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7 December 2024

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Public urged to avoid swimming amid high seas and strong winds

The Director of the Cook Islands Meteorological Office, Maara Vaiimene, is urging the public, especially children, to stay out of the water due to the dangerous ocean conditions brought on by Tropical Disturbance TD03F.


TTV welcomes rainfall, urges for water conservation

The recent rainfall across the Cook Islands has been a blessing for water supply levels, particularly in Rarotonga, as it provided much-needed relief during the festive period.

Education master plan under review

Two independent consultants are evaluating the Cook Islands Ministry of Education to ensure it is on track to achieving the goals outlined in its master plan. The Education Master Plan was written in 2008, and is a projection of the ministry’s outputs from then until 2023. Kiwi Christine Scott and local Tina Newport have been […]


Govt 'not rushing out of deal'

Tourists visiting the Cook Islands from the Northern Hemisphere have a positive impact on the economy and maintaining the Los Angeles connection is important for the tourism industry, according to Minister of Tourism Teina Bishop. The government yesterday announced that it would be pushed into deficit for the current financial year thanks to a higher-than-expected […]


There is no health without mental health

The definition of health according to the World Health Organisation Constitution of 1946 is: “Health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. We believe that spiritual well-being has since been added to this definition. So ‘total health’ is a combination of physical, mental, […]


Mental health versus mental illness

For Mereana Taikoko and Richard McQuillen, the director and a long time volunteer with Te Kainga Mental Health and Wellbeing Centre, there is a high amount of misperception surrounding mental health and who it affects in the Cook Islands. They say there is a need to lift the fog that surrounds the topic and warn […]


Adventures in Mexico

Marumaru Atua crew member Alex Olah has dispatched another blog update from Cabo San Lucas. Here is the amended version: It has been a busy few days here in Cabo San Lucas. We have been out and about exploring the town and seeing the sights, as well as making preparations and adjustments to our vaka […]


Open day at animal clinic

Kitten cuddling, face painting and games galore are in store for the whole family this Saturday at the Esther Honey Foundation animal clinic in Nikao. The open day also commemorates world spey day and the general public at large is invited to celebrate the day and enjoy a great afternoon with the clinic animals and […]


Democratic leadership to be discussed

In light of Titikaveka MP Robert Wigmore’s ongoing illness, there is talk that the future of the Democratic Party looks uncertain. At this stage, though, the party says its leadership structure remains unchanged. At present, Wigmore is still the leader of the party and on medical leave until March. In Parliament last December a motion […]


Power outage possible today

Te Aponga Uira (TAU) will carry out routine tests on one of its Avatiu Valley power station generators today and tomorrow. The company is advising there is a chance the testing will cause power to drop out anytime from 9am and 4pm over the period causing outages in some areas. It also warns that for […]


Island Hopper helps Are Pa Metua

A community donation will help social service Are Pa Metua keep running for now, but its trustees are concerned that the amount of ongoing support truly needed to keep it operating is not being met. Currently, the service hosts groups of Rarotonga’s senior citizens three days a week. Trustee Pauline Napa thanked Island Hopper Vacations […]


Pa floats idea of 'coconut festival'

Like any Cook Islander, Pa Marie Ariki extols the coconut tree for its usefulness. But she believes people have lost sight of the health benefits of incorporating coconut and nu into a daily diet, and she’s got a few plans to remind them. Most exciting to her is the prospect of starting up a ‘coconut […]


New health clinic: a closer look

Pa Marie Ariki wants Cook Islanders to understand how dangerous, even deadly, it is to be obese. She says Cook Islanders of years past never struggled with diseases like diabetes – they were fit and healthy and adhered to a diet of local foods like fish, vegetables, fruit and coconut. “Our grandparents, if you look […]


New market starts in Ngatangiia

Pa Marie Ariki has always envisioned her Mata Enua palace as a gathering place for the people of Takitumu, and tonight she’s taking the first step toward making that dream a reality. A night market will kick off at the palace grounds at 4.30pm and run until about 9pm. “We thought we’d make use of […]


Pa Ariki wants govt to prioritise health

Pa Marie Ariki is working to rally the support of government and her Tainui cousins in New Zealand for a health clinic she plans to run from her Mata Enua palace. She envisions establishing the palace clinic within the next year, but says the ‘sooner’ she can form a team of helpers and secure funding, […]


New job for strategic planner

Applications for a new senior strategic planning position at the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) are due tomorrow afternoon. The successful applicant will work at the Central Policy and Planning Office (CPPO) and report to its new director – another position being advertised. The OPM is looking to fill its CPPO director position, as […]


Changes to create space at market

Some changes will be introduced to the Punanga Nui Markets this week to help open up the market’s main avenue to more vendors and stall-holders. The main avenue at the market will be divided into two areas for stall-holders, with people wishing to sell produce from the back of their cars set to line one […]


'Engage youth in fight against suicide'

The Cook Islands should engage its youth population to help in the fight against suicide, according to Tereora College guidance counsellor Thomas Wynne. With teenagers being one of the age groups worst affected by suicide, Wynne said it was vital that youth are central to any efforts put towards combating the issue. “Young people hold […]


24-hour helpline planned

At least two groups are taking steps to introduce a telephone helpline for Cook Islands youth and people who need advice in their darkest moments. Celebration on the Rock Church and a newly-formed, government-affiliated committee are both examining the possibilities of establishing and introducing a 24-hour helpline in the Cook Islands. Celebration on the Rock’s […]


Food safety workshop for vendors

Vendors who sell food at the Punanga Nui Markets or markets associated with the Business Trade and Investment Board (BTIB) are being encouraged to attend a food safety workshop in May. BTIB will be hosting the two-day workshop with the ministry of health to help update vendors of the requirements in place in the Cook […]


PIAF offering free legal service

The Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation (PIAF) encourages Pacific countries to take advantage of its HIV-related legal services to inform the process of drafting HIV laws. PIAF legal and policy analyst Laitia Tamata said the organisation’s legal programme proved useful for some Pacific island countries in 2011, and invites other Pacific island countries to fast-track their […]


Internet speed issues 'perceived'

Telecom Cook Islands is encouraging its internet users to check their computer set-up if they are experiencing slow internet connections and contact them if problems persist. Telecom says it has not experienced any major problems or cuts to its broadband services for some time, although there was a small reduction to its capacity this month […]


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