More than 100 children gathered at the National Stadium in Nikao yesterday to learn from the best of Cook Islands Rugby League international stars as part of the Cook Islands Athletic Development Junior Rugby League Clinic.
Cook Islands Meteorological Service has confirmed this morning that Tropical Cyclone Pita has now been downgraded to a low pressure.
A motorcyclist who suffered life-threatening injuries in a crash has pleaded guilty to driving with excess blood alcohol.
The Cook Islands Red Cross Society received its second ITinaB ICT information and communication technology box to help speed up their response, making it more effective and efficient during a disaster.
An alleged drink-driver didn’t have to travel far to land in hot water after crashing into the Ministry of Justice building in Avarua.
A former Arorangi Prison inmate referred to New Zealand early this year is in a serious medical condition and claims it is the result of his treatment at the hands of Cook Islands authorities.
Cook Islands chef Rangi Mitaera-Johnson is mixing it with the best in the region during a celebration of food and community in Auckland.
Air Rarotonga is pleased with the uptake of flights to Tahiti with seating capacity expected to reach 75 per cent in the next quarter.
Trader Jacks is the latest business to rally around a family who lost everything in a house fire last month.
More than 300 motorists are registered on the Cook Islands demerit points system following a ‘painstaking’ review by police.
Prime Minister Mark Brown appeared in the High Court in Avarua on Wednesday defending the Cook Islands Party’s policy of tax exemptions for those earning under $60,000 in the Pa Enua against accusations of bribery.
A long-standing Cook Islands police officer has been promoted.
Cook Islands leaving the British monarch is not on the government's agenda ‘at all’, says Prime Minister Mark Brown after returning home from the Queen’s funeral.
Four new Members of Parliament got a crash-course in procedures on Tuesday.
The Are Pa Metua centre for the elderly celebrated the International Day of Older People yesterday, which is observed on October 1 each year, started in 1991 by the United Nations General Assembly.
Paunu Day is when a child’s growth, development and general wellbeing is monitored in village clinics to track their health and development.
The world’s largest countries profit from polluting and should finance climate adaption for Pacific Island nations, says a Cook Islands environment lobby group.
The Government is proposing regulation prohibiting the importation of substandard electrical equipment.
Prime Minister Mark Brown had the United States Secret Service “scrambling” after travelling on a public train from New York to Washington on his recent trip.
A lawyer who was struck off 12 years ago for drink driving has been given another chance.
Multiple dog attacks on Rarotonga again have authorities scrambling resources.
Fuel costs rise again with the maximum allowable retail price for diesel at $3.50 a litre overtaking petrol at $3.39 in Rarotonga, however, the next price order should see a drop.
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