Highlighting their dedication to the promotion of traditional sports, the Emo Aito Māori Federation of the Cook Islands has successfully requested the inclusion of Traditional Sports in the upcoming Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC).
Concern is growing in Aitutaki over the increasing spread of taramea (crown-of-thorns starfish) in the island’s lagoon, with community leaders calling for an urgent, coordinated response.
The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in Suva is this week hosting seven Smaller Island State and Pacific Plan Desk Officers from around the region. The aim of the week-long workshop is to discuss the Pacific Plan – a document designed to strengthen regional cooperation. The Cook Islands’ officer is Mary Anne Nixon, who replaced former […]
Cook Islander Munokoha Patia Vainerere, who lives in Fernvale, Queensland, said the recent flooding was “devastating, heartbreaking and very traumatic” for her and her family. Fernvale sits between Toowoomba, Ipswich and the Wivenhoe Dam – a major source of water for the city of Brisbane. Vainerere said her neighbourhood had “no warning of the wall […]
John Baxter, the new mayor of Aitutaki, has praised the work being done on the cyclone recovery project. He dismissed the idea that things were not going fast enough. “Whatever the council can do to help we will do. The recovery didn’t start until four months after the cyclone, but once it started, it went […]
Local Zumba instructors are running two Zumba classes on Saturday to raise money to send Carlene Mapu to Auckland for her Level One Zumba Basics certification and licence. Carlene – who says she has caught the ‘Zumba fever’ – has been teaching classes on Rarotonga for the past year and she’s now ready to take […]
Rarotonga schools came to life yesterday as children with crisp uniforms and sharpened pencils turned up ready to learn. But for most schools and kids – the first day of school was clean up day. Classrooms were swept out and rubbish raked up and after that – it was all about getting set up in […]
As part of an effort to make Rarotonga healthier, Sisi Short is running a free ‘fitness group’ twice a week. The community health and fitness team’ started meeting in mid-November of last year, and continues to gather at 6am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The hour-long class, which meets in Nukupure Park in Muri, consists of […]
Tupe Short believes the wrong person is holding the Pa Ariki title, and intends to bring his case in court to prove it. He insists that the Pa Ariki title – which now belongs to Pa Marie Ariki – was passed down through the wrong kopu line, and argues that it should have stayed within […]
“Finance Minister Mark Brown’s plan to recruit the next financial secretary from New Zealand is saying that highly qualified and experienced Cook Islanders cannot do the job, or if they can, then pay them peanuts,” comments a smoke signaller. “If this is Government’s plan, then why not fill all top jobs from New Zealand, including […]
Tupapa-Maraerenga member of parliament George Maggie will be holding a meeting this evening to revive the Tupapa-Maraerenga growers association before they receive their new Chinese tractor on Friday. Maggie, along with tractor driver John Kamana and mechanic Glassie Mato, visited the Ministry of Agriculture yesterday to find out when they would receive their tractor which […]
Business Trade Investment CEO Terry Rangi believes if the Business Support Loan (BSL) is to continue, there should be diversification away from the tourism sector and the assistance shouldn’t be confined to just the outer islands. He says there’s no doubt that “tourism is important but we are really neglecting potential million dollar export industries […]
Staff at the Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation have said that the workshop they held for Members of Parliament at Crown Beach was a success. Research officer Hilary Gorman reported that of the 12 invites sent to MPs, seven people attended. The invites were issued to governing party MPs and their wives who live on Rarotonga. […]
The arrival of China’s gifted tractor to Mauke came as an early but much appreciated surprise to many. Acting Island Secretary Steve Barrett wishes to pass on his thanks to China on behalf of the island of Mauke. Everything comes with responsibilities and costs however and on that note, Barrett hopes that operational costs will […]
The sirens that sounded on Monday evening came from ambulances rushing to the scene of a Tupapa motor vehicle crash, just in front of Ngatipa Store. At 6.19pm, a male was driving a black Yamaha Spark motorbike travelling from Pue toward Avarua. Another black Yamaha Spark – this one carrying two people – was following […]
As students prepare to enter a new school year, Tuki’s and Vonnia’s are busy selling uniforms. The mamas at Tuki’s Pareu are flat out this week sewing uniforms. Tuki’s carries uniforms for every school on the island except Tereora College and Papaaroa School – which parents can find at Vonnia’s. Tuki’s has uniforms for Titikaveka […]
Minister of Health and Agriculture Nandi Glassie says that it is his role and his objective to provide a clear vision and an impetus for change – not to get involved in the day to day running of the ministries. “My job is to assess the two portfolios. In public sector management you have to […]
The East-West Centre in Honolulu today concludes what media are calling a ‘high-level dialogue on Pacific island issues’. The ‘State of the Pacific Dialogue’ involves scholars from a number of Pacific nations and from Australia, Japan and the United States, and aims to review regional developments and emerging trends likely to shape future policy within […]
The first-ever region-wide safe drinking water initiative is underway. Eight countries are implementing Drinking Water Safety Plans (DWSP) recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) – and the Cook Islands is one of them. Other participating countries are Marshall Islands, Palau, Vanuatu, Fiji, Niue, Tonga and Samoa. AusAID provided the funding to back the scheme […]
Kimiora Makitae of Mauke is currently in Auckland attending a four-day Bluelight Youth Leadership and Personal Development camp at Hobsonville Base. After much consideration and consultation with Mauke School principal Josephine Ivirangi, Bluelight coordinator Hugh Graham chose Kimiora to represent his island at the Auckland conference. “Kimi is a young lad that possesses leadership qualities […]
Aitutaki’s new mayor John Baxter and his scrutineer Tereicino Tuare flew into Rarotonga this week for the final count of the votes from Aitutaki. He was officially declared the winner at the conclusion of the count. Baxter said that votes were added to all candidates but that he won by 37 votes. In the preliminary […]
Mauke Scouts used the last week of school holidays to introduce the boys to a different concept in camping – a flying camp. So named because every day sees the troop packing down, cleaning up and then moving to a new campsite where they will be required to decide the best way to organise shelter […]
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