia in October […]


Public meeting backs run-off

Wednesday’s well attended meeting of Ngatangiia Democratic party supporters is indicative of the groundswell of discontent in the village over the May nomination process of sitting MP Sir Terepai Maoate as candidate. The three candidate hopefuls – Iaveta Short, Stephen Peyroux and Mann Short – who called the meeting to confirm dates and the process […]


RNZAF stops over

One of the Royal New Zealand Airforce’s two Boeing 757 aircraft made a brief stopover at Rarotonga Airport yesterday. The New Zealand High Commission told CI News the No.40 Squadron plane which landed shortly after 2pm was stopping over for just over an hour as it headed back to NZ from a ‘routine mission’ in […]


Early paintings on display

The Cook Islands National Museum is hosting a painting exhibit that closes tomorrow. Curated by Mahiriki Tangaroa, ‘50 Years of Painting’ focuses on early modern painting in the Cook Islands and features the work of both visiting and local artists. The exhibit includes the work of Charlie McPhee, who visited Rarotonga in 1953 – his […]


Schoolboys take on UK side

The Takuvaine Happy Valley will be the place to catch action packed schoolboy rugby when visiting UK team Epsom Schools take on a local under 16 and under 19 squad. Epsom Schools are no stranger to Rarotonga and were last on a rugby tour to the island in 2006. The visiting team provides another opportunity […]


Rotary study tour a blast

Every year the Rotary Club of Rarotonga sponsors a local young person to represent the country at the Rota Pacific Study tour in New Zealand. This year 22-year-old Maru Mariri was fortunate enough to be chosen for the three week experience and she had a blast! To be eligible for the youth event you must […]


Land ownership review

Conference addresses issue of absentee landowners At last week’s Festschrift for Professor Ron Crocombe, former secretary of culture Makiuti Tongia presented a paper he wrote together with Prof Crocombe and Tepoave Araitia that addresses some important issues around land ownership. The paper provides a brief history of land tenure laws in the Cook Islands and […]


Political system 'seriously deficient'

Dr Jon Jonassen, Cook Islander and professor of political science at BYU in Hawaii, delivered a paper at last week’s Festschrift for Professor Ron Crocombe that’s particularly interesting in the months leading up to the elections. The paper explores problems plaguing the Cook Islands – both internally and externally generated problems – and suggests a […]


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