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No debt in China deal

8 February 2025


$541.7m tourism earnings

25 January 2025

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7 December 2024

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MPs’ travel expenses exceed $350,000 in six months

Cook Islands MPs spent over $350,000 on overseas travel in the first half of the 2024/25 financial year, with a significantly increased budget allowing for further expenditures and calls to upgrade MP travel classes.

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Court news

Chief Justice Patrick Keane presided over several criminal matters through an audio-visual link at the Cook Islands High Court yesterday.

PM's pay tops $152,000 as MPs get big pay hike

A 45 per cent pay rise for MPs, calculated as an average 2.9% a year since their last salary increase in 2006.


Editorial: Right call to backtrack Rocketman ban

Internal Affairs has done a u-turn on its proposed Rocketman ban, instead rating it R18. The Cook Islands News welcomes the decision and acknowledges officials' willingness to listen to public opinion.


'My life is not a PG life'- Elton John hits back at movie censorship

Lesbian, gay and bisexual activists put pressure on internal affairs minister to overturn looming Rocketman ban. Rocketman will not be returning to the big screen in the Cook Islands.


Battle over 'intrusive' access to property

Government infrastructure project managers will be allowed to walk onto private land without prior notice.


'Forced' sale of land for big projects

Landowners fear a return to colonial days of property confiscations.


Workers welcome China deal

Construction has been on a go-slow, so first dibs on China projects will help local economy, reports Rashneel Kumar.


Govt exploits final hours of Parliament to pass Seabed Minerals Bill

There need be no contradiction between protection and exploitation of our seafloor says minister. Rashneel Kumar reports.


'Ghost' minister gets $290,000

Ousted MP to return as fisheries minister, provoking political attacks, reports Rashneel Kumar.


Ministers living at taxpayers' expense

A Crown minister with her own properties in Rarotonga is occupying one of the sought-after government houses.


Puna case: 'I had 6500 photos on my phone'

US Customs most likely offended by photos of ‘Cook Islands dancing ladies shaking bottoms’, claims 72yo caregiver.


Minimal in tent

Like those stories in magazines, boy meets girl on a tropical beach, they fall in love and soon after are happily married. But the girl had no idea she’d end up in the most minimal of marital homes, a tent!


Chinese ship in Raro for inspection

Speculations about a large Chinese vessel outside the Avatiu harbour has been laid to rest by Ministry of Marine Resources’ secretary Pamela Maru.


9yo Puna back with her family

‘Questionable material’ found on travel companion’s phone, says Foreign Affairs Ministry.


Ban on plastic bags

Single-use plastics harm the economy, human health and the environment, officials agree. Their prohibition will reduce the non-biodegradable waste entering the landfill.


Historic sites with 'dark past' left to moulder

AN UNEXPECTED row has broken out over whether churches and marae should be preserved as heritage places.


Little Puna's homecoming

Aitutaki girl Ngatupuna Raela has been released from US custody and is being flown home to her family, via New Zealand.


Nations team up to target criminals

Prime minister Henry Puna spoke of the dual roles of national immigration services, addressing the Pacific Immigration Development Community.


$2.5m barge for outer islands

Government can no longer rely on private sector shipping – Mark Brown


Politicians burn the midnight oil debating Budget

MPs sat until 10pm last night to debate the Appropriation Bill – the first time they’ve sat so late for years.


Rainy day fund

Cook Islands government has established a $56.7m “rainy day” account to protect the nation against the rises and falls of the global economy.


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