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Rarotonga crime stats challenged

Cook Islands Police data shows no increasing crime trend, but the Opposition leader and a road safety advocate argue understaffing and passive policing conceal actual crime and safety issues in Rarotonga.


Australian High Commission accepting applications for community grants

The Australian High Commission has announced the opening of the Australia – Cook Islands Community Grants Program.

60-plus makes 4

The 60-plus club celebrated its fourth year of existence yesterday with song singing and, of course, cake. About 40 men and women gathered at the Cafe Ariki for lunch and laughs in commemoration of the minor milestone. The day was organised with the true spirit of the club in mind to provide the chance for […]


McCully received waiver, not exemption

New Zealand foreign minister Murray McCully and his entourage were not made exempt from paying departure tax upon leaving the Cook Islands last month, says CIP Minister Teina Bishop. Instead, the 58-person delegation had received a waiver from paying the compulsory departure tax when it left the country on the Cook Islands leg of the […]


Outreach for teachers in New Zealand

As part of an effort to fill teacher vacancies in secondary schools, the ministry of education conducted a recruitment drive (reo kapikianga mei te ipukarea) in New Zealand last month. The need for qualified and experienced teachers and educational personnel to fill vacancies in secondary schools and in the ministry of education main office has […]


Forum Pacific vessel skips Raro

The Forum Pacific will be omitting Rarotonga from its upcoming voyage itinerary. Southern Express will instead be delivering her Rarotonga-bound cargo, and will arrive three days prior to Forum Pacifics scheduled date of arrival. Southern Express voyage 147 is expected to arrive in Auckland on September 1 and in Rarotonga nine days later. She should […]


Tsunami exercise drives upgrade

New tsunami signs will be erected around Rarotonga in the coming weeks in anticipation of a Pacific-wide tsunami response exercise to be held in November. The new roadside signs will provide directions to village tsunami safe zones right around the capital island. They will be put in place before the regional disaster response exercise Pacific […]


Atiu trust fund up for discussion

Atiu landowners whose assets were once bound up in the Enuamanu Lands Incorporation are meeting this afternoon to discuss the future of their trust fund. Teenui-Mapumai member of parliament Norman George estimates the dissolved incorporations trust fund contains about $100,000. He says the money has been sitting for over 30 years. George says stakeholders moved […]


New envoy wants to prove a point

New Zealand High Commissioner to the Cook Islands John Carter is spearheading a research project to determine exactly how mutually beneficial the relationship between Aotearoa and the Cook Islands is. Speaking at a luncheon of Cook Islands business professionals in Rarotonga yesterday, Carter said it is easy for New Zealanders to criticise the amount of […]


New police grads

The Cook Islands Police Service welcomed 10 new officers into its ranks last week. At a graduation ceremony attended by Prime Minister Henry Puna and wife Akaiti, the 10 recruits took the officers oath, officially embarking on their careers in law enforcement. For the young Cook Islanders, the ceremony marked the end of an 11-week […]


Harder returning to play in Raro

New Zealand R&B star Vince Harder says he is looking forward to returning to Rarotonga this December, after playing local nightclub Rehab on Friday night. Harder is booked to again perform in the Cook Islands before the year is out, this time as part of the fundraiser On The Rock Fest 2011 in December. The […]


New wharf takes shape

People wondering what the new Avatiu harbour will look like when it is finished dont have to leave as much to the imagination now as they have in the past. Harbour workers are progressing steadily on the $25 million redevelopment works and the new wharf is beginning to take shape. Workers can now walk on […]


Young burglar jailed for his crimes

Turangi 20-year-old Exham George is in jail for three months on convictions of burglary and being in contempt of court. George appeared in the Cook Islands High Court at Avarua yesterday before Justices of the Peace John Kenning, Tauei Solomon and Tekeu Framhein for sentencing. He previously admitted stealing cash belonging to a tourist from […]


Papa Louis infamous on Facebook

What started as a tongue-in-cheek Facebook page has become a widely-supported public awareness campaign for safer driving in the Cook Islands. Mr Miyagis group promoting slower driving in the Cook Islands has almost 700 members and about 45 pages of correspondence. In one 24-hour period the page membership increased from 100 to 400. Brothers Matt […]


Strength in numbers for women MPs

As one of 12 women in her South Australian parliament, Gay Thompson says she does encounter male prejudice on occasion. As Reynells member of parliament, she has had to deal with the implications both positive and negative of being a female in a decision-making position. She told a local audience yesterday that whenever she and […]


Dont leave school prematurely

South Australia member of parliament Gay Thompson mingled with students and local women and fielded their questions, both personal and political, at a meet-and-greet function in Muri yesterday morning. Thompson is visiting the Cook Islands for the first time with her partner, and took some time out of her holiday to get to know some […]


Put kids to bed on time

Speaking to a group of local women and students yesterday, South Australian politician Gay Thompson emphasised the value of education in todays world. A pet issue of hers is transformative education, or lifting uneducated communities out of ignorance. Thompson defined transformative education as the need for people who come from families that traditionally havent had […]


Aussie MP pushes plastic bag ban

South Australia member of parliament Gay Thompson talked to a local audience yesterday about her states successful campaign to ban plastic bags from supermarkets. In South Australia, she explained, shoppers can use barrier bags to separate produce, but cashiers are not authorised to provide them with plastic carrying bags. Alternatively they can purchase compostable bags […]


Bloodmobile to join future drives

Cook Islands Red Cross has taken on a new van that will become the driving force of its blood donor programme. Telecom Cook Islands donated an out-of-use van from its fleet to the Red Cross which, after taking on a new coat of paint and undergoing a slight refit, is now the organisations bloodmobile. Members […]


CISNOC problems not governments concern

Prime Minister Henry Puna maintains the view that CISNOCs problems are not governments concern and will not answer questions on the financially unstable organisation accordingly. At a media conference in Rarotonga on Tuesday, Puna was asked whether it is appropriate for Sir Geoffrey Henry, as president of the Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee […]


Brown explains CISNOC guarantee

The Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee asked government for more than $200,000 in light of its inability to meet financial obligations in respect of this months Pacific Games in New Caledonia. Finance minister disclosed details about its financial guarantee of $126,000 to CISNOC during a parliamentary sitting on Tuesday. He says on August […]


Tax worse than we thought

MFEMs fact information sheet about the withholding tax shows that its even worse than everyone thought, a smoke signaller writes as Parliament met last night to make amendments to the much criticised bill before the House. Example B has someone starting a 3-month term deposit (of $10,000 at 5%) after the announcement of the tax […]


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