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Rarotonga crime stats challenged

Cook Islands Police data shows no increasing crime trend, but the Opposition leader and a road safety advocate argue understaffing and passive policing conceal actual crime and safety issues in Rarotonga.


Australian High Commission accepting applications for community grants

The Australian High Commission has announced the opening of the Australia – Cook Islands Community Grants Program.

Busy holiday for UK volunteers

Between preparing the Red Cross booth for the Careers Expo and daily lessons with the Cook Islands Sports Academy (CISA) boys, UK medical students Abi Campbell and Louisa Harpur hardly have time for typical holiday pastimes like sunbathing and swimming. But thats the way they like it. We volunteer for the challenge, Louisa said. Its […]


Free chiropractors on Rarotonga

Free chiropractic services are being offered to Cook Islanders next month by a team of doctors and New Zealand Chiropractic College students. It is the fourth time chiropractor Dr Bo has visited Rarotonga, providing his services to residents free of charge. He will be joined by another doctor from the chiropractic college as well as […]


Renovated whale centre opens its doors

The Cook Islands Whale and Wildlife Centre celebrates its re-opening with a launch function next Friday evening. The general public is invited to the launch between 1pm and 5pm on Friday. Formerly the Cook Islands Whale Research and Education Centre, the Avatiu building located across the road from Mike Tavionis workshop was closed for renovation […]


Bomb types banned

It is now specifically illegal to use, develop, produce, possess, or transfer to another person cluster munitions and explosive bomblets in the Cook Islands. Parliament this week considered and passed into law the Cluster Munitions Bill, which prohibits any activity in respect of cluster munitions and explosive bomblets, other than by those who in their […]


Govt makes green move

The Office of the Prime Minister is searching for a new project developer to help steer the country towards becoming 100 percent reliant on renewable energy. The renewable energy project developer will help the PMs office develop and coordinate green energy projects throughout the country. Prime Minister Henry Puna, minister for the environment, last week […]


Roundtable on renewables with Kiwis

The Cook Islands state-owned energy provider Te Aponga Uira (TAU) faces a fine balancing act in the coming decade. On the one hand, the company faces the task of facilitating the Cook Islands move to becoming a nation 100 percent reliant on renewable energy for its electricity needs. And on the other, it must find […]


China billion for lower interest

How much mortgage debt is there in the Cook Islands? a smoke signaller ponders. One billion dollars? Two billion? A government with a bit of vision would not be raiding the savings of children and pensioners but cutting a commercial loan with China for a billion or two, handing that money to the local bank […]


Money transfer to Australia gets cheaper

Westpac has reduced its surcharge on fees sent from Australia to the Cook Islands. The bank announced today it would be reducing its AU$30 (NZ$38) surcharge to AU$10 for customers in Australia sending less than AU$500 from any Westpac branch in Australia to family or friends in the Pacific. Recipients will no longer have to […]


New Catholic Bishop for CI

In April of this year, Pope Benedict XVI appointed the Reverend Paul Patrick Donoghue,S.M., as the new Catholic Bishop of the Cook Islands. In the Catholic tradition, Bishops are appointed by the Pope after much consultation. The Catholic Church has only been in the Cook Islands since 1894 so it has not had a long […]


Rasmussen criticises government spending

Soft expenditure could be hurting the governments rapport with Cook Islanders, deputy opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen says. In analysing the 2011-2012 budget, tabled and adopted in parliament this week, Rasmussen says money could be better allocated. He cites the baby bonus, ministerial support appropriation increases and parliamentary travel and service costs as soft expenditure. These […]


Joy and jest as priests home blessed

July 2 was a full on day of celebrations on Mauke as Catholic Bishop OConnell blessed Father Johns new house. Words were spoken, songs sung, doors opened by Father John, Bishop OConnell, building supplier Arama Wichman and landowner representative Dyer Tamaka. As the Bishop blessed the exterior and then interior Father John, in jovial spirit, […]


Kevin Iro one of Lomus heroes

Rugby legend Jonah Lomu counts Cook Islander Kevin Iro among his heroes. A lot of people dont know my background but I played league first, and one of my heroes is sitting right here, Lomu said at a luncheon yesterday. Kevin had a huge influence on my career. Lomu played for the Manukau Magpies, and […]


Aitutaki donates $25,000 to Christchurch

The people of Aitutaki have raised $25,000 for those affected by the Christchurch earthquakes. Aitutaki mayor John Baxter, House of Ariki minister Teariki Heather and Aitutaki MPs Teina Bishop, Mona Ione and Toanui Isamaela presented a cheque for that amount to New Zealand foreign minister Murray McCully and his delegation yesterday. To formally welcome McCully, […]


NZ, CI renew vow of commitment

The governments of the Cook Islands and New Zealand have renewed their dedication to one another on paper, in a Joint Commitment for Development. Following what Prime Minister Henry Puna called a refreshing and constructive closed-door meeting yesterday morning, representatives of both governments met to reaffirm their special relationship in a public signing of the […]


World Cup carries Pacific flavour

Rugby World Cup chief executive Martin Snedden yesterday made a tongue-in-cheek promise that if the All Blacks win the Rugby World Cup, theyll bring their trophy to Rarotonga. Whilst you dont have a team we know damn well legally you are obliged to support the All Blacks, and (if they win) the All Blacks are […]


No promises on superannuation

New Zealand foreign minister Murray McCully says he cannot confirm when his government will have worked out how to make superannuation portable, or accessible to Kiwis living in the Cook Islands. He says he cannot predict how long it will take to make the promise a reality. Id never put a date on workings of […]


$3m for industry revival

The Cook Islands pearl industry is preparing to make a comeback thanks to a $3 million boost from NZAid. Rarotonga yesterday celebrated Cook Islands Pearl Day to mark the launch of the $3 million aid package, and to thank NZ foreign minister Murray McCully for releasing it. Pearl vendors set up stalls showcasing their best […]


McCullys touchdown low key

The arrival of New Zealand Foreign Affairs minister Murray McCully and his 75 strong Pacific mission delegation landed in Rarotonga on Wednesday to a low key welcome. Not a chanting Cook Islands warrior or a maiden with ei was in sight for the arrival of the minister and the much anticipated touchdown and return of […]


Mock crash response analysed

A full debrief of how emergency response agencies handled Tuesdays mock trauma exercise will be conducted to help improve the response of emergency and rescue personnel. A mock head-on car crash was staged on the main road in Maraerenga to assess the coordinated efforts of emergency agencies including health, Red Cross, airport authority, crash fire […]


Coming to grips with good governance

New members of parliament are benefitting from the expertise of auditors following a good governance workshop in Arorangi yesterday. MPs including Ngamau Munokoa, Atatoa Herman, Tekii Lazaro, John Henry and Kiriau Turepu attended the half-day workshop. Long time MP and deputy opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen also refreshed his governance knowledge, along with finance minister Mark […]


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