The Ministry of Internal Affairs (INTAFF) hosted International Women’s Day at the Punanga Nui Market on Saturday with the theme “Accelerate Action for Gender Equality- for ALL Women and Girls.”
Cook Islands MPs spent over $350,000 on overseas travel in the first half of the 2024/25 financial year, with a significantly increased budget allowing for further expenditures and calls to upgrade MP travel classes.
It was triple celebrations at Punanga Nui Market yesterday including Minister George (Maggie) Angene’s 60th birthday.
Prime Minister Mark Brown is touring northern group islands of Manihiki and Rakahanga, running a series of consultations there.
Rarotonga's book club has returned to its new location at Muri Beach Club Hotel after a summer hiatus.
Private criminal proceedings filed against Prime Minister Mark Brown and former Prime Minister Henry Puna highlight the jury trials commencing tomorrow following a gap of over a year caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Australian High Commission celebrated International Women’s Day with 42 students from the mock Youth Parliament yesterday.
The Kopapa Reo Maori translation/interpretation workshop course held last week at Sinai Hall was a challenging experience for Michael Moeara from the island of Mangaia.
Around 55 passengers are expected to arrive in Rarotonga from Auckland tomorrow.
The International Women’s Day movement has called upon the global community to “Choose to Challenge” for gender equality this year.
Lower forecasted investment returns have prompted the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund to decrease pay out rates for new pensioners.
Minister George (Maggie) Angene, Member of Parliament for Tupapa, was out with his boys assisting the Creative Centre with their clean up around the compound on Friday.
Te Marae Ora health ministry is holding consultation meetings this week to advise people on the government’s plans to roll-out the coronavirus vaccine.
Six of Captain Tama’s Lagoon Cruizes staff are currently in New Zealand under a seasonal work contract – all to support their families here in Rarotonga.
As government works towards two-way quarantine-free travel with New Zealand by the end of the month, local businesses are getting desperate and many say they can’t survive much longer without tourists. Yet even with a bubble, they face unprecedented challenges in an uncertain environment.
Former Miss Cook Islands and Miss South Pacific Joyana Finch recently released a book ‘Buzz the Electron’ on Amazon. Just weeks after its release, Finch saw the book rise to number one in the ‘Children’s electricity and electronic’ category on Amazon. It has received a five-star rating.
This week, Te Ipukarea Society is very pleased to share information about a new environmental initiative which has recently been established here in Rarotonga, writes Kate Mckessar.
Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of well-respected paramount chief and passionate cultural expert, Tararo Temaeva Arii Tepoua’e Karati Ariki MBE (Papa Maeva) of Akatokamanava, who was buried at the Avarua Cook Islands Christian Church (CICC) grounds yesterday.
Six women will be sharing their stories on how they #ChooseToChallenge in their work places and communities in acknowledgement and celebration of International Women’s Day on Monday. March 8.
Yes they can – a new group of budding young entrepreneurs from Tereora College have now taken on the challenge of completing the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) programme this year.
The Clerk of Parliament’s position has been re-advertised due to the small number of applications received, says Cook Islands Parliament.
After a week of no returnees, Government will allow incoming passengers on next week’s flights.
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