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The importance of Property Maintenance: Routine vs. Emergency Maintenance.

Maintaining your property, whether residential or commercial is essential for several reasons. Regular upkeep not only preserves the property’s value but also ensures tenant satisfaction and safety. There are benefits of both routine maintenance and emergency maintenance.


Cook Islands contribute to immigration regional governance discussions

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI) participated in the 58th Pacific Immigration Development Community (PIDC) board meeting and strategic planning workshop held in Samoa from March 3 to 6.

ANZ charges escalate at ATM

ANZ automatic teller machine (ATM) charges for customers using some foreign and international cards in the Cook Islands have increased to as much as $6.50 for each cash withdrawal. The fee does not apply to Cook Islands ANZ customers but will impact tourists with certain cards accessing cash while in Rarotonga. An ANZ spokesperson says […]


Goodbye to Cook Islands bright star

Hundreds attended the Titikaveka funeral of Te Tika Mataiapo Dorice Reid, one of the countrys most prominent leaders who passed away suddenly last week. The main road was blocked off to make way for her casket and a sombre funeral procession. Te Tika Mataiapo friend, mentor and national leader was flanked by her family and […]


Countrys real wealth is its people

The performances at the Tereora College cultural festival last Friday rival anything this writer has seen in a quarter century of live performance in the Cook Islands, a smoke signaller writes. The enthusiasm, natural talent and unadulterated joy of our young people was infectious and there were more than a few wet eyes in the […]


Complaint over night in cell

A complaint has been made to police commissioner Maara Tetava about the remand in custody overnight of a 62-year-old woman with heart problems. In the Cook Islands High Court at Avarua yesterday lawyer Lavenia Rokoika told Justice of the Peace John Kenning she had written to Tetava about the police handling of her client Antonina […]


New financial secretary due

The employment contract for a new financial secretary has been put before cabinet and signed. It is expected the new secretary will arrive in the Cook Islands next month. Details are scarce while Public Service Commissioner Navy Epati is in Auckland and not responding to a request for comment. It is rumoured Richard Neves from […]


Harbour work gets official opening

The head of the Asian Development Bank (ABD) and the banks representative to the Cook Islands walk towards the edge of the Avatiu Harbour, squinting in yesterdays bright sun. They drop a stone, marking the official beginning of redevelopment works at the site that the bank has backed with a $25 million loan. A few […]


Make it or break it at world cup

The Cook Islands open mens touch rugby team will play three games today which will determine their fate at the touch rugby world cup in Scotland. If the Cooks win all three games today they have a strong chance of getting into the top four playoffs of the tournament. The moved on to the top […]


New store and takeaway almost finished

Construction on the newest branch of grocery chain Manea Foods is nearing completion. The shop formerly Ooa Petrol in Tupapa should open next week, owner James Beer said. On Thursday it had power installed, and staff are already running equipment tests and refrigerators. In past months work crews have been working hard to get Manea […]


Work cuts cable

A power cable being cut is believed to be the cause of an electricity outage to the Cook Islands Trading Corporation main store in Avarua on Tuesday afternoon. Construction work is being undertaken near the building at present. The retail complex lost power shortly after 3pm and closed early at 4pm. Power has been restored. […]


Government in dark on details

Deputy leader of the opposition Wilkie Rasmussen says the government was not privy to an agreement between the Northern Cook Islands Fishing Company (NCIFC) and a Taiwanese fishing firm, despite the issuing of licences for Yuh Yow Marine vessels. Rasmussen was the minister of marine resources at the time applications for licences were put to […]


Environment crusader dies

Rarotonga has lost a crusader for the environment and skilled science teacher with this weeks death of Patua Rangatira Keri Herman. Herman died aged 50 on Tuesday afternoon at Rarotonga hospital. A funeral service was held yesterday (June 22) from 3.30pm at his family home in Pue, Tupapa. He was then buried in Matavera opposite […]


Gender equality policy a big step

Cabinet yesterday approved the National Policy on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, which Cook Islands National Council of Women (CINCW) president Vaine Wichman says is a big step. We dont have to fight anymore this means they (government) have committed to a lot of things, Wichman said. In the old days our womens organisations […]


Fearless patron for all CI women

Akaeke ia ngaru e.akaeke Akaeke ia rangi e. akaeke Tutuki anga marokura e…tutuki Tutuki anga mamae ngakau e …tutuki Te Tika was our fearless patron and accepted this position in 2002. She assumed her position as patron for all the women of the Cook Islands with shared visions and immaculate judgement. She grew us, in […]


Customers smiling after food expo

Hundreds of people made the most of yesterdays CITC supermarket food and liquor expo and judging by the smiles through the aisles, it was a hugely successful day. Tables of free food and liquor samples were set up in the aisles of the supermarket and after sampling the tasty morsels, customers had the opportunity to […]


Issues on the table for Parliament

Child welfare, beer manufacture and bonefishing regulations are among the subjects of papers to be presented to parliament at its next sitting on July 1. A draft business paper of the parliamentary sitting has been circulated among members. It includes a welfare (child benefit) order for 2011 to be presented, as well as 12 papers […]


Sir Apenera remembered

Cook Islands News readers pay tribute to Sir Apenera Short. A giant among leaders Aloha to the Short ohana on the passing of Sir Apenera Short, a giant among leaders who with his quiet demeanor moved mountains. Joyce and our family send all our aloha and best wishes. Hardy Spoehr E Rama kaka kua ngaro […]


Public servants recognised

Cook Islands Workers Association (CIWA) president Anthony Turua is encouraging residents to acknowledge todays United Nations Public Services Day. Turua says the public service is a great social equaliser. We wish to reaffirm that public services are mandated to serve democracy and the public good. Investments in public services always benefit citizens without discrimination. Workers […]


Rescue boat taken for test spin

Rarotonga Crash Fire Service officers spent yesterday afternoon taking their rescue boat for a test maintenance run to keep the boat in tip top condition when it is needed for a sea rescue. The three year old Rescue 5 boat is taken out for a test run once a month to keep the vessels twin […]


Festival highlights importance of culture

The Tereora College cultural festival was a big step towards finding the balance between sporting, academic and social studies at the school, according to its organisers. Tereora cultural organiser Vae Papatua said for what had started as a nervous day, last Fridays cultural festival ended even better than he hoped. The schools four houses performed […]


Drawing on proud history

New inter-island cargo and passenger vessel Tiare Taporo was named after one of the last ships to trade under sail in the South Pacific. The original Tiare Taporo which in Tahitian means lime blossom was built for A B Donald Ltd in 1913 by Charles Bayley Jr of Auckland. When old man Donald started his […]


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