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7 December 2024

Church Talk



Jewels of the Cook Islands ready to shine at Dine and Dance event

A New Zealand-based Cook Islands entertainment group is on the island and is set to perform tonight in what they say will be a magical night of dining and dancing in Rarotonga.


Aitutaki community re-establishes traditional ra’ui to protect marine

The Aitutaki community has re-established a traditional ra’ui, a temporary fishing ban, in their lagoon to protect marine life and ensure sustainable resource management, with support from the National Environment Service.

Motorist dead following speed related crash in Titikaveka

A 48-year-old man has died of head injuries during a horrific weekend on Rarotonga roads.


Cook Islands electricity among world’s most expensive

Cook Islands has been rated among the five most expensive countries in the world in terms of electricity charges.


Road safety campaigner suggests alternative to curb drink driving

A road safety campaigner has suggested a unique approach to stamping out drink driving on Rarotonga after one motorist blew a record 1730 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath – nearly seven times the legal limit.


MMR, Kōrero O Te `Ōrau and NZ Cawthron Institute investigate issue of ciguatera

A team from the Cawthron Institute in New Zealand is working closely with the Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) and Kōrero O Te `Ōrau to tackle the issue of ciguatera in the Cook Islands.


‘We are all equal in the eyes of God and the law’

Of all amendments to Cook Islands laws, Friday’s passing of changes by Parliament to ‘what was a seriously outdated’ Crimes Act, is one of the best and most civilised advances made in recent times to existing legislation, says a delighted Democratic Party Opposition Leader.


We are now truly one nation and one people, says Pride Cook Islands

Pride Cook Islands is elated to see the decade long active push for decriminalisation finally take place in Cook Islands Parliament.


Rethink tourism approach, Opposition leader tells govt

Opposition leader Tina Browne has called on the Government to rethink its approach to tourism.


NCD awareness continues in the Pa Enua

Te Marae Ora (TMO) Ministry for Health says a total of 5500 people in the Cook Islands were diagnosed with non-communicable diseases as of 2021.


PM clarifies top taxman’s sabbatical leave

Prime Minister Mark Brown told Parliament last week that the sabbatical leave taken by the Revenue Management Division director Xavier Mitchell “is a leave without pay”.


Scammers target over 50

Cook Islanders aged 50 years and over are victims of the recent Samsung Lottery scam.


Minister Angene: Machine purchased for Corrective Services and people

Corrective Services Minister George “Maggie” Angene has disputed suggestions that a machinery purchased for the ministry was being used for personal gains.


Giving young leaders the tools and support to start and grow together

More than 50 school students from the Cook Islands, New Zealand and Australia will converge on Rarotonga for a leadership programme.


Penrhyn Marble comp a success

Thirty-two participants battled in the inaugural marble competition held on Easter Monday in Omoka, Penrhyn.


Where is the accountability? : concerned resident

A Rarotonga resident is concerned residential developments are encroaching on beaches without care or consequence.


Considering the possible impacts of deep sea mining in the Cooks

In the recent Parliament opening, King’s Representative Sir Tom Masters spoke of the Cook Islands’ desire to develop a sustainable and environmentally responsible seabed minerals sector. This week, also in Parliament, Leader of the Opposition Tina Browne criticised Government for rushing ahead in regards to deep sea mining.


Decriminalising homosexuality: Opposition MPs say new Bill contravenes God’s law

Sweeping changes to the Crimes Act, including the decriminalising of homosexuality, were passed in Cook Islands Parliament, despite some strong views that the changes will contravene God’s law.


‘A new legacy of Paikea’ launched and ready to serve

Vaka Paikea is a long-time dream come true for Cook Islands master navigator Peia Patai.


Parliament passes $60k tax free threshold for Pa Enua

People living in the Pa Enua won’t be paying tax unless they earn over $60,000 a year, thanks to the passing of a new Bill.


Workshop on pathways to access NZ markets

A team from the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (NZMPI) will be holding a workshop next week aiming to confirm existing pathways and research new pathways to access New Zealand markets.


Name suppression granted for assault on a female accused

A man facing a charge of assaulting a female has sought and been granted name suppression.


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