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STI cases on the rise

2 September 2024

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1 June 2024


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Police testify in rape, burglary trial

Police officers who responded to the burglary and rape crime scenes of February 21 last year testified in a jury trial at the High Court in Rarotonga yesterday.

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New tariffs cause a splash: Free water allocation for residents, businesses face higher costs

Residential users will receive 50,000 litres of water per month free under the final water tariff structure announced by To Tatou Vai and commencing October 1, 2024.

Call for referendum rethink

Cook Islands Party MP Norman George is calling on Prime Minister Jim Marurai to back down from plans to hold an election referendum on political reform. The party’s spokesman for finance and economics, George says government should not rush into holding a referendum on November 17. “The present government of six should adopt a more […]


The dubious benefits of citizenship

At the outbreak of the Second World War Apirana Ngata – he’s the guy with his picture on our $50 note – persuaded the government to form a Maori battalion. The 28th Battalion was formed on tribal lines and the different iwi kept up the numbers to maintain the fighting unit. Men from the Pacific […]


TCI says Aitutaki work done

Telecom Cook Islands (TCI) said yesterday that they have completed the restoration of mains power to the Maunga Pu cell site on Aitutaki, and the migration of the cellsite to the cellsite cabinet at the hospital over the weekend. The new cabinet is more efficient and has a built in air conditioner which will provide […]


Fiji telco eyes Pacific growth

Amalgamated Telecom Holdings Limited (ATH) plans to venture into the Pacific region believing its future growth can be achieved there. Amalgamated Telecom Holding Limited is a Fiji-based telecommunications holding company that provides a range of telecommunications and related services throughout Fiji. The ATH Group of Companies include ATH, Telecom Fiji Limited, Vodafone Fiji Limited, Fiji […]


Playground gets a makeover

Last week’s hype about the worn-down condition of the Punanganui marketplace playground is winding down, as parents see that something is being done about it. On Saturday, over 30 helpers from Rotary and Mongoose, together with a few local builders, rolled up their sleeves and painted and swept and repaired damaged playground equipment. “It was […]


Voyaging Society fundraising to buy vaka

Marumaru Atua, the Cook Islands vaka recently returned from a voyage across the Pacific, will cost the Cook Islands Voyaging Society (CIVS) $200,000. Proceeds from the upcoming Shapeshifter concert, scheduled for September 2 at Club Raro, will go toward helping CIVS to purchase it. At the moment, ownership rights to the vaka belong to German […]


Women's group elects executives

The Pan Pacific South East Asia Women’s Association (PPSEAWA) Cook Islands Inc had its annual general meeting at the Crown Beach Resort last week to elect its executives for 2010/2011. The new executive is a mix of the former and new members. The new bring in youth, a different perspective and energy to pursue PPSEAWA’s […]


Tepaki units in receivership

NZ’s PricewaterhouseCoopers, the receiver for Strategic Finance, have put assets owned by three of developer Tim Tepaki’s local companies into receivership. The assets affected are all the unit titles of Manuia Beach Resort, and some of the units at Castaway Beach Villas and Lagoon Lodges. Accountant Michael Innes-Jones has been appointed receiver as of August […]


Referendum questions discussed

Talks are underway on the make-up of a possible referendum on political reform and how many questions it might pose to voters at the November 17 election. It is understood the referendum will have a maximum of two questions. A smaller number of questions is thought to encourage more voters to respond to the referendum. […]


Draft family law bill put forward

A draft family law bill that better protects the rights of women, children, and family members in the Cook Islands was discussed at the 11th Triennial of Pacific Women in Noumea on Thursday. The discussions which were part of a side event on “Advocating and Campaigning for Gender Equality Laws: Lessons Learnt” focused on the […]


Studying what rocks our world

A trio of geologists from American universities have a hunch that some islands in the Cooks are made of rocks that have literally been to the bottom of the earth and back, and they’re here to find out. Matt Jackson, professor of earth sciences at Boston University and researcher Peter Day of Maryland University are […]


Audit already investigating Areai loan

The Audit Office is now digging deeper into why government gave a $30,000 soft loan to Junior Areai’s Rarotonga-based business. Early last week Atiu MP and solicitor Norman George wrote to the Audit Office to lodge a complaint over the soft loan granted last year under a business support loan stimulus package for struggling outer […]



The Edgewater Resort & Spa has no association with Aroa Horse Treks, the horse riding operator. Cook Islands News wishes to make this clear following last Friday’s publication of a photo of Aroa Horse Treks owner Tiki Daniel, wearing an Edgewater polo shirt. Daniel also works in the Edgewater’s activities department. Resort management wanted it […]


Tourism roles re-written

All of the roles at Cook Islands Tourism (CIT) are being re-written, apart from those of the newly appointed director of marketing and the chief executive, and staff will have to reapply for their old jobs. According to chief executive Carmel Beattie, the 10 roles in the organisation have had to be re-written “to make […]


Animal emergency nurse helps out

Esther Honey’s first ever animal emergency nurse is on the island for the next four months. Alongside all the vets who come and go, giving up anywhere between two weeks and three months of their time, the clinic usually has two nurses. But Kirstin Pietack is the first one who has specialist experience in emergencies. […]


Run-off under microscope

The legitimacy and fairness of the run-off process for political candidates in the country has come under close scrutiny in recent months. Both major parties have had their problems, with questions asked about how democratic some of the selections have been. CI News put the question of the legitimacy and fairness of the run-off process […]


Tupe takes action

Tupe Short was so incensed by the damage being done to the lagoon by pig farming and other sewage treatment problems that he joined the Muri Environment Care Group. “Now that we know what the problems are, and that we are the cause, we need to work together to fix it,” Short said. “We are […]


Psychiatrist returning

The psychiatrist who helped Te Kainga Mental Health and Wellbeing Centre win an international award is returning to the Cook Islands. Dr Deva, who sits on the board of the World Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, helped the centre’s founder Mereana Taikoko design training in mental health, alcoholism and counselling to help people help those with […]


Girls Brigade face future

The Girls Brigade of the Cook Islands recently sent two youth representatives – Marcienne Maurangi and Jane Tou – and national secretary Tangi Taoro to Malaysia for the 10th International Conference of the Girls Brigade. The theme of the conference was ‘Cross Over and Move On’, which refers to the way that progress and change […]


Cell tower working

The newly built 30ft cell tower at Takapora, Aitutaki, is now fully operational. Telecom Cook Islands (TCI) said yesterday customers should notice improved coverage and signal strength in the surrounding area. TCI cellular manager Donald Munro said the new cell tower was fired up on Wednesday night and initial tests conducted show great improvement in […]


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