Cook Islands MPs spent over $350,000 on overseas travel in the first half of the 2024/25 financial year, with a significantly increased budget allowing for further expenditures and calls to upgrade MP travel classes.
Chief Justice Patrick Keane presided over several criminal matters through an audio-visual link at the Cook Islands High Court yesterday.
Te Vairanga Kite Pakari or the Cook Islands Research Association’s writing group convened this week and an invitation is extended to anyone who is interested to join them.
Several matters were brought before Justice of the Peace Bernice Manarangi Thursday, however due to the tsunami warning some matters were adjourned.
The Cook Islands Democratic Party Opposition leader has appointed a new deputy – a move to better prepare the Democrats for any voting option the government decides to run with.
Many heeded caution and moved inland to higher ground after a tsunami threat was issued by the Cook Islands Meteorological Service.
Papatua Papatua began interpreting in Parliament two years ago when he was approached by the then Clerk of Parliament Tangata Vainerere. Although he had a scary start, today Papatua absolutely enjoys translating and interpreting for Parliament.
Maria Greig was happy to bring her three dogs Max, Boy and Mama to support Te Are Manu and SPCA’s Spay Day event in Muri yesterday.
The staggering level at which Titikaveka passages are being raided for fish and seafood is causing deep concern in the village and Opposition MP Selina Napa wants it to stop immediately.
Free seedlings are available to both commercial farmers and home gardeners at the Ministry of Agriculture, for food security and vision for new export revenues.
Cook Islands residents are advised to take precautions and move inland or to higher ground after tsunami threat issued by met service.
Air freight issues are expected to be temporarily resolved with Air New Zealand flying a one-off flight today with five times the normal cargo capacity.
All of last week’s returnees have returned negative tests, however six individuals have been asked to self-isolate for two weeks after visiting locations of interest in Auckland.
Ministry of Health is working on work permits and fulfilling other requirements to bring in expat health professionals to fill local jobs.
The $1.6 million renovation of the National Auditorium is expected to be completed by early to mid-April.
Electricity company Te Aponga Uira O Tumu Te Varovaro (TAU) farewelled its long serving chief executive officer Apii Timoti on Friday last week.
One hundred and fifty Origami paper art were made on Saturday.
A break in the weather means Operation Namu’s mosquito spraying to fight dengue fever will resume Tuesday.
Borders will be kept shut to travellers this week after Government's decision to not permit passengers on Friday’s flight from Auckland, but a solution has been found to alleviate the ongoing freight issue affecting businesses.
Aitutaki Rainforest Men’s Club is all set to export its first container of taro, fresh from the island to New Zealand.
These are extraordinary times, when planned events are disrupted due to Covid-19 restrictions and weddings are no exception.
Cook Islands government has reinstated the temporary closure of the air border until midnight Tuesday after new Covid-19 community cases in Auckland.
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