Cook Islands Police data shows no increasing crime trend, but the Opposition leader and a road safety advocate argue understaffing and passive policing conceal actual crime and safety issues in Rarotonga.
The Australian High Commission has announced the opening of the Australia – Cook Islands Community Grants Program.
Breastfeeding was promoted in the Cook Islands for World Breastfeeding Week. Daily initiatives from August 1 to 5 included radio talk shows about the history of breastfeeding worldwide and in the Cook Islands, screening of breastfeeding DVDs at gynecology clinics, and the giving of donated gifts to new mothers and babies in the maternity ward […]
The Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce is seeking up to four people interested in attending a business workshop in Samoa later this month. The two-day workshop on August 23 and 24 in Apia focuses on developing business initiatives and increasing the competitiveness and opportunities of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It is being organised through […]
West Auckland residents Jillian Birch and Adam Fanning soaked up untold sun and culture while visiting the Cook Islands last week. The housemates have been lucky enough to employ the services of a former Cook Islands resident who currently works with an Auckland-based disability support service. New Zealand born Cook Islander Mathew Pau Tauia, residential […]
As Te Maeva Nui judges scrutinised team costumes, choreography and strength of language in the various performances over the past weeks festival the audience and team supporters also made their own decisions on the standout teams through the Telecom Cook Islands peoples choice text voting poll. As part of the telecommunications Ariki sponsorship of Te […]
Turi Mataiapo Maria Henderson is settling into her new role as president of the Koutu Nui. At the 37th biennial conference and annual general meeting of the Koutu Nui last month, members elected new office bearers. They chose Henderson to preside as president until the next biennial conference. Henderson says her goals are to promote […]
Former Cook Islands Prime Minister Sir Tom Davis and former High Court Commissioner John Henry Webb are part of a new Radio New Zealand International (RNZI) initiative. Today RNZI launches its New Flags Flying online feature which includes extensive archival audio and transcripts of 16 former Pacific leaders as they remember the move to independence […]
Draft legislation designed to protect the rights of the Cook Islands creative community will be presented to the public for comment at a culture and traditional knowledge workshop today. Community members are welcome to come along to the National Auditorium from 9am to view and comment on the proposed legislation on copyright and traditional knowledge. […]
The Cook Islands Tourism Corporation has appointed two new members to its board. Minister of Tourism Teina Bishop announced last week that Ben Bergman, of Bergman & Sons, and Stephen Doherty, who is representing Aitutaki and Atiu, have joined the board to take over the recently vacated positions. The Cook Islands is on track to […]
The expert drumming techniques and sounds of Te Fuinga O Niva saw the Manihiki team retain their title as the best Te Maeva Nui drummers. The team was joined by five other enthusiastic drumming teams Vaka Puaikura, Mitiaro, Oire Avarua, Mangaia and Aitutaki. The people who packed out the national auditorium swayed, jiggled and danced […]
All Te Maeva NuI cultural teams that performed on stage over the past week have ensured that the vibrant culture and strong language of the Cook Islands will continue for generations to come. All teams came together as one on Saturday for the Tangi Kaara competition and prizegiving of Te Maeva Nui 2011 which marked […]
The Cook Islands Party has elected its new executive, which will drive the party forward for the next two years. A CIP conference was held at the Assembly of God (AOG) church hall in Takuvaine on Friday. About 50 party members and supporters, including a good number from outer islands, attended the conference. Many pa […]
Cook Islands lack of domestic shipping is a major concern of Prime Minister Henry Puna. He says one more day without an adequate solution is one day too long. Punas concern has been festering in past months although until now there has been hope that new vessels will start operating in the country. Tapi Taios […]
A Rarotongan dive company had a group of New Zealand customers crying fowl recently as it picked up an unexpected guest for a trip. Unusually for the divers, the close encounters with wild animals did not occur below the waterline during a trip to reefs off Rarotongas north coast. This time they were finding friends […]
Wastewater treatment systems are being trialled by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning (MOIP) with a view to identifying best systems for each environment throughout the Cook Islands. A meeting was held on Friday at MOIPs site office in Muri where some systems are already in place. Biolytix general manager Karl Geiseler, of New Zealand, […]
People who took advantage of the free chiropractic services on Rarotonga last week may have recognised a familiar face among the crowd. Formerly from Tupapa, Meagan Hoskin returned to the Cook Islands, now aged 25, with 45 other third year students from the New Zealand College of Chiropractic. Meagan has lived off the island since […]
After putting in more than 10 years of service, Mama Tuki Wright is bidding farewell to her beloved disability council. It was a tough decision for Mama Tuki who has been serving as the Cook Islands National Disability Council since it was formed in March 2001, but she said it was time for a new […]
Chinese Ambassador Xu Jianguo says he will continue to sell the Cook Islands to Chinese tourists, but admits the task is made difficult by visa requirements and the distance between the two countries. Speaking to Cook Islands News during his two-day visit to the Cook Islands this week, Xu said he hoped to see more […]
Dear Editor, This letter is specifically directed at the author of the letter to the editor published on August 1, We all hear of corruption, whom I should call the most Perfect Aunty Peta. The author of that letter appears to be the most perfect lady under the sun. I am writing this letter not […]
How did you celebrate Constitution Day?
Prime Minister Henry Puna is preparing for a one-on-one discussion with New Zealands Prime Minister John Key, in what is described as an urgency meeting before the Pacific Forum. On August 14 Puna travels to Auckland with his chief executive Edwin Pittman. Both fly to Wellington to meet Key briefly, and will be joined by […]
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