The Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) use its share of the US$156.8 million (NZ$272.8m) regional grant to assist in logistical and resourcing challenges.
Maintaining your property, whether residential or commercial is essential for several reasons. Regular upkeep not only preserves the property’s value but also ensures tenant satisfaction and safety. There are benefits of both routine maintenance and emergency maintenance.
The majority of those who turned up to Te Au O Tongas public meeting on Tuesday evening voiced their full support for the proposed marine park. Still, House of Ariki president Tou Travel Ariki pointed out that while over 30 people were present, he had been hoping for a greater turnout of Cook Islanders. Im […]
The governments draft employment relations bill is not ready for adoption and will not be tabled in parliament until the next sitting, a date for which has yet to be confirmed. It was supposed to be tabled and adopted this week. Minister Nandi Glassie, who chairs the select committee preparing the bill, announced the delay […]
Data collected on Mitiaro is painting a bleak picture of the health and attitudes of young men in the Cook Islands showing the islands population as being overweight, having a tendency for regular binge drinking and a high rate of smoking. Figures collected by the ministry of health show that almost 100 percent of the […]
The proposed marine park is not an entirely foreign concept, says Conservation International marine programme director Sue Taei. The raui is a local concept, and in terms of the near-shore areas (the marine park) would be a raui-type mechanism, Taei said. There are areas you can and cannot fish. If its done right and based […]
An eye care team this year examined the eyes of 970 Cook Islanders and performed cataract or laser surgery on 120 of these patients setting a new record for the aid programme. The team was made up of seven New Zealand eye care specialists, working with Cook Islands medical professionals, under the New Zealand Ministry […]
The publisher of a daily New Zealand travel industry publication has begun advising travel agents to warn their clients of the risk of theft while holidaying in the Cook Islands. Tony Dominey, publisher of Tabs on Travel and Travel Today, said he was prompted to run an article in Travel Today after being contacted by […]
A Rarotonga theft victim returned home to a nice surprise in New Zealand recently. Jackie and Steve Brown were robbed of their iPads, iPods and a digital camera while on holiday in Rarotonga. Upon returning home however, Mr Brown received a letter stating he has been selected as a finalist for the 23rd World of […]
Island gospel days will no longer be public holidays. Instead, the Cook Islands will observe Ra O Te Ui Ariki on July 6 out of respect for the countrys aronga mana, its ui ariki, ui mataiapo, ui rantagira and taunga. Prime Minister Henry Puna tabled an act in Parliament this week to amend the Public […]
The French community on Rarotonga will congregate at Le Bon Vivant tomorrow to celebrate Bastille Day. In celebration of French National Day, the Avarua eatery will be putting on a special French menu, hanging French decorations and playing French music from 7am. On display will be drawings done by Avatea students that artistically answer the […]
As tourists and staff came streaming off the Pacific Pearl P&O onto Rarotonga on Sunday, a group of young hospitality students made the reverse journey to tour the ships cooking and dining facilities. About 15 chef and front of house students from the Hospitality and Tourism Training Centre received a special look into life in […]
Northern islanders travelling aboard MV Lady Naomi for Constitution Day celebrations in Rarotonga will be able to take 1000 tonnes of cargo back to their communities next month. Culture and infrastructure minister Teariki Heather spoke in parliament on Monday evening, giving details of the transport provided to pa enua residents by the government for Te […]
New Zealand foreign minister Murray McCully should be championed to push for more Cook Islands produce exports to New Zealand while he is in Rarotonga this week, member of parliament for Oneroa Winton Pickering says. Pickering spoke in parliament on Monday and urged those in power to perfect the countrys key produce rather than try […]
Outer islands may boast lychee and mangosteen plantations through agriculture development initiatives tipped to boost the Cook Islands economy. Agriculture minister Nandi Glassie has announced the sectors future movements in parliament while outlining the Ministry of Agricultures $945,451 total net appropriation for the 2011-2012 financial year. Glassie says in the last 12 months agriculture generated […]
The Te One Kura project is to be underway by the end of this year, agriculture minister Nandi Glassie says. He made the announcement in parliament on Monday in response to questions from fellow members of parliament about whether the project has collapsed. Glassie says Te One Kura is still a government priority and there […]
Mauke needs $1.8 million for a power supply upgrade, otherwise the government should conduct a renewable energy pilot project on the island, member of parliament for Mauke Tai Tura says. In parliament yesterday he suggested three wind turbines be installed on Mauke for renewable energy. Tura says the government should also consider supplying a seven […]
Roads on Mangaia may not be re-sealed in time for the Manea Games later this year due to problems with machinery needed for the task, Tamarua member of parliament Pukeiti Pukeiti says. Pukeiti spoke in parliament yesterday during debate about outer islands appropriations. He says a barge will take supplies to Mangaia in coming months, […]
A special audit report tabled in parliament this week is damning of current legislation for the provision of access to safe drinking water in Rarotonga. Audit was tasked with assessing the effectiveness of the actions by key agencies to improve access to safe drinking water. In his report audit director Paul Allsworth states the assessment […]
Government compensation of at least $100,000 is available for Aitutaki residents and church denominations following the February 2010 cyclone which devastated parts of the island. Outer islands appropriations were discussed in parliament on Monday evening. Amuri-Ureia constituency representative Toanui Isamaela described the $1,367,243 total net appropriation for Aitutaki as huge but said it may not […]
Council members and mayors on pa enua are to be given greater authority and freedom by the government, even if that requires legislative change, Prime Minister Henry Puna says. He spoke in parliament on Monday evening when outer islands appropriations were discussed in the debating chamber. Puna says under previous governments those elected on each […]
Tupapa and Maraerenga MP George Maggie has spent a lot of his time so far this month counting. And for Maggie, the magic number is 12 anything less and hes not doing his job properly as the Cook Islands Party whip. He said the MPs know their role in Parliament and know ahead of time […]
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