The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI) completed a recruitment round in February 2025 to fill vacancies within the Immigration border team.
The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) meets annually to address the widespread inequalities, violence and discrimination women continue to face around the world.
Cook Islands noni juice continues to be exported to Japan, although the tsunami-ravaged country has yet to confirm orders since the disaster, placing the local industry in a precarious situation. Japan usually takes the bulk of Cook Islands noni juice, generating about $1 million for the Cook Islands noni industry each year. But since Japan […]
Building permits for commercial and residential development worth an estimated $1.9 million have been issued between the start of January and end of March this year. The 13 residential and two commercial developments are all for properties on Rarotonga, other than one on Aitutaki. Eleven new companies have also been registered in the Cook Islands […]
Local USP student Jim Brown has been elected chairman of the USP Students Association (USPSA), which represents all USP campuses in the Pacific, including the main campus in Laucala Bay, Fiji. The USPSA was formed in 2009 as federal body to unite all USP student associations and to give them a stronger voice. Browns election […]
After searching for nearly 12 hours on Saturday, police found a 75-year-old man who had been reported missing by his family. He was found in Matavera, with just a minor cut on his face. He was attended to by a nurse before being taken to hospital for further care. The police are thanking Cook Islands […]
Amid rumours that the kikoi is still alive and well on Mauke, the Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust is offering a reward to anyone who can verify a sighting. More than 180 years have passed since the last verified kikoi sighting on Mauke and the bird is listed as extinct. The British Museum had a […]
All men are being encouraged to do themselves a favour and get a free health check during clinics scheduled to be held in all main villages on Rarotonga. The Ministry of Healths public health division is planning to hold this years first two-day clinic at the Avana Meeting House in Ngatangiia on May 11 and […]
The Cook Islands Investment Corporation (CIIC) board is set to announce its formal appointment of a chief executive to the organisation next week. Lloyd Miles has been acting chief executive for about 18 months, following the suspension of former chief executive John Tini. An audit report was instigated on the appointment of Tini, and it […]
The 2011 Cook Islands Canoeing Associations singles race series has seen the biggest race line-ups ever in the domestic races, and some exciting racing. Pacific Games squad members who are using the series as part of their training and selection processes have swelled the numbers in each race. Thirty-two paddlers took to the start line […]
Tereora College students have a chance to sleep in every Wednesday this term, while their teachers undergo professional development training. The schools parent teacher association committee recently approved a proposal for all teachers and staff to participate in professional development during the 12 weeks of term two between 8am and 9am. This means Wednesday morning […]
Production director Thomas Peyroux is giving away 20 free Once Upon A Reef tickets to 88FM listeners. Each day the radio will announce a question, and the caller who answers it correctly has a chance to win one ticket. Closer to the May 25 production, packages of two tickets will be up for grabs. Shortly, […]
Cook Islands vaka Marumaru Atua left Tahiti yesterday for Moorea. After spending weeks in Papeete installing the vakas solar-powered motor, the crew was itching to set sail. Marumaru Atua crew has finally posted an update on the Te Mana O Te Moana voyage tracking website ( detailing their journey from Rarotonga to Papeete. Ten days […]
World Press Freedom Day was born 20 years ago in the vision of a group of journalists gathered in Windhoek, Namibia. The Windhoek Declaration was a call to arms to protect the fundamental principles of the freedom of expression as enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration Human Rights. It was also a bell […]
When governments repress their people and shield themselves from scrutiny, press freedom is among the most powerful vehicles for exposing misdeeds and upholding public trust. This is part of the personal message on World Press Freedom Day 2011 (May 3) by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. He says when people face discrimination and marginalisation, […]
Its the ultimate fast-track to open governance, but growing a culture of information-sharing doesnt happen easily. Thats the key lesson learnt from the Cook Islands experience so far of the Official Information Act, or OIA. A new media initiative which will grow awareness of the ground-breaking act is aimed at building on that lesson, and […]
Thirty-seven-year-old Uraia Tini from the island of Tongareva graduated with a Bachelor in Arts and Law (double degree) from the James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, on April 16. His proud parents, Mr and Mrs Soa Tini Joseph MBE, from Penrhyn along with other members of his family attended the graduation. Tinis wife Teinano Tini […]
Taku Mina, an 18-foot five-man flying fish Pukapuka vaka known as an Iekelima was re-dedicated and blessed in the new Are Vaka at the Cook Islands Library and Museum on Friday. The vaka, believed to be the oldest in the Cook Islands, was gifted to the Cook Islands Library and Museum Society by the people […]
Money from Cook Islanders continues to pour in for Christchurch residents still struggling in the aftermath of Februarys earthquake. The Cook Islands Red Cross Society (CIRC) is collecting money from throughout the country and transferring it to the New Zealand Red Cross Societys account for the Christchurch appeal. To date almost $40,000 from the Cook […]
Rarotonga-based Cantabrian Jennifer Kettley sent a message to Christchurch Mayor Bob Parkers office last week, reminding him of Prime Minister Henry Punas offer to arrange an all-expenses-paid holiday to the Cook Islands for him and 50 other people who showed courage in the aftermath of the February earthquake. I know how horrendously busy you and […]
Cook Islanders interested in business detail can now subscribe to the Cook Islands Business Gazette which is being produced by the Business Trade Investment Board (BTIB). The monthly publication will include information and statistics on registered local and foreign enterprises, building permits, bank interest rates, lease assignments and transfers, lease mortgages, and general business news […]
Between $5 million and $7 million will annually be generated for the Cook Islands government through fishing licences if the Ministry of Marine Resources develops three designated fisheries for bigeye and skipjack tuna as well as swordfish (broadbill). The ministrys draft plan for exploratory fishing, which will pave the way for the creation of designated […]
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