More than 60 women dressed in vibrant colours gathered for the launch of the Vaine Tini o te Kuki Airani/Cook Islands National Council of Women (CINCW) three day “uikaraurau” summit at Highland Paradise, the 600-year-old village site that was home to Puaikura’s Tinomana tribe.
The residents of a Southern Group Island continue to endure ongoing hardships due to inconsistent shipping, driving up costs and forcing reliance on subsistence living, while awaiting government-promised shipping improvements.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has recommended that the Ministry of Transport be transparent in its investigations of serious boating incidents and that the lack of technical staff has impacted its ability to monitor and enforce shipping regulations.
Cook Islands government has revealed that it sees greater economic potential in seabed mining, which has fuelled concerns from the Opposition.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has recommended that Cook Islands Tourism encourage and pioneer a debt or equity fund designed to provide seed investment for Pa Enua tourism projects.
The aquatics events, held over a three-day race, were the first of the Cook Islands Games’ sports to conclude with Team Rakahanga waving their flag with pride as they dominated several categories.
Cook Islands Tourism aims to develop sustainable tourism on Mauke by implementing projects like storyboards, homestays and historical site preservation, with strong support from the local government and community.
Secretary of Education Owen Lewis has defended the appointment of an executive director, saying that the role was established in 2014 and had been vacant, and dismissed claims that the position duplicated his own.
Motorcyclists must follow the law, wear the correct type of helmet and have it properly strapped on, says Brent Fisher, president of the Cook Islands Road Safety Council.
Cook Islands has not reported any cases of flesh-eating bacteria, but Te Marae Ora (TMO) Ministry of Health is advising the public to practice good hygiene, clean wounds thoroughly, and keep them covered with clean, dry bandages until healed.
A New Zealand-based Cook Islander was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment for bringing cocaine and cannabis into the country in the first significant case of its kind.
A man with a history of driving related charges in the Cook Islands High Court has been disqualified from driving for 18 months.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has advised the Cook Islands Investment Corporation (CIIC) to disclose all anticipated income during the budget process and to Parliament.
Recognising that young Cook Islands men are struggling with various issues, Te Marae Ora Ministry of Health recently launched their “BRO CHECK #youmatter” awareness campaign.
Rarotonga rental tenants who do not have a water connection registered in their name will not be eligible for the government’s free water subsidy.
A New Zealand lawyer is hoping to apply his expertise in Māori land law, the Treaty of Waitangi and constitutional issues to assist in resolving similar challenges faced in the Cook Islands.
A high-powered Mazda RX7 sports car which once languished in a shed near the beach in Rarotonga has found a new life in New Zealand as a drag racer, driven by a former Tereora College pupil.
The former secretary for the Ministry of Cultural Development “did not ensure” that there were strong controls in place and that careful judgment was applied when authorising six financial transactions of more than $12,000 of taxpayers’ money, states the recent Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report.
Minister Vaine “Mac” Mokoroa has defended his recent trip to Brisbane, Australia, to attend a church youth conference, emphasising the government’s commitment to Cook Islands youth.
Te Puna Vai Marama, the Cook Islands Centre for Research, and Te Ipukarea Society are co-hosting a research symposium focussed on the deep sea at the end of this month.
Cook Islands has enacted seabed minerals harvesting regulations despite concerns about the lack of ‘meaningful consultation’ and the premature nature of the legislation, given that the exploration phase is still ongoing.
The Public Accounts Committee is concerned with the Minister for Corrective Services’ authority to ‘influence or directly manage’ the release of inmates from prison, while the Minister denies these claims and maintains that all work release protocols are being followed.